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Which of these characters do you think should join the Waverider crew next season?



I'd love some more Jonah Hex.


They're clearly making Jonah and zari endgame. Also I feel like if black siren is gonna appear next season it would be as a a nemesis for sara


Where's Beebo on this poll! LOL


It looks like a more magic focused season with Constantine, so I’d say Jonah Hex is most likely (especially since he has those scenes with Zari). I doubt anyone else from this list will join, maybe Nora.

Kyle Snyder

I voted Jonah Hex but would love more Constantine




By the way, Colton Haynes was confirmed as a series regular for Arrow season 7.

M. Casarico

I can totally see a ray/Nora dynamic next season


Cancelling my patreon subscription because Beebo wasn't an option

Dylan Carpenter

No Beebo? 😢 I’d like to see Helen of Troy come back as the Arrowverse’s pseudo Wonder Woman.


That was awesome, though I feel that the Totem’s Avatar was meant to be a voltron like thing until the creators saw how popular the beebo memes were online 😂


Supernatural crossover maybe????

I Am Groot

I voted for Jonah cos he is my favorite, but the team needs more women. So jonah or mari (if the actress is available bc apparently she's super busy)


Id love Jonah to join and explore his possible relationship with Zari but I think he has too much responsibility to be in his town. Helen of Troy would be badass but she's needed in Themyscira for Wonder Woman Origins. Nora seems more likely because of time stone Ray gave her, she might have some knowledge about the whole demon introduction at the end along with Constantine plus she has the skills, power and knowledge from being taught by Damien. She also has a foundation for a good redemption arc and interesting relationship with Ray. Roy Harper is most like stuck with Arrow, Jimmy is needed in National City as a part of CatCo and doesnt really seem like the type of character to be willing to leave the company let alone his universe. Rory and Ms. Martian are too undeveloped as characters in their own shows right now. Ralph fits better with the flash team, the Pierce girls need to start slow with their introduction into crossovers since theyre pretty new at it. Finally, Black Siren has been just overdone as character and pretty sure they won't replace Amaya's vixen so soon after leaving with a great run on the show.

Andrew Courtney

Gimme Jonah Hex. Love that guy. I’d also be ok with Nora for a bigger redemption arc.


Helen of Troy for her abilities and stuff.


I became a 1$ patron after Erics reaction to bebo ot was gloriously ridiculous i couldn't stop laughing




I’d love to see more Ragman. He was awesome and considering they’re dealing with demons next season having a new magic user might be useful. (Btw it’s Dibny not Digny)


I would love to see red arrow more likely Connor than Roy though.


Where’s Beebo?


Given what appears to be the theme of next season, an answer in verse: "Change, change the form of man. Free the prince forever damned. Free the might from fleshy mire. Boil the blood in heart of fire. Gone, gone the form of man. Rise the demon Etrigan!" Oh, and in the end, Beebo truly was the god of war.


Arron BeBo is our one true god ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽


Not to mention, she’s got powers and the whole demon thing would probably give way to some good “well when I was a demon’s conduit” humor.


At this point, I have a crush on nora, so probably her


Beebo is the only true answer


I chose one of the Arrows but I feel like Vixen(Mari) could fill the void left from Amaya and since we know Constantine will be on the show I hope we see Deadman or Etrigan.

Seany McBuckets

With Constantine returning as a series regular and the focus on magic, Ragman and his mystical powers would fit in well with the crew.

Tucker Lobner

I would never have considered voting for Helen before this episode, but she was like the version of Wonder Woman that the tv shows would be able to use. I would either want her or Ralph to join, because I also feel like Ralph would fit in amazingly.


I would say Jennifer or Anissa but Black Lightening S1 is great so far and I do not want to mess with the formula. I wouldn't mind Kuasa since I am used to the team having that power set apart of their dynamic.


I vote for M’gann. Does Supergirl even remember she exists?


Praise Beebo, but I voted for Helen, cause we need an Amazon on the team. I would love someone from Supergirl to be on the show, but Ragman would fit very well next season, cause they going the Supernatural route. Jonah Hex needs more episodes next season, they for sure prepping him to become a regular eventually. AND Praise our Lord Beebo

Red Claw

Roy is with Thea and are happy. What about Nyssa? I want NYSSA on the Team!!!


Rory! He is awesome but unlikely. But I want him cause he would fit right in.


I have no Idea what we're talking about but having Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex should be gun right?


For the poll my vote goes to Nora. Her second chance being used to help the Legends and seek redemption could really work like it did with Sara, Captain Cold, and Heat Wave. Having another magic user couldn't hurt. I like her chemistry with Ray. Off the poll I would like to see Caitlin/Killer Frost join for at least half a season. The Legends could use another genius around and Killer Frost would be very useful on the field. Seeing Frost snark with/at the crew would be entertaining.


Their actors are married in real life aren’t they? They’ll be a good fit for any storyline involving the two of them regardless If they are going close to the occult theme for next season I’d like to see some parallels with JL Dark and hopefully done resolution to the Astra storyline


Nora seems the easy pick but I think Roy would be a good foil to the rest of the goofy crew and/or I'd love to see their Wally-like soft reboot for him to make him better fit the show


Cancel all the other shows and put everybody on legends


That's really tough....but I'd say Nora. Get some more former villain in the mix, which has been sorely lacking with snart dead, and only Mick who is in his dickish phase of being a former villain.


Constantine, not on the list I know but great potential storylines :)


Can they just time travel and get Tommy merlyn on the team? Not to do anything, I just don't want him to be dead.


consider we’ll be battling demons next season, i think ragman is definitely a possibility


I am that one percent that said Jimmy Olsen. I picked him because they don't really use him much in Super girl it's like they forgot that he is Guardian and plus I think it'd be cool to see characters cross over from the different universes besides the big cross over episodes.


Ralph would fit so well, but I don’t him to leave Flash!


Gambi replaces Stein 😱 and Cisco makes the suits now that Winn's gone.