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What could be the second thing Watson wants from Oliver?


Doby Greg

That woman has a lady boner for proving Oliver is the Green Arrow. I suppose she is bargaining the city against his confession at trial.


Fun fact! Every penultimate episode title of this series has been named after a Bruce Springsteen song. S1-Darkness on the Edge of Town, S2-Streets of Fire, S3-This is Your Sword, S4-Lost in the Flood, S5-Missing, S6-The Ties that Bind.


Hopefully she just sends him to prison that way everything will be back to normal in episode 2 of next season!


I choose go to prison, because the next episode is titled Life sentence so I immediately assumed that the finale will have him in prison at the end, then next season Watson might need green arrows help for something, so he is released.


Go to prison no doubt


This was a hard one to answer!! I was struggling between Prison and Halt activities as GA, and ultimately settled with stop being the GA. Though, prison is just as likely. Regardless, I'm intrigued! Looking forward to next Ep and can't wait to hopefully see Diaz die in a very agonising way xD

Angry bob ross

someone else ....something.....else


He can't currently go to prison for being the Green Arrow, he was already charged with those crimes so it's a double jeopardy thing where he can't be charged with the same crimes. Of course if he continues to be Green Arrow, new crimes can be brought up.


Go to prison and then they doing something similar to the trial of the flash and then a few episodes of the next season will be about him getting out of jail some how


I feel like the "Go to Prison" is the most likely, but I think the "loyalty" route is the most interesting. It could create a Captain America/SHIELD situation and Oliver has to decide whether he agrees with how the FBI want to handle things.


Go to prison seems likely....but they have been pushing loyalty all season so that is also a possibility


She want them firework arrows


I think it's going to prison. I feel Oliver has been lying all season, as a person, he has lied as mayor, and as the team reunited together, Oliver faces either being life sentenced for all his crimes as Green Arrow, vigilantism, or a short sentence for all the good he has done. A long those lines.

Red Claw

He must reveal his identity to the public, so that everyone knows he's the Green Arrow. Which negates the whole not revealing himself in the Trial -Episode. But that seems part of the course for this season of Arrow.

I Am Groot

"And the second thing, let me take a selfie in the costume"


I choose "something else," I think it's going to be a choice between either giving up being the green arrow or when all is said and done he will have to come out as the green arrow to the public. Cause agent Watson biggest problem with Oliver was that he operated in the shadows behind a mask, I think she wants him to be more like flash a symbol for good. P.S. If Oliver goes to prison for being the green arrow I'm calling BS for something called "double jepderdy".


“I need you to get rid of Felicity. She just brings the whole show down.”


I pick loyalty, maybe a suicide squad 2.0 with the green arrow? lead by Beebo ofcorse. or maybe she just wants nanites, courtesy of Ray Palmer.


I think it's about a 60/40 toss up between Oliver agreeing to go to prison, or for him to have the team disbanded.

Dylan Carpenter

A signed confession would be my guess. She’s wanted him behind bars all season and I don’t see her changing her mind on that.


She wants Oliver to devote himself to the worship of the One Blue God

Dylan Carpenter

If his crimes violate both state and federal laws, he can be prosecuted twice (once by state government, and again by federal government) without double jeopardy coming into play. Double jeopardy in the US only prevents you from being indicted again for the same crime(s) by the same sovereign. So it’s not impossible for Watson to have him tried on the federal level as well, even though he was acquitted on the state level.


What if she wants him to confess to being the Green Arrow to the city and then continue to be a public hero who works with the law like Flash instead of undermining it?


She wants Flash's autograph.


Think she wants him to go to jail or something like that. Especially since Oliver keeps promising to both Felicity and William that he always be around, is for me a huge red flag


I think that its going to be go to prison...to do her a favour! Like Amanda Waller and the hong kong flashbacks. I'd like to see them go on the road next season, theres no more hideouts so go on the road with Thea and Roy to find the Lazarus pits. Would be a good way to have two storys throughout the season, like they used to do with the flashbacks and present day stuff.


I think it's something else. I think she wants him to publicly announce that he's the Green Arrow proving her right all along.


She wants to help taking down diaz by herself and will be the new sidekick in season 7! :-D (.. yeah right)


Maybe she wants oliver to except the one true god Beebooooo!


Won't be going to prison since that would be double jeopardy, and anything he's done after the trial will be seen ultimately as a net good for the city. Obviously he also will not give it up (I mean look at all the times he's said that he would :P). I think it will be to reveal himself and be a public 'hero', getting some of that comic green arrow pageantry, and allow Oliver to slowly actually get to have fun and a bit lighter, since the show could use just a little lighter mood now and again(also more trick arrows since he wont be all murdery)


i think she will ask him to stop recruiting allt into the vigilante era, since shhe said that he would be free if he said he was the Green Arrow. Oliver is known to had recruit turning evil because of HIS choice and HIS morale. Lets make it clear and say that Oliver's action can be sometime questionable even tho they end up working. Arrow need to go back to its roots if they plan on ending it soon with his contract going to an end.


Maybe she wants to blackmail Oliver kill Diaz or his secret identity is revealed to the world

jason ross

He can’t go to prison for anything he was already put on trial for in the last episode.


I always thought Oliver would get a presidential exoneration for his activities as the Green Arrow. Maybe the President wants to do that as publicly as possible and Watson was supposed to make that possible.

Tucker Lobner

It could be an agreement to go to prison, but what I think would be cool is if she wants him to come out as the Green Arrow

Ryan Witalison

She really shouldn't be able to put him in prison, he was tried and was found Not Guilty by a Judge, Double Jeopardy applies and FBI agents can't just send people to Prison unless it's an undercover agent for a case.


I don’t think double jeopardy applies if and when new evidence is found and a confession by Oliver himself would be considered as new evidence.


I have a feeling she will want Oliver to tell the city that he is the green arrow. I think he should do it anyway, he says it’s to protect like felicity and William, I’m pretty sure they always get attacked regardless


To be fair, everything we’ve seen from Oliver thus far has been pretty much repetition from other seasons, so I hope the writers come up with something interesting

Darth Kal-El (Cory Weston)

Prison makes sense. And it would be a nice little call back to the unproduced screenplay Green Arrow: Escape From Super Max by David Goyer & Justin Marks from 2007 where Oliver is exposed as the Green Arrow and sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit and has to team up with his Rogues Gallery to break out of prison. Would make a really cool season premiere. Or have in prison for a couple episodes before he has to break out.

Seany McBuckets

yeah draw out the good storylines unlike how the flash had the most underwhelming use of Flashpoint humanly possible.