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Did you enjoy this Richard Dragon focused episode and why?



I did, but I miss my Green Arrow too.

Derek H

I really enjoyed the episode because Diaz had been lacking development. Though I felt like the other plot of the episode should have been about Oliver, and not Felicity and Curtis. Felt like a cameo appearance from our main character


No, not enough Beebo.


It made me feel like his story isn't gonna be over by the end of the season, which really excites me

Ian Vega

I didn't know how to feel about it at first, but rewatching it during editing, I actually liked it much more. I still don't think the Quadrant or whatever are that impressive though. I feel Diaz would do much better building his own organization.


I enjoyed it because I personally felt there wasn't much, if at all any, development meaning I couldn't truly and fully enjoy him.

Eric Solo

I will say yes because it was an enjoyable episode to watch, but I didn't really gain anything from it and it felt like bad timing for an Oliver-less episode after the decisions made in the last one


Yes, he needed some development even if it came at the expense of having to deal with Laurel whining the entire time.

Kyle Snyder

I voted yes because it gave more character development to why he is doing what he is and that he doesn't want to feel undermined or treated like nothing

I Am Groot

I enjoyed it, but the quadrant wasn't really all that. How cool would it be if it was like the Legion of doom instead 😲


I loved it, showed a bit more behind who Richard Dragon is. I even would be okay with more flashbacks in the episode

Angry bob ross

i liked it. nice to have some back story to him. hopefully it gives him more context in later episodes


This is why he's the Dragon, and learning his backstory is good. It gives him more character.


i enjoyed the performances from acevedo and ebr in this episode


Hell yeah they brought background and basic understanding of his past

Anthia Grant

I enjoyed this episode because you finally see Diaz's backstory and have a better understanding why he is the way he is. This man was a straight up mystery to me until now


No because we did not learn anything huge like why he hates oliver so much

Darth Skhorrn

I said it before about Black Siren and I'll say it again here for Diaz: any character development is a good thing. He now has a humanizing fear and is relatable. The action was great, the story was great, and I loved the performances.


It was something different, and I'll take anything different from the normal crap they've been doing this year



Ryan Witalison

I'd wager to say this may be in my top 2 or 3 episodes of the season, I loved the episode and would welcome more episodes like this were other characters are the focus of the episode


Yes I enjoyed it. Not much as the Oliver-centric episode previously, but a Diaz backstory episode was necessary to make him a more intimidating villain as well as to understand his motives.


It was great and leaves me wondering why they ever killed of Cassidy. Very stupid and she was great this episode. Creators really piss me off with these choices sometimes.


I wish the show had more episodes that made me feel like Oliver isn't the center of the universe. Something like legends, where we get to see other people as the hero instead of it always being all about Ollie.


It was a great episode, gave me a different perspective of dragon, and laurel in the end looked like she was a little disturbed by the burning of the man.


This episode was so good. I always love seeing an episode dedicated to the bad guy and the actor is fun to watch. I would love a "The Dragon" show.

Liam Harrold

Just enjoyed seeing him become the badass which he is now. #MayorDragon :)

Dylan Carpenter

I think it’s nice to have at least one episode that focuses on the villain and explains their goals and motivations.


While it would have been nicer to have it earlier in the season, I did still enjoy it. It was refreshing, mainly cuz the writers' agenda with the heroes wasn't there to drag down the story

Jak O'Hara

Only enjoyed it because Laurel was in the majority of the episode as well brought us One Step Closer to having her redeemed also my god I just let that boy on fire!

Seany McBuckets

I certainly did. Kirk Acevedo is an amazing actor. The calmness in his voice mixed with eyes that look like that of a killer shark make him a great choice for a villain. I wish the Dragon episode had come earlier in the season but I definitely enjoyed Michael Emerson's time as Cayden James.


Up until this point he was barely in it and seemed like just another crime boss, his motivations were pretty standard in terms of bad guy origin stories but I love that actor and seeing him take centre stage made him feel so much more intimidating. He's gone from a serviceable antagonist to a pretty good one, can't wait to see where it goes from here.


Yes, I enjoyed this episode. It showed how Diaz gets the job done. He plans ahead, and brings the tools to get the job done. He gives people the chance to settle things peacefully. If they refuse, he kills them. My only gripe about this episode is the fact that it came WAY TOO LATE!! This episode should have been shown right after Laurel was brought in to Diaz. After the episode we saw Diaz spar with that fighter.


After watching your reaction I see your point of view, but it seems like this episode should have been sooner in the season and not now. Build up you're Villian just to defeat him soon after? Eh? Hope he gets continued until the next season and the second half of next season is the Lazarus pits bc Roy is back


I loved this episode, only thing it lacked was naming the fear The Beebo

Weston Johnson

It feels like the writers were compensating for the lack of his character all season. With it being so late in the season, it does feel rushed. However, the backstory itself was great.


It was a nice break from the stupidly tired attempts of dramatic writing that is Arrow.


Gimme more Dragon hell i'd watch a whole show about Dragon and his rise from an orphan to a crime lord


They Introduced him half way through the season as the main villan without any character development this ep was very necessary also no team drama the whole ep


I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, we received some much needed Diaz screen time, in which he learnt more about his past and motivations. Kirk Acevedo absolutely killed it with his performance that transcends the material he's given. While I do agree we should have had this episode earlier, I am hoping they are going to switch up the finale formula and have Diaz win in some way and return as next season's villain with the new show runner!


I think it was necessary since we hadn’t seen much of him as we did with other villains, and character development is always good. It was a nice change of pace!


I liked this episode for the most part but feel that this episode would have been better if placed slightly earlier in the season, perhaps within a couple episodes after Cayden James’ exit.

Doby Greg

I like it fine but It confirms I cannot see Dragon as anything but an underling trying to be big. And the introduction of the quadrant was made to late.

M. Casarico

I feel it’s good to know the backstory of the main villain, don’t you think?


I did enjoy it but they should've had this episode earlier in the year and not during episode 19 haa

Abdul Bhutta

I enjoyed it but it could've been placed earlier in the season rather than towards the end.


I certainly did. Kirk Acevedo is an amazing actor


I'm biased because I love Kirk Acevedo since his Fringe days, so I certainly loved this episode!