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Do you want Oliver to go completely Solo or with a Support team?


Andrew Courtney

Three was a great number. I’d be ok with more but they need to be utilized in a much better way. And no drama for drama’s sake.


Solo. When he is with a team, they always are liabilities and get in his way for everything.

Eric Solo

Solo with backup available if necessary and Felicity on the coms


I'd like Oliver to be in a team just for the simple reason is that i think it makes the show better, i could see them making him solo but not sure how i think about that

Dylan Carpenter

This episode strongly reinforced what I’ve been feeling lately, that the whole team aspect is what’s been bringing the story down for so long. He needs to go back to being solo.


Solo, because when he is with a team everyone blames everything on him even if it wasn't his fault. Now he can make his own choices without any bitching.


With a team, but a small one. At the very least, he *has* to have Overwatch, even if it’s not Felicity. One person just can not do the job alone. Plus, remember what it was like in the first couple episodes before Diggle? Him talking to himself and no one else got old fast, especially on a rewatch.


I voted solo, at least till the maybe 3rd episode next season, then have felicity and digg rejoin, black siren if she is redeemed and I maybe dreaming, but I would love Roy back, making the team a max of 4 in field, one on tech.


This episode went from "damn it why..." To "holy shit, yesssss"! Amazing episode

I Am Groot

Solo would be a nice breath of fresh air until NTA get their priorities in check.


Beebo is the one true god


There's so many hero teams right now, It would be cool to get the solo style again, and force them to change the way they write the episodes as a whole.


I think going solo for a while would be cool to see. I also love the callback in this episode to the theme of season 3, not being able to be Oliver Queen and be the hero the city needs. But he’ll get his team back eventually, I think the season 3 team was the best. Oliver, Dig, Felicity, Roy, and a Canary(Dinah or Laurel if they’re redeemed).

Seany McBuckets

He only needs a Robin and tech support. So Roy and Felicity in my opinion.


Go solo for an episode or 2 but chuck felicity on coms right? I really want an iron man moment with Oliver saying he is the green arrow !!


He started off solo and he's come so far. He needs a team to make sure he doesnt revert back to the killing monster he once was.

Tucker Lobner

For the rest of this season I either want it to be just Oliver or have him bring in some of his old allies to help. I just don't think Oliver can take Diaz down by himself. Next season I am interested in where they go with the team, or lack-of a team.


I like Oliver solo cause he’s a badass and I want to see him defeat Ricardo DS by himself 🏹. I love you guys and this is my first time supporting you guys in patreon.


I want him to be part of a team of villain hallucinations, complete with Prometheus, deathstroke, and the hot white haired chick from season one.


Ive always felt Green Arrow is way better off like Batman where he works alone and does not have a whole team all the time. I would rather have him Solo and then that way he is more of a bad ass being able to handle things JUST HIM or with Diggle and have team help only in most dire situations


All I want is the next episode to start with a season 1 Oliver working out montage


Every superhero in all the movies and most of comics can handle everything on their own then when they do get help from a sidekick or a team its when there is a Super BIg Baddie which then makes the Villain more creditable also to where say Olly isnt enough to beat someone that he needs help. The teams in Arrow and Flash are becoming dumb last time I checked the shows were Flash and Arrow not Legends of Tomorrow or justice League ect ect

Tucker Lobner

Now that Oliver was impeached, maybe he should call Diggle. Diggle left because he felt Oliver was stretched to thin, but that is no longer the case.


Best episode this season in my opinion.i voted solo, but I would not mind if chase showed up in the field


Eventually as a team but I dig the whole solo thing right now as it serves the plot beautifully


Team. But only a small team. The best this show has been for me has been OTA+Roy or OTA+Laurel. I think the newbs are completely unnecessary and I think with so many main characters, the writers have a hard time writing a compelling story that includes so many people. Legends works as an ensemble show, arrow doesn't.


Let them try solo for this season and if it works great, if not then next season they can write about how the team break up shit was wrong and get the band back together.

