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Does Argo have some kind of ulterior motive or is it a genuine gift?



Heroes rarely get gifts like this! I don't trust it at all! Although a part of me hopes it is a gift because it being anything else would crush her.


Well that evil summoning lady was the deciding vote so i assume it's part of her plan but Argo itself thinks it's good

Tucker Lobner

I don't think it is an ulterior motive by all of Argo, but obviously the lady working with Rain had one

Harry Utton

The way that they introduced it into the show (completely out of the blue with no build up) suggests there's probably something else going on.


Not ulterior by all of them, just that Selena chick who is all for the world killer.


Argo, no. Black cloak lady, HELL YES.


I think everybody on Argo is a White Martian, especially Kara's mom. DON'T TRUST ARGO!


If there was an ulterior motive, why would half the council vote against it? I think it was a genuine gift from the council, except for the woman who prayed to the false god Reign (the true god of course being Beebo.)


To me one bad apple does nothing to the rest. I know that means nothing but sometimes black & White is just that. Could Supergirl's family be brainwashed? Yes. Or maybe not. Could everything be an illusion? Yes. but I just don't think so.

Doby Greg

The gift is genuine but the lady will contact now that she knows she's on earth. Maybe in the Legion orginal future she left to go to Argo City.


Its a gift. Only the one lady is bad (for now). I felt that something was off. It was too happy, to good to be true. More stuff for future stories.