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Do you think Grace is influencing Cicada with some kind of mental manipulation?


John M

By this point I think it would be a predictable but enjoyable plot twist. I do think she will pick up the mantle as Cicada. Especially after her defense mechanism looked like an adult version of her. And she killed the “memory” of her uncle. I don’t think they ever mentioned Cicada in the future is male.


Maybe she’s the reason he’s acting so weird or maybe the actors just bad at playing a villain


Yes. She is putting her hatred into his mind. Either that or she is manipulating the nurse into manipulating him


I think they might be influencing each other. I think Cicada was probably mad at the meta humans for what happened but it was grace's rage from her parents death that's forcing him to kill.


I don’t think so. After this episode though I’m thinking that team Flash will eventually catch Cicada but Grace will pick up the mantle and that’s why “he” is never caught and the killing continues.


I also wouldn't be surprised if the metal inside both Cicada and Grace is somehow connected with not just one another but also the dagger it's self.


No, but it believe that Nora's interference has hastened the Crisis Infinite Earth date to 2019. Guess screwing with the timeline really does run in the family (pun intended) 🤣🤣


Grace is making him act over the top cause shes a kid and is over dramatic so Cicada is emulating her behavior. Issue solved Eric

John M

Good catch. I didn’t even think about that.

Darth Kal-El (Cory Weston)

Before last nights episode I wouldn’t say it was predictable. I would have been like cool theory. I like it. But there is no evidence. But last night I think proves it and I think that’s what the episode was for.


Sure, she is constantly telling him "be a bad actor, be a bad actor!"


Dear god I hope so. Any excuse for his silly voice and hypocrisy against metas.

Ian Vega

That, or she could be connected to the dagger. It might be a piece of whatever shard is stuck in Cicada.

Kevin Bartelen

I think she will later wake with her own power set and end up helping her dad.


Maybe the shards are in fact infused with evil. The cicada that was supposed to exist killed without that girl’s influence.


Yes; one word: Bahrain.


Aaron is right🤷‍♂️what else can I say.

I Am Groot

That theory would be REALLY good writing. I would like a badass Chris Klein Cicada at least once.

Angry bob ross

yes, i do believe shes influencing him, but it also could be a 2 way thing and both of their emotions could be intensified or effected by the dark matter they share.


I dont know, let's just get the Grodd vs King Shark fight already


i think that grace is cicada in the future


I thought of this during the episode too, and I really hope it's the case too. It would justify so much of the Cicada arc so far for me.


That would be a crazy arc, but unfortunately I didn’t not see that as the case. What I do believe is that she takes her fathers mantel in the future.


I think that Cicadas original goal was to kill all evil metas. But due to Grace's manipulation he kills every meta.

Dylan Carpenter

At first I was going to say no, but after watching the reaction and discussion I love Aaron’s theory, so I will say yes. I’m with Eric about Cicada’s acting being over the top compared to when he is just a normal guy, but if it’s the result of Grace’s influence, that would fix the issue for me.


The undertones of this episode definitely point to it. Nora's memory showed us how kid's read things differently (with more hatred). Grace observed her uncle's despise of metas and obviously her parents were killed so she has enough reason to distrust metas, mix that with a kid's emotional state, that projects as hatred from Grace to Cicada making his mind and opinions askew (being very rash with his fighting and killing innocent metas). Having the brain behind the villian be a child is going to have its affects on Barry and Iris as they have just come to terms as being parents which is another reason I believe Grace is the mastermind. It will cause for some serious doubt in their minds as parents, and then the inevitable reveal of Nora's betrayal will cause more parental angst (and now with the other reveal of the timeline being moved up and all the current kid drama, I wouldnt be surprised if it is revealed Iris is already pregnant by the end of this season)


At first I said no, then I said yes. And honestly i'm still not 100% sure. I need to know more about it before i can really make a decision.


NO stop it with ur ridiculous theories Aaron they never come true


It kind of explains why she keeps stopping whenever Nora yelled Dad. It at least makes sense why a kid would hesitate/stop.

Dan Banks

The dagger and the thing in her brain are definitely connected, it’s probably why she was able to hear what was going on but only when the dagger was near by. now is the anti meta sentiment coming from her, cicada or the nurse, I’m not sure where it comes from, obviously a bit comes from the nurse, but I don’t think they’ll do a thing where the little girl is the real bad guy and having Caitlin do a surgery is the only way to stop cicada. Actually that’s probably gonna happen, If it does someone needs to be slapped. But anyway, I think if it’s not removed from her head, she becomes the future cicada we saw in the news screen, and I think that cicada is coming to kill eobard, and iris put the dampening chip in Nora so the returned cicada wouldn’t come from her. (Basically i think that her anti meta attitude comes from cicada, who gets his from his madness, maybe slight influence from childlike logic by the brain link (child like logic as in, I got hurt from this so all things like this are bad) and the rest comes from the nurse, who should probably be arrested, like right now)


I think that Cicada is not just the uncle, but both of them combined. I think Grace and her anger at losing her parents to meta's may be driving this more than the uncles anger.

Andrew Courtney

This theory is so good I’ll slap bet you on it. If your right you can slap me at WaveCon but if your wrong I’ll slap you. And the last time I saw a small girl as a Villain was Bahrain and we all know how that ended...

Jeanette C

My gut says no, but I'm picking yes because I think this theory is awesome


I am going with yes, as it would be a nice twist to who the villain is in the end.


I actually hope so, cause it's a way better plot then what they did have going for it.


Am I the only one who felt that this was one of the best episodes of The Flash in a long time?


The creepy child even said it. "He thinks he's in charge, but its really me." Sure she was talking about the house, but we all know what she really meant.


Aaron is never wrong so I must vote yes