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What will happen to Tobias Whale by the end of the season?



I can’t see them killing off such a great villain - played by an albino actor at that! He’ll go to jail and pop up in a later season like Kingpin, I bet.


Tobias went to jail. We won't see that again because everyone will know it's not a fitting conclusion. Killing him is too permanent. He will be presumed dead but presumably at large to strike back when we least expect.


I feel he's gonna be a great member of society. I mean look that smile, that's the smile of a hero.


I feel that Tobias is going to a reoccurring villian for Black Lightning like how the Reverse Flash is for The Flash P.S. Reverse Flash is cooler than Tobias


I agree with Aaron that he will be free at the end of the season i feel like the crazy doctor might be killed or jailed at the end as just to give us a vilian being defeated


I think Tobias will be free because he's Jefferson's "White Whale", someone he can never catch.

Doby Greg

He will probably be in jail although I would prefer if Black Lightning just killed him. I prefer my heroes non-perfect. So a revenge kill would be interesting.


But that’s the same as him being presumed dead/disappeared at the start of the show. He’ll either die or go to jail, imo.


He'll be killed off because, at that point, he'd have been around for two seasons, and they'll need new enemies to keep the show fresh. He's already getting fairly stale, IMHO. To me, the only other story line that's LESS interesting than Whale's is the teenage angsty romance B.S. with Khalil and Jennifer. Every other story line on the show is WAAAY better than the Tobias Whale snooze-fest. I'd rather watch three hours of Jefferson doing his thing as a teacher than watch ten minutes of Tobias' repetitive and predictable wanna-be gangster stuff. Also, I think how he'll die is either Jennifer losing control of her powers and frying him, or Whale trying to hurt Jennifer, and Khalil turns on him to save her.


I would rather see him in jail because he's too good a villain and Jefferson deserves a real win. Also, here's a little fun fact that may amuse you, but the actor who plays principal lowry also played bolin in the legend of korra


I hope he ends up in jail. That way we can keep him around and end up with some incredible scenes reminiscent of what we had with Kingpin in Daredevil Season 2.


I don't think the police can even get him on Jaywalking right now. He escaped death last season only to return as the big bad, I don't think that's gonna happen again 🤷🏾‍♂️


Tobias is one of those antagonist you keep around for the whole series, like Kingpin, Reverse-Flash, Sylar, Kilgrave.. wait, damn it!


He'll be in jail for a season or two and we'll have a new villain, but he'll come back eventually.


In jail or dead because they need to start moving forward instead of stay still with tobias

Tucker Lobner

I would say dead with how the show likes killing off characters, but I think they will put him in jail so there is a chance he can return in a later season