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Will Nia Nal find out if Kara Danvers is Supergirl this season?


I Am Groot

Idk but she had that prediction about James maybe she has powers to tell the future? So maybe?


If she does i would like her to use her journalistic skills to find out.

William Tanner

She will become a superhero herself and work with her.

Tucker Lobner

Everyone on the show except for Lena will find out

Andrew Courtney

Literally everyone should be able to tell. Like come on, no one could be this dense seeing them both up close.

Kevin Bartelen

It seems like she might have to in order to help her at some point.


So far the one consistency is those who become superheroes all know who Kara is, its only civilians who dont always learn such as Lena. So if she becomes Dreamer like in the comics, i'd put money on her learning who Kara is


No I dont think so by the way will Melanie be in the 100th episode reaction of the flash which is the mid season finale


It's so hard to tell with that great disguise she wears.


If she does she needs to figure it out on her own and not tell Kara, just be there for her so that one day Kara will tell her. Lena is different because of how she treats Supergirl and Kara is scared to tell her in fear Lena will be really angry which is why she should tell her soon so that we don't have the same thing happen like it did in Smallville with Clark and Lex.

Rubi Moon

Based on her known abilities, I wouldn't be surprised if she already knows and simply isn't telling Kara that she knows her identity out of respect for her mentor.


I can see her finding out on her own probably around misdeason, whether she tells Kara she knows, I’m not sure.

Fajen Thygia

Literally everyone knows. They're just playing along, like Maggie was.

Doby Greg

Everyone finds out except Lena, so yes.


Imagine if Captain Cold came back!


It makes sense for her character arc that she learns who she is, nearly the whole main cast knows who she is, I think the only reason Lena doesn't no is because they're saving the revelation for when Lena becomes Kara's enemy


She will find out but maybe not THIS season. First things first. Lena will reveal that she knows - since season 2 - that Kara is Supergirl.

Scott Hadden Jnr

Frankly, the way Supergirl is going I'd be amazed if it gets Season 5. That's why I don't think Nia will learn Kara is Supergirl, as it would be a waste of a reveal.


Yes I think she’s becoming one of the group so think she will find out. And Lena better find out soon... waiting for that for ages


Nah. Supergirl has good ratings. If Legends get canceled sure but there's no way Supergirl won't get season 5. It's more likely that CW would cancel Arrow than Supergirl.


I want Lena to figure it out first!