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If given a choice between having Killer Frost or Harry back at full potential, which would you choose?


Andrew Courtney

I’m gonna vote Harry, mainly because they at least used his intellect. Killer Frost as cool as she is...no pun intended..wasn’t utilized well in the show.


Killer Frost. The team needs less geniuses so that Barry can actually come across as intelligent himself. When is he supposed to invent Gideon? Besides, Tom Cavanagh can just play another version of Wells.


Caitlin doesn't need KF to be badass, but Harry w/o his smarts is just HR all over again.


I chose killer frost because instead of having just another smart person on the team you could have another different power all together.


Everytime Eric quotes Stein's "You can stick to things!", it makes my day. I have no question. That is all.


we wouldn't necessarily be losing Harry, but Killer Frost is like a whole other character so I pray to Beebo that we get her back


Frost we need the new version still badass obviously


I have to choose Harry. I've come to really like the dynamic between Caitlin and Frost this season and I will miss her dearly if she does not return. But seeing Harry like this is simply to much for me.


Harry's smarts always useful, killer frost never really "kills" so not useful


Killer frost provides a more interesting dynamic so I picked her. Plus with the Thinker being so powerful we need more powered people. While Harry won't be able to outhink the thinker


I was enjoying the dynamic between Killer Frost and Caitlyn. It was new and interesting. Harry being there kind of feels old to me.


I think Killer Frost just because the best Harry we have seen in my opinion was Eobard pretending to be Harry lol


Tbh i say Harry because as far as i can tell this is the last harrison wells that not super weird or what not (remember the council of wells). They will need to fix Harry unless tom cavanah doesnt plan on returning or they decide to keep harry on a lower level like HR


if i didn't have to choose, i would say neither because i think these losses could spark interesting character development next season


Well, if you have Caitlin without Killer Frost, she still a badass woman with her brain doing fine, but Harry would be screwed, so I choose Harry!


I'd want Beebo back at full strength

Doby Greg

KIller Frost barely ever up shows while Harry has great banter with Cisco all the time. Plus Harry's intelligence is part of his character while Killer Frost was considered a problem to fix until recently.

Ian Vega

Killer Wells? Harry Frost? I can't choose one...

Darth Skhorrn

Harry. I love Tom Cavanagh, and if Harry doesn't have his brain, there's no reason for him to be there. Kaitlin was awesome even before Killer Frost showed up, and she can still contribute without her.

Liam Harrold

Also we have had about 8 wells doppelganger earth 1,2,19 mime wells and the one who was gassy during the vibing for a replacement wells also the 3 counsel of wells


Honestly I love killer frost, but harry is better and we already have Caitlin and killer frost could be any other one of characters in the comics harry can't


I'd Rather have Harry back over Killer Frost, I myself enjoy Kaitlyn just being kaitlyn more then her being part of killer frost.Just give Kaitlyn Snart's cold gun. For Harry I'm not sure what he would be able to do without him being smart, like he said himself his intellect is all he really has to offer to the team if he doesn't have that he might even be worse then season 3 wells. What do you think about Harry getting powers as a side affect maybe he will get a split personality and he could be the big bad of season 5.


Harry. He's a Wizard!


Beebo Wells! Killer Beebo! Beebo hungee, he hungers for BLOOD!

Angry bob ross

id say harry, caitlin was very helpful before she was .killer frost. if harry loses his intelligence he wouldn't be able to help team flash.


Killer Frost hands down. I like Harry, but every season Caitlin suffers something terrible and more times than not she doesn’t recover by the time the season has ended. She finally accepted her powers and started to like Killer Frost. I would much rather the season end on an actual high note for Caitlin for once.


I don't mind Harry to lose his intelligence, because that just mind we get HR back.


I like seeing killer frost, but Caitlin is still useful to the team without her whereas Harry really isn't if he's not smart. I'm pretty sure we'll get them both back anyway.

Kevin Bartelen

Harry because I'd hate to see the character go out like that, and we'll probably lose this version of Wells if he does, whereas Caitlin will still be an important part of the team even without her powers.


It's a difficult choice, but I went for Harry. Killer Frost is great, but Caitlin is still Caitlin without Killer Frost. Harry is not Harry without his mind though.


I mean we barely even got Killer Frost when she was still present. I’d rather have Harry who has real development over the course of the past several seasons versus Killer Frost who has had character development but it was almost always off screen and just referenced by Caitlin.


Killer Frost, we had multiple Harrison Wells, but only 1 Killer Frost


Harry ain't Harry without his brain, You can have Caitlin without Killerfrost


Definitely Harry over Caitlin since she is still useful without killer frost whereas Harry and his intelligence are vital to who he is.

Laugh Data

If Harry loses his brain power then we can finally get a super smart Flash who has to be his own genius.

M. Casarico

Harry is more useful with a brain. Caitlin can still be who she was back in season 1+2. A doctor alongside Harry


Harry, without question. Caitlin is still very useful without her powers, and apart from Crisis, they haven’t done shit with Killer Frost this season anyway.


As little as they've used Killer Frost I'd say Harry.


I really see no point to bring back someone who becomes rarely useful. I feel Harry has been a valued character since Season 2 and it would be a waste making him as dumb as bricks. #NotThisWells


Lol idk


If Killer Frost had been properly utilized until now it would be a harder question. If we loose Harry for good, the team takes a massive blow. If we loose Killer Frost for good, Caitlin might be sad for a while, and to be honest, that happens all the time.


There should have been a "Both" option....just saying...


Killer Frost is ironically hot and we can just get a new Harry, so...


Caitlin has always been useful as herself without Killer Frost but Harry is kind useless without his smarts.

Boomchicawawa Bay

Unless we will get H.R. back, I'll stick with Harry.


definitely harry. he and cisco work so well together, i'd hate to see cisco be more solo like he was when HR was around. plus, caitlin is just fine without killer frost. not to mention, everyone on the show seems to forget she was out to kill and helped savitar last season... ? so i'm not sure why they're so determined to get her back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also it would take the team down one superhero. it had been getting a bit congested....