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If an article came out saying your City was going to be attacked in a similar way that DeVoe plans, what would you do?



Admit it, we'd all do nothing


I would try to help....................................................unless it's a lost cause already


If the Flash gave us instructions on how to help I think we all would, but if he just tells us that the problem exists I don’t know what we could do against the Thinker. He’s a shapeshifter so it’s not like he’ll be noticed unless he wants to be.


Honestly the show is called the flash but Barry's hardly in it I think if they had Barry do more CSI stuff while he isn't being the flash it'd be much more entertaining bc I personally loved the first season of the flash when he was doing CSI stuff

Dylan Carpenter

I probably wouldn’t believe such a thing would be possible so I’d likely do nothing.

Harry Utton

I mean I'm not really sure I'd be any help so I'd just enjoy the possible last few days of sanity with my family.

Darth Skhorrn

Everyone saying they would help are lying or deluding themselves. We would ALL dismiss it as fake news because the threat sounds ridiculous and silly.


If I was in a world where there were known superheroes that have saved the city before, I wouldn't probably do anything, and just count on them to save the day again


In a real life situation, many people would go back to their basic instincts of survival when the going gets tough. If we were in a world where superheroes were the norm, I believe this might be a different story. While I am optimistic that there would be the everyday heroes who would help in the “real” world, I believe more people would be willing to help in the world we wish we lived in.


Wouldnt help, with his plan only one person in the world will be smarter than me so i win


I mean i dont have a city so...


If the flash asked the city for help, then it must be a dire situation so I would help in whatever way I could.


Of course loot and plunder.


in our current reality? probably nothing as it wouldn't be the least bit believable.

I Am Groot

I would most definitely absolutely selflessly help in every single way I possibly could #definitelynotlying


Fucking freak out is what I would do! Theres no way that wouldn't cause a panic!


What can I do? I'd probably end up being apathetic towards the situation

Andrew Courtney

I’m the guy that tries to help even at my own peril. So I’m definitely dead, but hopefully I helped others before I got, got!!


Do nothing.. why the hell are there like 50 superheros if they can't stop 1 freaking guy?


I'd probably just get high.


I'd probably have sex with a stranger and go gamble all my money away at Vegas or I'd put GRRM on gunpoint and make him tell me how GoT ends

Kevin Bartelen

I would try to write down everything I don't want to forget in as good of detail as I can in hopes to be able to re-teach myself after the thing happens.


If team flash fails do you think Barry will jump into the speedforce to dodge the dumb ray. At least one person would still have there intelligence.


Interpret it as complete BS from an insane person.


I'd move, fuck this shit.

Ryan Witalison

Pray to Beebo and than build a lead room and hope that keeps me safe


Pray to Beebo and then not build a lead room because my faith is all the safety I need

Angry bob ross

i would do someone else...something else DUN DUN DUN DUN


i would do nothing then later watch the recap on Devoe's YouTube channel The Enlightened Vlogs


'Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.'


Unrelated to the poll, but about the discussion. The Council of Ricks did come before the Council of Wells, but both are based on the Council of Reeds from Marvel.


I'd do nothing. I would write it off like most news today that's written by some crackpot extremist with an agenda.


Heee saaaww that coming. For sure. He will do nothing because we already at the last 2 episodes


Once the city helps to defeat Devoe, they will all shout in unison “WE ARE THE FLASH!”


I would like to say I’d help but I would find my family and spend as much time as I had with them.

Red Claw

Live my live like normal, except posting sightings of DeVoe ... perhaps. Seems pointless, because he's most likely gone the minute I sent it.


Off topic go to supergirls earth and get brainiac to out smart the thinker


I'm going looting for books so i can be the second smartest man on earth

Dan Banks

Assuming there was credible evidence to prove what Devoe was planning, either some undeniable link that the reporter has to the flash or something like that, what I would assume is that there is nothing that I can do to save the world, what I would do is round up every person I care about, have us all together, get as many people as possible and have us write down all the information about each other that we know, have us record messages about ourselves so that when the device goes off we can read and then know who we all are and what we mean to each other, if Devoes device makes us too dumb to follow post it notes to understand what it all means making that plan useless, at least I would be with everyone that I care about even if I have no memory


Too much of a coward to do something about it and too lazy to run and hide.

Jon Dub

Wheres the option for : "Sit in the corner rocking back and forth in a blind panic and hope someone does something to stop it" ?#


I would actively tweet complaining about how we should do something to stop it, while I am at my house doing nothing at all


I would do nothing but not because I don't believe it but because I don't care. I'm kinda messed up.


I would do some thing else sone thing devoe could not account for. Perhapse ill live my days like there my last, perhaps ill play Elder scrolls online unt ill the end comes. Or perhapse i would offer my alligance to devoe in an effort to survive youll never know


My theory on why Killer Frost isn't emerging is the same as Hulk in Infinity War- she is afraid. Any thoughts?


I would try help. As best a can and spread the word everyone knew or even people i didn't know


to say barry can get caught off guard by attacks is still a shaky argument, cuz in season 1 he was able to catch a bullet shot at him from behind, at close range, that he didn’t even know was coming until he heard the gunshot


i would just ask bucky to go headbutt the thinker. one blow from that rock solid forehead and clifford would perish


“ I can’t believe this shit! I’m moving to Gotham!”


Meh, media keeps promising the end of the world all the time. I'm not falling for that one again.

Seany McBuckets

Pray to the Speed Force that the Flash doesn't F up the timeline again and erase me from existence


Buy one of those trips to the moon tickets with all your life savings and hope you timed it right - you'd be a King when you come back

Doby Greg

You can't escape since it's the world so I'd stay home and enjoy my intelligence any way I can.

Kyle Simpson

Definitely steal that computer I've been saving up for :)


First, I would try and tie up loose ends, like spending time with my family one last time. Then, I’d go down to Star Labs and volunteer my services, even if it’s just as an extra pair of hands.


Nothing, I probably wouldn’t believe it. But if I did believe it, what could I possibly do, realistically?


Honesty most people will say yeah I’ll save the world but come on. I probably wouldn’t believe it and if I did there’s nothing I can do unless I’ve seen Something helpful that I can say. So I would do nothing and spend time with my family


I'd assume it was a prank


Also Aaron you're wrong...pineapple on pizza....no.....as a famous chef has said "you don't put pineapple on fucking pizza"...smh