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What will be the key to stopping DeVoe and the enlightenment?


Andrew Courtney

When in doubt always vote for the wife. She has the knowledge and she has the power. We all know it.


Hopefully Cecile uses her powers for something and her scenes haven’t been for nothing; but I don’t see how. If she takes on Devoe’s thoughts like she did Caitlin’s, won’t she just have his goals and ideology? So she probably wouldn’t help Team Flash in that case.


I think that idiot compassionate Wells is the key. Also sorry Aaron you're off by 11 :)


I haven't gotten around to watching Flash since season 2, but how the hell is there another Mystery Speedster?


With all the thing that was happening, talking about Marlize and all, pretty sure Marlize will save the day, she also has the thinker chair which will be helpful, and she well fed up with DeVoe so she will be the most likely.


Back in time to 4x11 nice

Blackest Hippy

I think cecile being able to go into people's minds will play a key role in defeating devoe. Also, has anybody else been disappointed and underwhelmed by this season or is it just me?


Definitely his wife will play a key role, however I reckon cecille and the mystery speedster who I reckon is Dawn Allen, will also play a key role, but chose marlize since can only choose one.


You haven’t missed anything interesting; except maybe the crossover episodes.


Since team flash failed do you think Barry will jump into the speedforce to dodge the dumb ray or mystery speedster decodes the markings barry wrote in first episode to beat the thinker


MY BOY HARRY will figure this out.


i think it will be cecille, marlize, harry, & caitlin together


but also, slade should have been an option


At first I thought it would be Marlowe, but with Cecille’s new powers, I think she’s the key. Also, I think she will die in the finale

Anthia Grant

Wait what's happened here? 4x11?? Did we somehow go back in time? Weird.. but I'll cheat and say Harry, Cecile and Marlize


I think that phrase this house is bitchin is coming back


I think it'll be his wife, but I wanted it to be Harry so much!


Flashtime is the key

Dylan Carpenter

It has to be either the mystery speedster, or a bitchin house.


The bitchin house, obviously! Also...episode 11?

Darth Skhorrn

There should be an all of the above option.


Cecille obviously backseats she is able to inhabit the mind of another and impersonate him leading to believe she will be the key to stopping him


Sorry that this isn't about the poll, but since I wasn't sure where else to ask: is the video blocked with comments disabled for everyone else?


Blocked for me also. Not tried it yet, but might be working on the website


Did Iris forget she stabbed herself in the episode or did the writers want us to pretend


Since DeVoe is multi-powered, why not ALL of them? That would be consistent thematically. Oh, and Beebo too.


The power of Love....FOR BEEBO!!!


A mixture of Marlize, Cecile, and Harry. Harry comes up with an emotional plan. They use Cecile and her powers to enact the plan. Marlize creates a Kilgore proof tech to boost Cecile's powers to use against Devoe. They make him FEEL the error of his ways. Devoe undoes the Enlightenment.


Barry should just move earth admit defeat also flash time is stupid and how comes he can only use it when its convenient to the plot aka Ralph death what happend to flash time then

Jon Dub

The Council of Wells said to use Devoe's emotion to stop him, Cecile seems to be able to tap in to peoples emotions and personalities. Also she could verbalise Harry's thoughts before he could think them, if she could do both of those things with Devoe, she would be an awesome weapon.




DeVoe was using the gravity powers to make Barry so heavy that he couldn't move. That's why he couldn't use Flash Time to save Ralph.

Boomchicawawa Bay

I'm still leaning on that weird writing he was doing episode 1.


I was discussing this with a friend and I genuinely think Cecille is going to be the key. In storytelling you don't introduce something for no reason, and Cecille's power has been reason-less so far. What I think is going to happen is after the world becomes stupid, Cecille is going to inhabit the mind of the Thinker, become super smart and then be able to reverse the process somehow.