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"The National Anthem"

Watch the FULL LENGTH Reaction HERE: https://www.blindwavellc.com/black-mirror-1x01-full/


Black Mirror 1x1 REACTION!! "The National Anthem"

Eric Shane Rick Calvin and Aaron react to and discuss season 1 episode 1 of Black Mirror The National Anthem Watch the FULL LENGTH Here: Vote in our polls and see certain Blind Wave videos early!! http://www.patreon.com/blindwave Blind Wave is Sponsored on Patreon by: Keyboard Junkie and The Blind Wave Discord Family Website http://www.blindwave.net Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/blindwaveprod FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/BlindWaveProductions Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/blindwave Discord: https://discord.gg/blindwave Snapchat: blind_wave Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/blindwave Send us Stuff at: P.O. Box 304 Marietta, OH 45750


Jack Dwyer

Since Sherlock ended, Doctor Who has been my only reason to keep early access but fucking hell am I excited for this


A suprise to be sure but a welcome one

Conal Brady





I'm so happy right now:):):):) I've been waiting for Blind Wave to watch Black Mirror for so long! You guys are going to like it.


Thursdays just got so much better


Holy crap! 😁😁😁😁😁😁


Nice! You guys are the best!!


Guess I gotta start watching this show :p

Jules Eris

aaaaaw yiiis boiis here we gooo


YESSSSSS! Watching right away! Thank you for reacting to this show! :D


HYPE IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ironically, a couple years after this episode aired, we found out that Primemininster David Cameron put his dick in a pig. Not even joking. Black Mirror can be scary in how it predicts things.


And people tweeted some of the Tweets shown in this episode 😂


I'm super anxious to get out of work and watch this reaction tonight!


YESSSSSSS! I’ve been wanting you guys to react to this for so long! This show sparks such great discussion! Plus, you can read the comments since there’s no spoilers.


This is a great show, though the first episode is very odd. Looking forward to the rest!!!


What the hell!!! I've been waiting for them to do this! When was this decided!?? I'm so happy I can't wait to start watching.


Okay that first episode was weird as fuck lmao I hope it gets better


Peaky blinders, black sails AND black mirror.. shit doesn't get better than this..


As someone who didnt like the last season of any of the CW shows I wish they just continued with this lmao


Yeah, no government would ever agree to this. Especially when you remember that governments have been in situations where a lot more people were threatened and the terrorists in question were known to be ruthless killers, and yet governments still refused to give in to their demands. Lufthansa Flight 181 for example.


Yeahhhh! When I opened my mail and I found the notification from Patreon starting with "Blind wave posted Black..." I thought "What?! An episode of Black Sails on Thursday?", then I read the full message hahaha :P still so happy you started reacting to Black Mirror, absolutely one of my favs




This show really fucks the pig.


my body is ready


I can already see some great discussions coming from this


Oh my god my dreams have come true. YES! THANK YOU!!!

Mabs Ali



Only gets better from here lads


Oh my gosh! Yes! So excited!


YES! I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS! Now just Hannibal left and my life would be complete, haha.

Edwin B

congratulations to the crew on getting a pig thought it wasn't going to happen


So glad you guys are doing this series, one of my favourite shows, should be good conversation as you go along.

Doby Greg

Holy shit, Black MIrror!!!!!! That's great because it gives me a reason to watch it and the concept seems interesting. I'm unsure about a full because I find Rick and Calvin work better in a 2 group settings as they tend to heighten when in a group setting. My ideal would be separating the reactions in 2 groups but that would be silly.

Doby Greg

Might be the third thing I follow along after s4 torchood and Code geass.

Doby Greg

I wonder how many episode before they get striked on this one.


I stopped sending you guys money through Patreon, how come you're videos keep showing up on my Patreon homepage?


You paid for a month so you get a month, it will probably stop on October 1st.


although true that many times governments have stuck to "dont negotiate with terrorists" only the US is a hardliner on this stance. many governments, especially in Europe, have and continue to negotiate with terrorists in return for substantial concessions. (side note: many of the governments that do negotiate only negotiate with terrorists for cease fires and other non-legislative concessions in return for lasting peace with organizations known to negotiate in good faith) i believe a year or two back there was an article in foreign affairs that talked about this and Italy, as of recent, have been rumored to negotiate with Libyan terrorists organizations to help refugees. So could this happen? maybe, i think it more depends on how much the voter base in that country would react (which they kinda showed)


Damn Rick needs to lighten the fuck up and stop questioning unimportant shit.


There is an added aspect to 'would you do it' and thats the fact it is a member of the royal family. Unlike most countries that have had royalty as part of its country here in the UK we have never really ever 'fallen out of love' with our Royal Family, even many of the minority who would like it abolished have a certain amount of respect for the Queen and as an institution its part of what defines us as British citizens. Any 'terrorist' attack on members of the royal family, especially as you get closer to inner circle would create a massive amount of peer pressure, if you didn't do it and they were killed you life would effectivity be ended as you would become the most hated person in the country

Vasiliu Vlad

I agree with Rick, I have the same feeling at the end of the first episode.. :) I feel you Rick!

n p

Rick's way off on the premise that "any snuff film" going as viral as a prime minister fucking a pig to save a princess, which, in-show, was a world wide news event unfolding live in front of the public, it was on the scale of the OJ chase... there's readily available snuff content out on the internet a google search away, drug cartel executions are worse than even terrorist videos, none of them go viral, they just sit on their niche gore sites.

Felleng Nthane

There are so many beheading videos that are uploaded all the time, the problem is that because they are not mainstream i.e. not American or English people.

