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Do you think Bernard during the 2 week advanced timeline is operating under his own free will or under control of Ford's narrative?



I think it’s Bernard struggling with Fords narrative; I think his head injury is allowing him to slip in out of what Ford has programmed him to do and what he wants to do.


My theory is that Elsie died and the one in the cave is the new host created by Bernard from the stolen core.


is the full length not working for other people too

Dylan Carpenter

Even though Ford is dead, I don’t think his control over the park and its narratives has diminished. I expect everything will end up being part of his plan. It also wouldn’t surprise me if the other control unit was for a new Ford, seems like something he would do.


Maybe the whole point of this show is that only human beings have free will and no matter what they can’t replicate that in the host. Ford is the creator of the hosts and they move according to his will


something something something Beebo

Mabs Ali

I genuinely think the Memory Ball which Bernard retrieved in that gruesome flashback was Ford’s, and we’re going to see by the end of the season a host version of Ford which doesn’t malfunction like Delos did. Ford is the overarching puppeteer of all hosts and humans in this world still.


I think the host Ford was building last year was another Bernard host. He asked our Bernard to retrieve the memory core to implant into the Bernard 2.0 and therefore create a Bernard / Arnold hybrid.


I also think this Bernard is acting of his own free will but is being directed by the actions of Ford from last year. So kind of yes and no


I think the Bernard from the 2 week advance timeline is actually a hybrid Arnold/Bernard, made from the malfunctioning Bernard code integrated into the new control unit and the body that Ford was making at the end of Season 1


I think that Bernard is on fords narrative and his actions are going to bring back Arnold and I feel that is who we see when he wakes up from the beach and who Dolores is talking to in ep 1.

Erich Bomke

I think Arnold was the original host operating system, and before Ford died he put his consciousness into the form of an operating system(Bernard even mentions the new code and language) that is now layered over top. This allows him to see his narratives forward and act like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain without physically being there. Bernard is bouncing between the two.

Blackest Hippy

I don't watch the show but I love voting in polls


No doubt Ford is still pulling the strings, but maybe Bernards own self awareness is causing his glitches....but i was so freaking wrong about Williams daughter......so so wrong

Angry bob ross

definitely determined actions. by ford's design of course.

Doby Greg

This is Ford's big plan. I don't see him not using one of his greatest asset for this. He's an host infiltrated as a high cleareance human and he was available to Ford easily.


"I've told you, Bernard. Never place your trust in us. We're only human. Inevitably we will disappoint you."


Free will is an illusion. Beebo controls all!


I think Ford gave in completely to Arnold's plan of granting the hosts full consciousness, which would mean he actually let Dolores kill him and Bernard is actually free thinking

Vasiliu Vlad

He is free because he is a player in the new Ford's game, Man in Black said there were more players in the game, so he must be free!