Callie Stephen

As the team are all being dicks right now, I vote solo. Diggle can come crawling back next season but solo (with a little felicity hacking as back up) for the rest of this season.


My heart broke for Ollie during this episode. I voted solo because I think he needs some kind of reset. Everything has fallen apart in his life and it’s hit him hard. He lost so much confidence he even said to Quentin that Felicity wants a divorce because of what happened with William which wasn’t true! He needs to go solo for a while at least, but ultimately he needs a FEW people to have his back. Not a huge team but Overwatch, Spartan and Arsenal. 😁


Not solo, but just with Felicity, Roy, and maybe Diggle if he can get his shit together.

Greg Alan

Diggle only


I think from past storylines, the Darker storylines where Oliver goes off on his own connects better with the audience and gets better episode reviews, personally I like the characters individually but there is way too much drama involved which this season in particular has been so repetitive.


Diggle, Felicity and Beebo the only team that oliver needs


True is Batman has a mission giver in James Gordon and while Batman does have a Batgirl or Robin helper. I do think The Green Arrow just needs a missions giver and a side kick. Im not a fan of team Flash and Team Arrow. In the Justice League its only either Green Arrow or The Flash with only Canary or Red Arrow or Irish and Wally. The team aspect for me takes away the heros performance a bit. Id rather see the team aspect be seperate occasional allies


As much as i want him do it solo i voted with a team! I want him to do go solo, for a while. But with everything going on and bad guys are coming in with all the numbers they have, oliver needs a team. At least 1 or 2 partners in the field. Remember Season 4 or 5 or now! Soooo many enemies at once.


I picked solo because this season has focused a lot on the team and not Oliver Queen as the green arrow and I think him solo will be really cool and different

Kevin Echeverria

Even back in season 1 he needed help from felicity and diggle so I think he needs help from 1 or 2 people.


He can do it alone. It would be awesome if they even brought back those monologues they had in first few episodes. Also, he was pretty tech savy before Felicity, just remember how he tricked Adam Hunt. Let him go alone for the rest of the season with ocassional support from Felicity.


I want him solo until we can get the season 3 team back together. Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and Roy are the best Team Arrow we could ever get!


Solo, I don’t think Oliver needs a team, I don’t even think Flash needs a team. They either distract from the story or don’t do much in the field anyway.


I want Oliver to call up Barry, asking for a new location for HQ, and Barry suggest he has a completely abandoned "warehouse" he inherited from Wells (Thawn). Hinting at the hall of justice with Oliver Queen assembling a team of heroes the likes we've never seen.


I would to see him go solo for now, doesn’t have to be for a long time, but we haven’t seen him going solo for a while and I think it would raise the stakes


haven’t even seen the ep yet but solo ollie could be interesting


I really like what they set up this episode. Could be interesting


I really like what Aaron said about Oliver revealing himself as G.A. And get his position as mayor back. Then his team could be there for support when he has mayoral duties.... haha dooties

Doby Greg

I don't want Felicity aroundto remind him there's lines you should not cross. Give me a brutal arrow for the next episodes and let him cross all the lines. I need to be entertain.

Doby Greg

I remember him coming to Felicity all the time for errands.

Doby Greg

There is a spoiler about future cast in there. Please edit it out. They don't want any spoilers and we should respect that.


why is beebo not an option



Chris Skalicky

I've been waiting for Oliver to go solo again for ages!

Darth Skhorrn

I love this episode, but I'm not a fan of Oliver going it alone. I don't like season 1 for a lot of reasons, but that's a big one. And I really liked the team last season, and in the early parts of this one


I'm apparently in the minority, but going it alone is the opposite of the conclusion I was hoping he'd reach. I don't think anything good can come from going solo. Everyone needs a little help, even superheroes. Maybe he doesn't need as big of a team as he had before the split-up. At this point, New Team Arrow has ticked me off so much I'm not sure I ever want them back, but he at least needs Spartan and Overwatch.


I personally prefer teams to solo heroes. I like to see dynamic relationships between characters so even if we just get OTA back, I’ll be happy.


Hi guys, I love this episode, thanks for visiting my page ! ♥♥♥