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Do you think any of the other Legends will possessed? If Yes, who?



It will probably end up being one of those things like from the scooby doo spooky island Movie where neron will just keep going back and forth into different bodies messing with the team


I hope not i hope he sticks with ray watching him play villain for the rest of the eps will be fun


I voted yes. I can see an episode or two where everyone gets possessed at different times throughout the episode. Seems like a Legends thing to do


I'm thinking Constantine will and then banish himself to hell with Neron still inside

Doby Greg

Sarah as a new metaphor of how she's fighting her demons. There's one each season.

Doby Greg

Definitely. They suspect each other and either punch the wrong person or get kissed the possessed.


Constantine already got possessed one time on his original show so I just hope they don't do that again


Nora would do it for Ray


I think Charlie will get possessed. It would be interesting to see how she, as a magical creature who can turn herself into anyone she wants, and who previously struggled with being stuck in the form of Amaya, deals with being possessed by a demon. It would be interesting to see what her purgatory looks like.


With Nora being susceptible after Mallus, would that mean that Sara is as well? From what Constantine said about demons in the 3x10 it seems possible.


I am pretty sure they will have Mona being possessed at least once because recently everything seems to about her. I believe it should be NORA being possessed so that Neron would be at the peak of his power and that would lead to an epic fight in the finale.


I think Nate could be possessed. His powers would give Neron an almost invulnerable body to use. It would also make for good character/relationship moments for Nate and Zari while trying to get him back.


Maybe Nate or Zari or Mona will get possessed once they get that thing out of Ray


Someone has to for Tabitha to appear


I definitely think it would be fun to see Mick get possessed! While he has been controlled and brainwashed in past seasons, I think this could be more like symbiotic parasite where Mick could have his fun and Neron has a body.


I really want to see the actor that plays ray to play a villain. He has always been an extremly good guy. But because neron is looking for the best host he will probably go around the crew and end up with john at the very end


Zari...and then the writers will shoe horn in Nate and Zari relationship


I hope it’s just ray because that character is so much fun to see “bad”, it would be cool if he was like the villain for the rest of the season.


Yes, they'll probably play round robin with it. But more importantly, as someone who grew up during the dawn of video games, Natari is the best ship name ever!!!


Shoe horn in as if they havent been hinting and building it up for the past few episodes

Gavin Mcfadden

Honestly the only interesting possession is Ray since he’s such a goody two shoes, overly innocent Boy Scout in this show, so seeing him slowly get fully possessed and full turn bad over the course of the rest of the season would be cool.


It would be funny if Neron jumped between bodies, like the demons from Supernatural, but seeing Ray as the bad guy is intriguing


Mona would be cool to see her possessed even though probably won’t happen


Sarah maybe. It would be bad if it was Charlie.


I don’t think so because if multiple people get possessed it will start to get repetitive like the demons in supernatural