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Who do you think Centipede will be used on?



I think they’ll commit to saving Phil even if the risk is destroying the earth, which will break the loop and present them with a new way to stop Talbot.

Andrew Courtney

I agree with AB. I cannot see them using it on anyone but Coulson, unless Coulson himself steals the serum and odium to take out Talbot himself. Also couldn’t they make more with a sample of Mike Petersons blood? Since the serum is part of his blood now.


They seem to be setting up the idea that this was the choice future YoYo warned about, that saving Coulson will destroy the world. So I suspect another misdirect from the writers, and they will use it on Coulson and it won't destroy the world. Then, due to Thanos, Coulson will SPOILER.


I think they will use it on Coulson and he's the key to talk Talbot down or defeat him


I feel like the only way Talbot can die without exploding is if he gets *snapped*.


Use it on Glenn! Listen to future Yoyo!


Using it on talbot is too risky, while using it on Coulson is mostly guaranteed to work and they wont be "trying to save him" and also the prophecy of Coulson would put everything together


As much as I don't want Coulson to die (because he still needs to meet the Avengers again, and he's awesome!!) I feel like they will ultimately sacrifice him to save the world. But the snap still needs to be factored in so maybe that happens just before they do anything xD


I think They will Stop Talbot and Then The Snap Happens and it Takes Mae, Quake and Jojo and Mack. Coulson will live because of What Happens To Fury in Avengers 3 Credit scene. Because Phil could be the only person Captain Marvel Knows and Trusts


I think they’ll save Phil to break the loop and try to talk Talbot down.

Fajen Thygia

They'll use it on Talbot, then ask the Kree to revive Coulson.


Deke's going to put Lemons in it and use it on Daisy!


Centipede will be used on Beebo to make the One Blue God even stronger


My vote is for Coulson’s dick. #BangMay


i think in the timeline that the earth is destroyed were daisy is known as destroyer of worlds may just be her decision that allows talbot to destroy the world. it may be that they have to choose killing talbot over saving coulson. Also what if coulson isnt in the future not because the they didnt save him, but because he dusted after they did.


The official MCU Wiki states that Xandar is in the Andromeda galaxy, meaning that pretty much all the other places we've been to could possibly be scattered throughout the universe, and not just all in one galaxy. Also, are the Guardians then Guardians of the Galaxy or Galaxies? Cuz they seem to be guarding all over the place. Explain yourselves MCU!

Ian Vega


Darth Skhorrn

In order to break the loop, they have to make a hard choice. Coulson is one man versus 3 1/2 billion. I guess in the end, all we are is dust in the wind dude.


THANK THANOS BABY! WE FINALLY GOT ANOTHER ONE! And plus I think Coulson will take the centipede and find another way to deal with Talbot hopefully with a less terminal solution.

Dylan Carpenter

If we’re going to break the loop, and we kind of have to since we’re watching this iteration play out, then I think it needs to go towards stopping Talbot instead of saving Coulson.


I think that they'll use it on Daisy in order to make her stronger to combat Talbot. They will choose this and with it being the last episode we are going to see Coulson disappear and Mack. Yoyo said "he was in my arms one minute and then he was gone" so this episode will tie in Thanos killing off half of the universe. Now that we know there is a season 6 it should be a full tie in with marvel where they look for a way to reverse what Thanos did which can also help the Avengers bring back everyone that disappeared at the Infinity War!!!! Also because I want to see the Avengers and Coulson in the same room before it's all over


AOS Renewed for season 6, 13 episode run! wooo!


I believe FitzSimmon's idea of saving Coulson will break the time loop is flawed. They are working on a common legal misconception: "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" - after, therefore because of. They are assuming, because Coulson was not in the future, he was killed by the destruction of the World. They have no evidence to support this. On the other hand, they have future Yoyo telling them "in order to save the World, them have to let Coulson die." This is as close to proof of which to choose as possible given they've failed in past attempts when trying to save Coulson.


As soon as they save Coulson, he will get snapped out of existence. Ah well....I guess next season will be another loop.


I chose something else because I think their going to use centipede on a centipede.