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"The Winds of Winter"


RICK REACTS: Game of Thrones 6x10 "The Winds of Winter"

Calvin Lessa and Rick react to and discuss season 6 episode 10 The Winds of Winter Vote in our polls and see certain Blind Wave videos early!! http://www.patreon.com/blindwave Blind Wave is Sponsored on Patreon by: Keyboard Junkie and The Blind Wave Discord Family Website http://www.blindwave.net Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/blindwaveprod FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/BlindWaveProductions Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/blindwave Discord: https://discord.gg/blindwave Snapchat: blind_wave Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/blindwave Send us Stuff at: P.O. Box 304 Marietta, OH 45750


Rebel Pilot

damn calvin ur beard and sidecut be slappin. Nice viking look ;) Also probably my fave cersei episode (though a lot of season 7 was also very good for cersei. :)) )

Kevin Clark

Why in fucks name would he tell them? What would they be confused by? Literally blew one of the biggest reveals in the show for no reason


Lmao its fine i dont think they care about the reveal anyway.


I've done my best to enjoy their reactions and their take on this. It's just far too irritating how they make a joke out of everything :S.

Shane Kimbrell

Why the fuck does it matter? Why be a rude shit because they aren't as into the show as you? I love this show and sure it's a little frustrating to see others not as excited about Jon Snow but I think it's a bit extreme to say all of that Jack. Calm down. Go watch someone else or re-watch the main crews reaction. Get a grip.


Considering the current situation in Dorne, with all the Martells dead and 4 idiots and bastards in charge. It would probably be a good time for the Yronwoods to strike a deal with Cersei and try to take over.

chris z

im sure if many of us see how irritating rick is, joking constantly in his not funny way. hopefully the other crew see it too. its a show many care about, including the main crew. imagine joking your way thru star wars.


Even it is all true Jack, you dont say that About people man. You are not to judge. And its just not Nice. I get your frustration, but you can stop watching this reactionairs. Go watch the old ones, that Will make you happy!! 😆 #makelovenotwar


Also.. posting such a comment is a scream for attention as well bro, so maybe you shouldn’t throw stones?!🤔😅 #negativeattentionisattentiontoo


Another week, another bitter group of people nerd-raging because Rick's and Irena's reactions aren't the same as other peoples :(. Why would you watch reactions if you want all of them to be the same, what a sad existence. Some of us are here because we are actually interested in their opinion, I'd rather the reaction be honest than falsely emotional and obnoxious.


Just our opinions. No need to be emotional and obnoxious.


Qyburn is the hand of the queen, and you can see it during her coronation. You can see the hand on his robe ....

Soul Manto

Calvin looking good

Jon Dub

FYI, Qyburn is Cersei's hand. You see him wearing the Hand's pin in the coronation ceremony


The guy that invented Dynamite was named ALFRED Nobell not Herbert :)

Jon Dub

Targaryen bastards, or atleast a faction of them, were surnamed Blackfyre


Calvin a few things for thought in the shot where daenerys is sailing there are martell ships there as well from dorne so i think that shot is supposed to fit after they have sailed past dorne to go to dragonstone thats why varys is there. Also if you are a bastard your name comes from where you are born not from what lineage your parents are in the north its snow in dorne its sand and so on so technically from the info we have at this point of the series jon would be a sand


why did you tell them about her being the aunt (17:15) that is a season 7 reveal

Kaleo Mungin

Bastard naming depends on the region/kingdom you were born, not family or house. A bastard born in the Crownlands (King's Landing) is Waters (Gendry Waters). And only highborn bastards receive such names


No it isn´t. She is his aunt regardles of him being a bastard or not.


Wow I can't believe Calvin would spoil them like that! He told them that Lyanna and Rhaegar were in love and that's not revealed until 7x07. They're supposed to still think that he kidnapped her. That wasn't cool.


Wow, this is still the weakest reaction series the crew has done. Rick and Lessa clearly don’t enjoy the show that much.


Seriously though, imagine this series if it was just Eric and Rick.


I dont think they dont like it they just arnt as invested into it as Calvin is and I think the main reason is cus someone like me got so into the books and all the lore so I am obsessed with Thrones lol which is how Eric is and Eric brought Calvin thru the show with all his knowledge and love of the show and Calvin just doesnt do the same cus he cant which isnt a knock on him he just doesnt love the world/show as much as Eric


Which is why I really wished Eric would have done this series with them and had the 4 of them but he never did for some reason even tho we all want and asked for it :/ lol no one even makes guest appearances ever like what the hell Eric could at least have came in every finale or big episodes


BUt Calvin did a great job telling them about whos Jons parents were it didnt spoil anything cus when the reveal does come they wouldnt ahve known who rhagar was or what was going on liek Calvin said they would have just been confused so good job Calvin im glad you told them lol




This series went sour. No one likes it, but it is what happened.


Calvin pulled an eric with the look in the beginning of the episode


Aah its gonna be ok you Guys. Just 7 episodes before the long night/wait until season 8, then they can all watch it together. I want to see that. I ve noticed there is a new long reactiontable. Let them join the frey😋


I hope season 8 is just the original 4 and Melanie reacting.


You don't have the watch the reactions. Everyone has a right to feel and react how the want.


Not to be rude but your opinion doesn't equal fact. I myself happen to enjoy this series and it looks like there are others who do as well.


Rick already said in the stream they aren’t merging the groups for season 8. Too many people.


I like that too. I just meant that the balance of characters are a bit off now. I love all of the blindwave crew members, but just like GOT, not every buddy-cop pair up works. You need a dominant Eric of Aaron in a reaction. Although I like the Shane-Rick Sherlock combo, but that’s because of the involvement by Rick and Sherlock book knowledge. Next year is gonna be great no matter what!! And the GOT prequels✌️😋

chris z

did they even blink when the big Jon reveal happened? only watching these as i love GoT, and usually, love Blindwave. god i hope Rick doesnt join em for season 8, he barely cares.