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What is one thing you would change about The Walking Dead?



I put choreography and blocking. It's not always bad, but if they hired u guys it would be better 😊


With an interesting story filled with unpredictability, good characters, good writing, and an engaging plot, the choreography, editing, and pacing matter less if you are invested in what the characters are doing amd how they are growing


Make it a zombie show, not a drama show with a dumb problematic kid, or people switching back in forth on someone's persona, like it's hypocritical! Also c'mon you kill Carl in such a easy way, then the saviors only lose like 15% off people when they were being directly shot.


All three


But I chose editing and pace because deaths like Tobins felt unearned. We last saw him and Carol interact in season 6, but for them it wasn't that long. If they get the stories more consistent and maybe better pacing on character arcs, random C characters' deaths will feel more earned

Angry bob ross

yes the story needs a major paradigm shift. i can look past ok choreography but not sub par writing.


Out of the 3 I picked Choreography cause it gets me most mad. But i would change Character Choices and development. Like everything Henry does, Tara's habit of Flip Flopping, or Daryl going against Ricks plan and helping the Saviors escape from the Sanctuary. Theres just too many Dumb decisions.


It's just sooooooooooooo slowwwwwwwww


I would definitely say the story. At this point, I have no idea what is going on and what would happen. A lot of the story seems repetitive which is now just tiresome and not very exciting anymore.


I would change the story direction. As much as I enjoy Negan/Simon/All out war, I am ready for a new direction for TWD. It feels like we've been in Alexandria and Hilltop for forever! The longest they had ever stayed at one location before was less than 2 seasons spent at the prison. I'm ready for new scenery and something other than just fencing themselves in and fighting off other communities.


I chose Choreography and Blocking but I really want that damn time jump. Give us some remnants of the Military 28 Days later style

Lisa Marie

I picked the middle one because I'm sick to death of the writers changing character personalities/motivations just for plot convenience.


I think that the editing and pace has been pretty good this season, but normally, it's the show's weakest point. Remember that one season where they spent seven episodes looking for Beth, and then Beth died?

German M

Me and most people I know left because the pace after someone dies. It's mostly just a slow build up. I rather watch your reaction, than the whole 40 min show

Darth Skhorrn

I quit watching because it just became a broken record. It needs a major shakeup with real stakes borne of story purposes rather than shock value and budget cuts. But really, it needs an end goal and it needs to die.

Jon Dub

I stopped watching because storylines just drag ooooooon and on, and the writers have to keep coming up with more and more dumb ways to put the people in danger, stupid mistakes, from people who, frankly, should be killing walkers like it's second nature, and pathetic things like children making retarded decisions over some bullshit. The Governor pisses all over Negan in terms of being a captivating villain. I like Jeffrey Dean Morgan, but his shtick has become beyond irritating now. I also just watch the reactions and not the show. Its like reading the cliff notes of a book.


I would change the pace, because some episodes drag for way too long and dont add much to character development, the story itself is interesting (minus losing Carl) and curious how it will all end


I think pacing has been fairly inconsistent for The Walking Dead for the past few years. Season 7 (while having major highs for me as a comic book fan) still felt incredibly slow, yet Season 8 is the complete opposite - so much shit is going down across the span of like 2 weeks, which I think you guys touched on recently. It'd probably benefit the show if they simply picked a pace and stuck with it imo.


TWD needs a new perspective - a showrunner who hasn't gotten comfortable with the position already and their writing formula, and who can bring new ideas to a decomposing franchise (get it cuz like...)


It will never happen, but imagine if Dan and Dave from GoT were hired as showrunners, or even if this show was on HBO...oh good lord my pants are ruined


i picked the story cause i think its either too slow or too fast and don't know what's going on. There's too many characthers i don't care about. I just want a core group. Im less invested in the show cause the story isn't that intresting anymore also i want to change ediiting and pace.


Story directions and circumstances, hands down, for me. I don't care if the choreography is sometimes not great. And the pacing is sometimes way too slow, but it wouldn't be bad if the story/dialogue were more compelling. What's so stupid, though, is when bad choreography is used in tandem with shitty side adventures in order to get the show to a scene where Carl fucking gets bitten.


Even though the choreography does annoy me sometimes it’s definitely the story direction and choices that need a change. I totally agree with Shane will all points, we need a time jump and need to move on from this area. I wouldn’t mind a story were they look for a cure, just something different and with the character I actually care about