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Do you think Glenn Talbot will survive past the end of the season?



Yes. I think this is just the beginning of his story.


“He’s too dangerous to be kept alive!!” -Mace Windu


I chose no...because he has the gravitonium in him. Unless they find a way to remove the gravitonium.


No, he's crazier than a bag of cats. He was already unhinged but now he has two more people in him. He got to go.


If he is meant to be Graviton, then it would be cool if he didn’t die in the next few episodes. He could make a good recurring character/villain in possible future seasons. But he’ll most likely die.


No because I think we should ash the Avengers that question if you catch my drift.


Yes!!, because i love talbot!


Nah...yeah...idk, screw it.

Doug C

He'll survive, but either be locked up on the Raft or "missing" in such a way that they don't need to do super-villain effects all next season.

Blackest Hippy

I chose no, but can I just say if that "did you see what was happening in new York " line was the only tie in to infinity war, I will be very disappointed with s.h.i.e.l.d


The only way he might survive is ig they find a way to depower him which I don't think will happen

Ian Vega

No, and I'm sad. Talbot and Coulson's friendship has grown so much over the seasons; to hating each other, to now. It kills me to see Talbot like this and that he might possibly die.


I say no and he becomes sand, thats my theory.


No, hes to powerful to be kept alive

Dylan Wade

I hope he becomes the season 6 villain

Dylan Carpenter

It would be awesome to have more of a tie in, but it puts SHIELD in a tough spot. There’s really only one way they could tie in (staying vague in case anyone here hasn’t seen it yet) and that would spoil any viewers who hadn’t had the chance to see Infinity War in the 24 hours before this episode aired. However, even if they went with the tie in, they are already so deep into their own storyline at this point that said tie in would have to take center stage (how could it not?) meaning they would have to wrap up this apocalypse storyline first, and then have only a few episodes to deal with said tie in that they won’t really be able to resolve until Avengers 4 anyways. Daisy’s response even sounded to me like the writers saying “yeah we know Infinity War is happening but we can’t deal with it right now.” TL;DR - tie in would be awesome, but they aren’t in a good position to do it this time.


Considering Talbot has been around since late Season 1, and Graviton has been teased since early Season 1, I’d say this be a good way to conclude both stories while delivering what we fans want to see in the form of Graviton at the same time. Plus it’d be an impactful enough death so we don’t need to lose any of the main cast.


Does anyone else think that Talbot's brain trauma might help keep the other voices at bay? He didn't seem to be fighting against any conflicts like Ruby and Creel, and they both hated Coulson, must have been screaming to not help him...

Dylan Carpenter

I love Talbot, and would hate to see him go, but I don’t see him making it out of season 5 alive. He is already in a critical state mentally, and now he has two other people in his head that drove Creel & Ruby crazy. Combine that with world ending powers and it really only leaves one outcome.


Yes we need graviton!


I love Talbot, great character, and I'm excited to see what Graviton is like, but honestly can't see him surviving which is a shame, but makes sense seeing as this season is written as if it's the final season. I don't see any way of resolving this conflict and letting Talbot live. So excited to see where it goes tho!!


Probably not, he may start being evil but he”lll probably die eventually cause villain.

Andrew Courtney

Man I was hoping he’d be all good and we would see him hug his kid. But this show lives to make us cry so yeah.....he probably dead later...

Jude Miller

If Talbot dies on Earth, he'll release a gravity wave like Ruby and destroy it. What if they get Talbot aboard the Zephyr and fly him into space, where he dies, killing the pilot and saving everyone else?


I think he'll die, but tinfoil hat theory? Daisy loses it when Coulson dies, and almost destroys the world like they said in the future. Then Talbot has to fight her to save the world.


The only reason I think he may not die is because they may want to use Graviton as leverage for a season 6. Other than that I really hope Talbot doesn't die.

Fajen Thygia

No, Jiayang steals his life force - and the gravitonium.


It looks like they're setting him up to be the next big bad so everyone expects him to die but I'm thinking that something will happen so that he survives.


When Ruby died she let out that small energy blast that knocked everybody over and allowed Hale to escape. If Talbot dies I believe that his energy blast is what destroys the world. So they will either have to save Talbot or they teleport him onto the alien spaceship and blow those squids the fuck up. Also on a side note if Ruby used 8% of the gravitonium then isn't Talbot only 92% Graviton??


No because Yoyo will probably kill him while Eric cheers her on, which is not what Beebo would want

Angry bob ross

i hope he does. i want to see nathan petrelli fly!


Nope, but I hope he will. I'm more interested in knowing if the consciousness inside the gravitonium had a one time opportunity to transfer itself and used it up on Ruby?