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Where do you think Emiko Queen received her training?



I think she trained herself by studying Oliver. She could’ve just kept following him and studying his moves and teaching herself the moves and making her own moves doing it

John M

She either trained herself or there is something we don’t know yet from Oliver’s past. Perhaps her mother was trained and she was inspired by her?


Can you guys do something about the Blind Wave website crashing? Im trying to vote for shows but it wont let me


We will find out when Emiko has serialized flashbacks.


There’s no possible way she trained herself. It’d take someone first class, as in some of the best in the world, to train her like that. Just like Slade and the others for Oliver. You don’t get those kind of skills at your average “Learn to Fight!” school, and you certainly don’t get them from yourself, or every thug and mercenary on this show would be as good as Oliver himself is.


I voted for someone we know but I could easily see it being a new character we’ve never seen before who trained her she could’ve been trained by Talia or by another rogue faction of the league


I think she was trained by someone related to Shadow. Maybe her sister? Or just someone like Thalia, she seems to love finding people to train.


Malcolm did. Thea ran off god knows where and wants nothing to do with him, so he just got a new daughter that has issues with the Queen family.


I hope it's someone we don't know a new badass character would be awesome.

I Am Groot

She really good too, so she didn’t start last year when her mom died. Maybe it was her mom that trained her


I don’t know. The real question is how did she know where to look to get the training she needed and how long did it take? Does/ did she have a job? How she know how to make the outfit and arrows?

Matthew Cronin

I'd like to think it's someone new, but the CW doesn't do cool stuff like that, so it's probably someone we already know like Deathstroke or something ridiculous.

Gavin Mcfadden

I feel it’s someone random and may not even be talked about much. But it is funny you brought up Shadow since in the comics Emiko is the daughter of Robert and Shadow.


Malcom or slade just so we can get those actors back


I hope they go with the New 52 comic trainer. As that character is awesome and one of my favourite green arrow villains. They did use the character back in season 3 for a one off episode but that was a waste. Hopefully they bring them back properly.


shes a natural pro and learned it in her spare time within a few weeks


I think she trained herself but had help from someone we don’t no who it is yet

Dylan Carpenter

I’d prefer someone we don’t already know, but I’m sure it’ll end up being someone we do know. In the China flashbacks didn’t we see Shado’s twin sister? Maybe they’ll bring that actress back as Emiko’s mentor.

Ian Vega

At first, I thought it being someone we know would be more preferable, but thinking about it, that would just be too convenient. So I'm hoping someone we don't know. Side note, Eric; after Waller introduced them as Task Force X, Deadshot said "Why don't you call it what it is. A Suicide Squad." Loved the way he said it by the way.

pas douée pour les pseudos

I voted for someone we don't know, because I'd prefer that, it would be too convenient if it was someone we already know. Side note about the Mark of Four : Dinah explained the meaning in 708, she said Oliver came up with it, and it stands for the 4 pillars of heroism: courage, compassion, selflessness and loyalty.

Walter Alcaraz

Upon an additional viewing, in the scene where Emiko is scouting Glen Morgan's hideout and is in the bushes, her outfit looks very much like the one worn by Malcolm Merlyn. So, I think she may have been trained by him and/or the League of Assassins.

William Tanner

I would rather it be something else but I think the show will just have here trained herself.


Watch it be Earth-2 Robert Queen

Red Claw

I think Talia trained her.

Tucker Lobner

I don't know who it would be, but I feel like it will be someone we know

Boomchicawawa Bay

They'll just start with flashbacks of China and the island again.


In the comics Emiko's mother is Shado. Since that's not the case in the show I'm thinking it will be revealed her mom was a martial artist (maybe trained by Yao Fei?) and that her mom passed that training on before her death.

Darth Skhorrn

There could be a chance she was already a martial artist, and archery was just part of her repertoire. So when Oliver got arrested, she could have used a skill she already had and taken his secret identity since he didn't need it anymore.

Andrew Courtney

Obviously Slade trained her, he had to do something after his guest arc last year. Right....