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What did you think of the Supergirl Armored suit?



I have a feeling the helmet concealed Kara's face because we're going to see it again when she battles her Russian doppelganger.


Loved the suit and hope to see it again in the future

I Am Groot

I'm mixed. I like the fight scenes from her perspective.


I didn’t enjoy it, especially since it doesn’t really give her that much of a power boost. We will definitely see it again though, because costumes are expensive to make and they wouldn’t have made it for just one episode!

Tucker Lobner

I hope to see parts of it again, but I hope they add some extra design to it, I felt it was a little plain. Also, I think they should lose the helmet


I love the Go Pro Style! Hopefully when the season is over she can wear the suit without the helmet because it's badass!

Angry bob ross

it was cool how they used the suit for this episode but other than that its not something i need to see again considering she's already powerful enough without. it

Rubi Moon

Severely underused for something in the Comic Con trailer, I think and hope it will come back again perhaps for a different reason.

Doby Greg

Put a cape on it and it's great. A Super should always have cape and shield.

Ian Vega

I'm kind of in both. I liked the suit, I thought it looked cool, but I'm just such a stickler for good old fashioned cape and boots. Plus, Melissa Benoist is just to gorgeous to keep hidden away like that. Her giggly smile is just too gosh darn cute.


One of my favorite Supergirl costume is from injustice 2 i hope the get closer to that some day but the main thing is i hope they get rid of the skirt that just doesn't seem practical in a fight.


I enjoyed it but I don't wanna see it again 😂 since it means there's trouble.


It reminded me of the Injustice-suit of Supergirl. I liked it


I like that it has no cape


It was just odd as it felt like a device to hide the actress as she was filming the cross over. Even when she was filmed, it seemed as if she was not on the Supergirl set.


The interface looked really cool, but Everytime she fights in that thing I'm gonna cringe because it just feels so fragile.


it was alright


The suit was great but I don't want to see it again, I like it as a one time thing

William Tanner

No way they spent money making a suit that good to use it once. My guess is Lena will use it like Lex did when he became Superman in the comics or maybe supergirl will use it against the other supergirl.


It's cool I guess but it needs a cape


It's like the Kryptonite proof suit that Superman used in Superman the Animated Series. I love it. And it looks really expensive so there's no way it's only in one episode. Also if you wanna see more Manchester Black, watch Superman vs. The Elite. It's awesome.


I liked it but i dont want to see it again


I'd really like to see here use it again, without the helmet. The suit itself looked cool, and they did give a reason for her cape in S1 and last season but i always prefer no cape

John M

I like the suit but prefer it only be used when needed (like Superman’s space suit from TAS and Justice League). The helmet could use a bit of adjusting. Make it more transparent to show Benoist’s face and emotion - might add a bit more depth to the storytelling of action sequences.

Jeanette C

Is there a 'meh' option? I think it looked good, especially without the helmet, but there's no reason for her to continue using it now


It was ok