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Black Sails 2x5 REACTION!! "XIII."

Eric Shane Rick and Aaron react to and discuss season 2 episode 5 of Black Sails XIII. Vote in our polls and see certain Blind Wave videos early!! http://www.patreon.com/blindwave Blind Wave is Sponsored on Patreon by: Keyboard Junkie and The Blind Wave Discord Family Website http://www.blindwave.net Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/blindwaveprod FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/BlindWaveProductions Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/blindwave Discord: https://discord.gg/blindwave Snapchat: blind_wave Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/blindwave Send us Stuff at: P.O. Box 304 Marietta, OH 45750



Great episode and great reaction. The way Black Sails handled this reveal was great, especially when compared to a certain other show that Blind Wave recently watched.


Flint is definitely bisexual. He and Miranda enjoyed having sex in the past, and when we saw them in season 1 on the island he was dispassionate because of everything that was currently happening in Nassau. I don’t think he was having sex with her because he felt like he had to.


There's a scene in Season 1 between Flint and Miranda I think that hits so much harder once you know about his relationship with her husband. I can't remember what episode it's in.


LOVED THIS!!! I'm queer and even I just thought of it in some scenes during s2. Then this episode comes along and blows my mind, it's just so well written. And you also think back on how upset Flint was about the book in s1 and when Miranda yells "if he were here..." etc, but I fell for the stories we were told and saw the scenes with all that info in mind. Damn I miss watching this show live, and it was so worth waiting two years for them to react to it because I'm so happy at how much they love it!

Jude Miller

Ah yes, the episode we were ALL bamboozled.


Wait, was this why you out of nowhere wrote "The smug and condescending tone that people like Rogne use when vaguely hinting at spoilers makes me think it's impossible for a reaction video to have a non-cancerous comment section" when I asked someone else what a show like Avatar have in common with a show like Black Sails?


Shit what a cracker of an episode, excited to see what happens next


If you go back for a rewatch, all the scenes between Miranda and Flint read sooooo differently once you know the truth. Especially anytime they talk about Thomas.


Chewing gum during a reaction? Kind of amateurish, Eric...you guys are better than that.


I didn't even notice... there was so much great stuff in this episode and reaction and thats what you comment about?


Became a Patron for this reaction. I love how good Black Sails is and this is such a quality reveal. I’m bisexual so it’s always nice seeing bi representation and I think this is great example of it. Flint is bi, that fact is integral to his motivations and his character but neither his story nor the show revolve around it in a false way.


Aaron was talking about the (great) show The Alienist!


Lobotomies are foul...JFK's sister had a botch one..Apparently she was "acting out" so seems logical,scramble some brain matter.... egh...In the 1800s and early 1900s in England,they would send girls to an asylum if they got pregnant and were unmarried. So hanging for Homosexuality was "normal " back then.And in the Colonies back then Adultery was punishable by execution.


Oh wow but you guys were ssslllooowwww there hehe

Brent H

Please, for the love of god you have to do a scene finale double feature and release the last two episodes at once. It'll feel so good to watch more than one at a time, won't it? (:


I loved this reaction as much as I thought I would! And yay for Aaron figuring it out before the big reveal. I was counting on at least one person to cotton on to the language being used and infer. As for Flint's sexuality, I think the show itself invites you to have that discussion as it's never explicitly stated and therefore left open to interpretation. Seeing him (and Hamilton) as gay or bisexual are both correct as there is correlating evidence for both sides (pun intended) of the argument.


I hope you can record Calvin's reaction to this episode.


love it


And we're here. Flint's backstory revealed. I'm really glad you all seemed to enjoy it, and especially the amazing build-up to it. Because, like Eric says, it all makes sense now. I had a running bet against myself whether or not anyone was going to figure out before the episode was over about the whole Flint and Thomas thing. CONGRATULATIONS AARON - you did great. Even if you didn't get to talk about it. (There was a moment I started thinking that Aaron might have figured it out ,but I can't find it now. But there was A Look.) When you look back at the episode, really, it's so obvious, but it's very much NOT obvious on a first watch for many, because as you guys said - most don't think about the possibility. Black Sails is a show with a high rewatch value. Especially because a lot (Flint's backstory included) was planned out even before they started shooting. So season 1 is filled with small references and lines with new meanings once you know this. And not to just harp on the "omg they made a character queer, yay!", thing but really, this was HUGE. And it wasn't without controversy (vocal minority wasn't very pleased) - but really, it's just such a well-told story. The execution is GREAT. As for these characters particular arrangement - who knows? I think there are plenty of ways to read Flint, bi or gay, and it all makes sense. Black Sails is a show that focuses a lot on how relationships can be complicated, can be layered and how they can mean many different things. I think, in some cases, purposefully left up to interpretation. It's one of my favorite themes of the show. You can hate someone, you can love someone, they can be your friend, lover, enemy, partner... And sometimes at the same time. And sometimes the lines aren't clear, or you don't really know yourself. But James and Thomas are definitely NOT left up to interpretation, and that's great. It really is. Before this, I really really loved the show, because it was fun and exciting and had some great character work. After this episode? I knew this show was something truly special. Not only because they did, well, THIS, but because of how well they laid the groundwork for it. That takes great skill. Anyway, really enjoyed your reaction (stunned silence and admiration for writing is a pretty great reaction when it comes to that. But there were plenty of laughs as well. "Well. He's not impotent" made me crack up) to the Flint reveal, and the discussion about it. I agree that the tension and the music of those scenes are so great. That scene where Flint is stripped of his rank and discharged from the army? That one still makes me tense and on edge. Of course, that's not the only thing happening in the episode, and it has a hell of a cliffhanger, but it's difficult to focus on much else. Silver is continuing being Silver (and being great at it), Randall is Randall, the Max/Anne/Jack trio is in a chaotic situation as usual, Eleanor has some heart to heart with her dad... It's all great. I'd probably have a lot to say about that if it wasn't in the same episode as that ending. But as it is, I'm trying not to write too many paragraphs, and well... I needed to talk about it. ANYWAY. Great reaction to one of my absolute favorite episodes (and really, the culmination and answer to so many questions we've had over the series). As for some of the historical stuff, matelotage was a thing, basically marriage between pirates, so I don't think having a gay pirate captain would be THAT much of an issue. Looking forward to hearing Calvin's thoughts whenever he comes back. And of course looking forward to this week.