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Will The Flash actually vanish in the upcoming Crisis?



I have a feeling that whatever causes Barry to vanish will be what now causes Oliver to die meaning the flash will no longer vanish


I hope and believe not cause I think it’s gonna be Ollie obvious of maybe not idk but we need a season 7 of The Flash


Maybe The Flash will, but Barry won't. I think something will happen and hell have to take on another name or persona


Seeing how they handled flashpoint... no he isnt going to leave forever


A version of him will. Just not our version.


Oliver’s definitely taking his place if he vanishes it’ll be for maybe a couple episodes and be a small arc next season of how does Team Flash get him back

Luis Garcia

I doubt the Flash will vanish, since I don't think they will continue the show without Barry and I don't think they plan on canceling it. Unless they make him vanish, but come back after a few months.


The camera zoomed into the year of the Crisis so we didn't actually get to see anything else change on the newspaper. It can now say anything else.

Ian Vega

At first I thought so, or was confused, because they showed the news article as the time orbit changed. But they also zoomed in, not showing the front page. So maybe that was their cheeky way of hiding the byline "Green Arrow Missing: Vanishes in Crisis".


It's completely possible, 100%


I still think so. And probably push up when he'd return. Or maybe Thawne really did save Barry. You ever thought of that? People keep saying it's Oliver. Although Thawne is manipulative, when did he ever go back on a promise? I'll wait 🤷🤷🤷 😂😂😂


I said yes, because they could make him disappear for few episodes but they probably won't.. Since it look like Oliver is taking his place. It could make Barry realized that life is short and make question is being hero is more important than having a family...

Andrew Courtney

I want to say no, but honestly Crisis could be soft rebooting the universe. I hope not though because I really want to see how Barry will deal with whatever happens to Oliver.


Yes i think he will

Alex Williams

I think he is going to vanish but right before he does Oliver sacrifices himself to save Barry cause I don’t think they make Barry vanish cause they already did that like 3 times already so makes no sense for them to keep on doing it

Tucker Lobner

The way they have been teasing crisis, especially on Arrow, I feel Barry will not vanish during the crossover


They zoomed in on the newspaper hiding all the text so it probably changed after the date

Jeanette C

No, I think they'll find a way around it


Flash can't vanish in crisis if he doesn't give his consent.


I still think Oliver will be the reason as to why he wont actually vanish.

Kevin Bartelen

I think he will, but they will find a way to bring him back early.


I think the problem with Barry actually disappearing in Crisis is that it would require Barry to be absent in at least some fashion for the second half the sixth season. If Barry is gone who would replace him as the main/leading character until he came back? I don’t really see them having the rest of the team without Barry in a long term fashion. Ideally I would think it would be having Barry be succeeded as the Flash, but who could they get? Nora would likely still be erased until Barry came back. Wally could do it and in the comics he became Flash when Barry sacrificed himself in Crisis on Infinite Earths, but I’m not sure Wally’s actor plans to come back or not. Could we get Wally’s future kid coming back in time to replace Barry or would that feel too much like a rehash of Nora? I just don’t see how they can do Barry disappearing in Crisis storyline on this show where Barry is actually gone (and not have b.s. time skip like they did with season 4) for a significant amount of time for the audience without having a new Flash replace Barry for a bit.


Maybe he'll vanish for a summer vaca like he did with the speedforce


No, Oliver and Nora made sure of it. This shit has changed or will be changed in the last minute.


No , Oliver’s tears Confirmed it . 😢 Happy Hippie our ✌🏽👉🏽

The Air Nation

I get the hole choice thing but come on. Just give young grace the freaking cure. This is getting ridiculous. It feels more like a plot point then an actual real life problem.

The Air Nation

Also shouldnt destroying the dagger in the past make it that it never existed in the first place and not that it would stop existing right at thons execution.


Something must happen for him to be saved. Maybe someone dies in his place. Maybe he creates a time remnant. Maybe he never vanished. Maybe he saved everyone and just went into hiding. On another earth perhaps. Or where Oliver is

The Air Nation

Dont get me wrong I like the show a lot just some things feel like writing vs actual story. Like when the villain is just sitting in the floor and they do nothing to her. Or why not give thon the cure when they had him pinned up against the wall? These type of questions always bother me when watching.


He might but I believe Oliver will be the ultimate lost. Worst case scenerio for Barry is that he will be rescued later in his show.

Marvelous JJ

My theory regarding the crisis at the moment: the Flash will vanish, but will also find his way back during the next season, Oliver will get forever stuck in another universe/dimension and Diggle might die. His absence in the flashforwards is really worrying me :(


He'll vanish then come back within the first half of the season after that.


yes because the show has to end eventually

Randy Neal

I fully expect him to vanish as the show has continually told us will happen. However, he will not stay gone. I think Oliver will make the sacrifice to save him.

Rubi Moon

I think he will before the crossover happens and it will sort of be a thing that has the others bringing Barry back and then Oliver will sacrifice himself to take Barry's place.


I would say Yes, because it's a been a kind of focus point for awhile. However, I think it'll be like Flashpoint and be over in an episode or two.


I say yes but have a theory to back it up maybe after Barry dies/vanishes in crisis both Barry and Oliver (after whatever happens with him happens) will go into a kind of lingo state where the speak to the monitor. Then Oliver makes the final “sacrifice” to follow through with his destiny and be able to send the flash back, since him and Kara are the best of them.


agreed, and if arrow is only gonna run for 10 episodes and crisis in 2019...then all this will happen in the crossover event. My theory: Barry will vanish...Oliver will die...Team Arrow will need to go into hiding because of vigilante laws (cue spinoff*)...Team Flash will be lamenting his loss but will find a way to get him back - possibly if Iris is pregnant with twins she could syphon speed force BTW if Star city is horrible for vigilantes then shouldn't TA all just move to Central City?rather than what they are doing now?


Even if he does he'll be back the next episode as is tradition


Because they hinted that Oliver was going to take Kara’s and Barry’s place of there death


It feels like they could end Flash the same time as Arrow. It feels like all the loose ends other than Thawne are taken care of.