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How does this episode make you feel about the future of The Walking Dead?



It’s one episode guys


Mixed feelings. I really enjoyed what they’re doing with Maggie but it’s weird knowing she’s leaving this season


I'm willing to see where it goes, but I'm not that excited knowing that Rick is leaving. I don't see anyone else carrying the show tbh.


i dont get why people didnt like it

Christopher simeon

The writing of walking dead for me has dropped to an almost only walkers can understand level. I’m basically waiting to see how they mess up rick’s and Maggie’s exit.

The Doctor

I honestly do not know what to think. I expect it'll stay like that until the end of Season 9. Too many changes acomin'


I’m pleased to see they’re making walkers scary again. Things are opening up now. Three seasons of Negin was such a drag.


We're finally seeing the world and what they're planning. I felt season 8 lacked communication of what was happening to the audience. This is great

Michael Harrop

Haven't event watched it. Gave up years ago and just stick to the comic now.

Boomchicawawa Bay

Feel like there should be a Calvin " I'm trying guys."


That episode was average at best, stupid decision made by characters that should know better, with there experience they should all know better so frustrating.


I've sunk so much of my life into watching this show and I want it to be good SO bad. I feel obliged to give it one more chance.


Just hoping they do something completely different this season, a good start to a story that wraps everything up and end the show this or next season. It’s time.

Doby Greg

There wasn't anything all that great but nothing infuriating either.

Darth Skhorrn

I gave up on the show last season, and I only watched up to the episode where Carl died because I hate him. I'll watch the episode where Rick leaves, but nothing before or after that.


This episode gave me a lot of hope for this season to be great. I like a lot of the building blocks that they lay in this episode and I’m very interested to see where they go. Also, you don’t need anymore when you have CHARLES VANE!!!


I like how they killed off Gregory. It's still better than most shows, to be honest though game of thrones makes almost any other show I watch seem like shit.


Yeah and that's an understatement. I think they fell into their own trap of being aware that Negan is a massive fan favorite so they tried to milk it for all its worth, but it came across flat. I feel like if they had condensed it down a season or so and made a few different decisions, that it could have been fantastic. They really shot themselves in the foot when they killed off Carl though. Especially in hindsight with the knowledge that Rick is leaving, Carl could have grown into the hope for the future that he was kind of being groomed for as a character. Guess we'll never get to see that.

Paul smith

When the reaction posting and the flash

Paul smith

Shouldn't the reaction be up by now


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1WBXF2WfKo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1WBXF2WfKo</a>


I'll keep watching this show as long as u guys keep reacting to it


I also just wanted to ask what you guys thought of the new intro to the show. I don’t know why but I really like it. It got me hyped for the episode like I previously would in earlier seasons every time I would here the intro song


I've come this far with the show that I can't give up now. I see improvements with the new episode so that gives me hope. We shall see. Plus, Zach McGowan sooooo......


We are still Beebo

Paul smith

Why isn't the full 40 minute reaction on pateron that's why I joined for the full reaction and flas

Paul smith

But I'm looking for the full 40 minute flash reaction they said they are on pateron did they stop doing them for peteron


Its blocked for me on youtube