Mark McKeown

They had like 8 hours to do this. You couldn't trace an encrypted VPN to an exact location in that time. He may have bounced it across several locations as well.

Chase Robert Dunn

This show was made for a format like you guys use while reacting.


Rick is so damn nickpicky about some show and so damn forgiving about some others. At least be consistent if you are going to be this kind of guy.

Liam Skoda

Yes! Black Mirror is one of my favourite shows.


Omg my life is complete !!!!

Alric Amon

I love Rick but damn I hope he isn't like this for the rest of the episodes. It's one thing to criticise, but this is incessant nitpicking and I feel like he has totally missed the point of black mirror.

Hau Thach

I don't understand where Rick is coming from at all.


Rick was literally nitpicking everything lol, still love the reaction though. Hope this becomes a weekly series.

Doby Greg

Or simply he did not buy into the premise and it was to farfetch to be fully invested. You don't have to not understand something to not like it or be bothered by it. You can simply have different opinion I found strange a painter kidnaped the princess but the rest was enough for it to not matter but Rick saw to many hoops for the situation to work. People can have different opinions.

Doby Greg

You can't be consistent on nitpicking since it is about how you feel about a specific plot point and how it is handled. It depends on the subject, the treatment, the intent etc... So comparing it across show for a consistent measure is near impossible. It varies by individual what can bother them. It's not the person being inconsistent. It's the receiver of the complaints considering two situations are the same when for the person it is not. It's a difference of opinion. Also it's the foundstion of the episode and the others were praisong and Rick simply wanted to share his wn perspective.

Doby Greg

This reaction reminds me why I prefer smaller crew sometimes. especially for a Rick or Shane. As soon as they give dissident opinions or not buying fully into something they get dogpilled by the others in order to try to convince them that they are wrong to feel the way they feel. This also happen with Shane in Torchood s2 when he loved the flashback episode but did not buy into Ianto portrayal. They spent a good chunk of time just trying to convince Shane that he was wrong to feel that way and that it made sense. Not evryone has to agree all the time. My problem with Rick was the joke during the episode that I believe he does in order to break monotony but I prefer him in Castevania or even Sherlock where he just be himself and comment when he wants to say something rrather than because he feels a joke needs to be made.

Doby Greg

Interesting reaction. Rick should lower the useless jokes but I want to keep him around for a different perspective in the discussions.

Doby Greg

With so many negative responses I kind of fear that Rick will be kick out of it eventually. I hope not since while I don't particularily enjoy him as reactor he seems like a good guy to have in a discussion for that kind of subject. He goes beyond the whole "that was awesome" and actually can go and point to things he did not like or problems he had giving a more down to earth and calm analysis. And I like that. But less joke in reaction would be good.


i like Rick when he doesnt make those useless jokes during serious scenes, But yea.. Just look at the decrease in views on the podcasts/mailbag since he joined cuz all he does is talk about wrestling


you should really give Black sails a chance then, Most underrated show ever


I like Rick. There is a saying. If have nothing good to say. Say nothing at all. Take the hint


finally, been waiting for you guys to watch this


At 10:50 is the scene where my house is which is In Chesham

Luccas Liuti

Wait a minute. So you guys pay for a reaction channel and get mad that someone has a different perspective then yours? Isn't the whole Reaction format about understanding and experiencing new perspectives on stuff we enjoy? Let Rick have his own opinions. What's the point of watching a reaction channel if you don't accept that people react differently from you?


What the fuck is lemon party?

Alric Amon

You're completely missing the point. It's one thing to have another opinion and perspective. And it's another to be nit picky in a very pedantic way. If he was like this episode wasn't for me that's fair but then when you go as far as to forcefully add plot holes where there isn't any and make it seem like the show is in the wrong for including things he apparently does not understand. Then that's a different thing entirely.

Doby Greg

I disagree. No show should be exempt from criticism. They could have simply accepeted that it wasn't as effective for Rick and move on. They insisted on trying to force him to change his viewpoint which is why that part of the discussion dragged.


I mean..i'm just excited for more black mirrorXD loved the reactions so far..admittedly Rick was very critical but it's still entertaining to watch. Better that than literally sitting there with a stone face throughout (so not reacting)


This episode premiered about a month before it became known that the real prime minister of England at the time have had sex with a pig during some sort of hazing ritual in his teens.


The guy who directs and writes this show said that this incident convinced him that the universe is a simulation designed too fuck with him.


40+ minutes of discussion and this show won't be added regularly??


Lol .... Rick kept avoiding answering and finding flaws in the question, Eric is definitely better then most people since he would do it for a total stranger to save them .....I think I’m with rick on this one ..... I wouldn’t do it for anyone.


I don't know about everyone else but I really enjoyed the reaction and discussion!

Jon Nelson

Eesh, maybe leave Rick behind in the future, he seems to only be able to comprehend dragons, and elves. He clearly doesn’t understand the intricacies of Black Mirror, and really soured this reaction and discussion.


I really hope u guys get to Fringe soon ☹️


Just a heads up. There will be some people requesting the show out of order, as it's an anthology. However, if you watch it this way, you will miss out on references and callbacks, especially in the latest season. Just watch it in order.


The Russia thing isn't far off. There was an incident where terrorists took over a school and Russia ordered airstrikes on the school.

Alric Amon

Oh shit.. I missed the call backs. Do you remember which episode


As 30 Rock once said, "it's not a Lemon Party without old Dick!"


I'm looking forward to this now...lol@ pig fucker reacts Eric...you truly are my spirit animal 😂