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Do you agree with Jemma in her decision to input her own jump coordinates in the ship?


The Air Nation

I know her reason behind it. But no. It's not right to just take over the group decision like that. She doesnt even know if they can make it back


I understand her reasoning and can see where shes coming from but no. Moral, supplies, and team member count is all way down. Not the time do be doing that stuff


I understand her reasoning but no its completely selfish

Chris Skalicky

Her actions were incredibly selfish and I hope she gets called out for it. Even if it does work out.

Shae (maorismurf)

I get why she wanted to, and she could very well be right about Fitz's whereabouts, but she went against everyone elses wishes. It was selfish of her to do so knowing it isn't what the rest of the crew wanted. Bad Jemma.


It's completely understandable especially considering her feelings and the high tension situation they were in but it was 100% a decision made in the heat of the moment which is never a good time to make a decision.


I understand why she did it and I'm not mad at her for doing it. However, I think it would've been smarter to return to Earth first, recuperate, then go back to looking for Fitz.


Yes, because she's obviously right. No, because it was selfish.


They are low on supplies and manpower and Davis points out that he hasn’t seen his child in months. It was a selfish strategically bad decision that was made in the heat of the moment and will almost certainly bite them in the ass


I totally understand her reasoning behind making the jump but in the end majority rules that they have to turn back it wasn't giving up, they just needed to regroup but she kind of push them into a corner where they might not have a chance to try again.


Imagine looking for a friends dog with them in the woods, and after searching for hours and recommending trying again tomorrow, she throws the keys to the car in a lake. That's essentially what she did.


Yeah cause i want Fitz back

Ian Vega

Well, the practical, fair side of me says she shouldn't have, but then there's the selfish side of me that just wants Fitz back...

Ian Vega

A better example would be a friends husband or maybe child. And they instead handcuff their hands to the car and take control of the drivers wheel. She's not leaving them stranded, but she is taking control without giving them say.

Mac Muscara

I can't fault her for being selfish, but it wasn't her sole decision to make.


No but I completely understand why she did it

Doby Greg

Fitz would have done the same. But risking Davis kid becoming an orphan when he doesn't want to is not cool.

Kevin Bartelen

I understand, but it was still incredibly selfish.


No but it will be a another incredible story for FitzSimmons. Fitz opened up a portal through another planet for her and Simmons went into deep deep deep space to get her husband back!

Andrew Courtney

I understand why she did it, but I do not agree with making that decision when everyone else wanted to regroup and refuel first.


Because this is a TV show I have to agree with her, but if this was somehow a real life scenario, I would definitely disagree with her.

John Davis

If it was just the normal group, where they're each other's family, I would be more inclined to agree. But like Piper said, Davis has a wife and kid waiting for him and he's ALREADY been gone a year. They had the coordinates already and Fitz is more than capable of surviving anything the universe can throw at him. They could have gone back and restocked.


Do I agree that it was the right thing to do? No, it definitely wasn't. Was it entertaining as hell? Um....kind of. Sorry, Davis. 🤷‍♂️ It was great seeing a parallel to Fitz's obsessive and sometimes morally ambiguous quests to save her at the beginnings of Seasons 3 and 5.


Was it morally right and fair to everyone? No. Would I have done it to get Fitz back? Yes. They're more of an ask forgiveness instead of permission couple when it comes to saving the other. It may not be right but it's kept them alive and together for the most part. They chose each other over everyone else a long time ago.


If they would’ve gone back something would’ve consumed their attention until Fitz trail would have gone stone cold. This may have been the quickest way to find him and bring him home in the least amount of time. At least from her point of view I understand her motivation even if I don’t agree

Tom Sinclair

On the practical side, it looks like SHIELD is going to need all of the brains it can get and Fitz is one of the best.


I understand why she would do it but the practical idea would be to resupply it seemed that they only have one jump


She is only thinking about her feelings and no one else’s; which would be okay if she was alone. Them stopping to regroup and fuel up wouldn’t have hurt only helped.


It wasn’t really the heat of the moment. She wanted to go before they were in danger and she took the opportunity to sneak behind everyone’s back during a heated situation because she knew she wouldn’t be stopped.


I’m sure Jemma would’ve gone back alone if she had to, nothing would’ve kept her on Earth.


Which is sweet for them, but awful for everyone else. Like last season their actions caused a lot of destruction when Fitz put that machine back together to save Jemma.


Taking Davis' son into account, it was a pretty shitty thing to do. Jemma knew about his son and how long he has been away from him and she still decides to take the jump.

Christophe Kanaa

You can't be selfish when a friend of yours who has Saved your life fromm an overpowered crazy girl to the point he amost died, tells you we hasn't seen his son in a year and the amount of supplies you have makes it highly possible for everyone to die and hi never getting to see his son again. I love Jemma but no that's really bad.


Davis, Piper and Daisy have been with Simmons for over a year now, all they want is to go home, but she takes a selfish decision and says: "Screw it with all of you". This ain't good. I just hope neither Piper or Davis dies from this


Fitz and Simmons always get away with their selfishness and this will be another. Fitz selfishly put the machine back together in season 5, which essentially lead to the death of Creel and Talbot, and potentially even Coulsons' when you consider the centipede serum had to be used to take out Talbot.


He crossed half a universe for her and now she's going for him.


I neither agree nor disagree with it, but i'm glad she did it because it makes for great tv.

Jamie Smith

Yes because I don’t think there will be any negativities from her actions in the next episode so all should be good. Well probably get fitz back in episode 3/4

Jeanette C

I definitely understand her wanting to get Fritz back at all costs, but it was a pretty selfish move on Simmon's part


It’s selfish but I want my boy fitz back so screw it. My answers still no though.

Kyle Snyder

I agree with her because most people would have done it if it was their loved ones


I want Femma back together!!!


I dont care as long as we get my boy Fitz back!


We all want our boy back but...I'm going to vote for no

Anthony Wickizer

I don't think what Jemma did was right at all. The search was able to continue because people put their own lives on the line to help her find Fitz. You can't just betray that when all they want is a break and rest.

Tim Xi

It fits Jemma perfectly, but I wasn’t expecting it at all because the idea of someone being such a scumbag to Davis after his little speech didn’t even compute in my head. Her decision kinda makes me a sick to be honest


No, she has jeopardised there trust in her all in search for a man that they don't even know was alive. She completely ignored Davis's speech and she felt very sociopathic to me in that scene


I don't think she did the right thing, but when it comes to protecting your loved ones, doing the right thing isn't always the right thing. Fitz trumps the others


Yea! He never stopped looking for her and went across the universe to save her twice not knowing if she was alive. Of course she did the right thing it's her Fitz.