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Which Earth do you think Black Lightning is on?



Maybe it's Supergirls earth, which has it's own version of Vixen. Or a earth with a completely different Supergirl and Vixen.


I picked earth 23 because I found that one the funniest

Eric Solo

an Earth where most heroes from other shows are only comic book characters like we saw with the Outsiders comic in an earlier episode.


Earth 1 because Vixen is native to it and Supergirl has been there multiple times.


Since they mentioned vixen, I'm sure it must be Earth 1, and they could easily have heard of Supergirl due to the last two crossovers.

Davon Thomas

Earth X post Nazi takedown. Because why not?


There was that 1 episode when anissa met that girl who reads the outsiders which makes me think that on their earth the arrowverse heroes are just comic book characters


Earth 1, supergirl would have had to be seen and people would've recorded her so she'd be at least known about right?? Maybe??


A different Earth that has BOTH Supergirl and Vixen.


Earth 740.


Maybe they're on a Earth where all tye Arrowverse characters are comic book heroes. This would make for some funny interactions if they ever do a crossover with the flash or something. Cisco: So is there a Vibe series on your Earth? Does it sell more than the Flash? It sells more than the Flash doesn't it?


I think, if that Supergirl reference wasn’t just her making a joke, it has to be another earth with two different versions of Supergirl and Vixen than the ones we know.


i doubt it. Jennifer acted like she thought there was a serious possibility that her mom was Vixen.


It could be Earth 1. They should know who Supergirl is from the crossovers.


Earth 1, so its easier to do crossovers.

Sabino Juarez

Earth 1 doesn’t make sense cuz they make it sound like the flash is the first metahuman hero.

Tucker Lobner

I think it could be Supergirl's earth because we don't know if there is or isn't a vixen, but it could be earth 1 because Supergirl has been there a couple times now and people may know who she is

Jonathan Tavira-Alcaraz

Earth 23 makes me think that Michael Jordan has super powers in that earth and that’s why he’s able to fly when he dunks.

Doby Greg

I hope it is Earth 38. 1) Jefferson was public 9 years ago. It would be a retcon for E1 but not E38 where metahumans don't have specific origin. I don't like retcons. 2) Supergirl as a show tackle political and societal issues from time to time(she even presents herself as a refugee in the opening) so it would fit more with Black lightning. 3) 2 live shows on each earth. Which is nice for symmetry and let her do her own crossovers if she wants rather than having to change earth to do it. So either Earth 38 or a new one is my hope. Also I am pretty sure that for now it is just lip service so they can put it anywhere they want if the network want to hence naming a character from each earth.

John Anthony

I think Earth 1 only because they mention vixen and we haven't heard even the smallest mention of her other than earth 1. Plus she said both vixen and supergirl, both heroines saved earth 1 together.

Ian Vega

Gambi actually stated how her costume works an episode or two ago. He made it bullet proof, even when she's not, because they're all protective of her. I forgot the other stuff, but yeah.


It just seems like make more since to be in Superman and Supergirl and maybe even Batman's world then The Flash and Arrow. Maybe Black Lightnings suit maker has allot other clients other then waiting for his friend to not be retired.


I prefer Earth 38 because of the crossover possibilities, I would love to see Kara interacting with Jefferson and Anissa. Also when the big crossover happens there is more reason for it to happen on Earth 38 instead of Earth 1 like it has happened so far. However I think it's going to be its own earth (23 or something else) which is also fine because it lets the show grow in it's own direction.


They mentioned Vixen and Supergirl but we haven’t seen or hear about a Vixen in Kara’s Earth did we? We at least had Kara a few times in Earth 1 to be known about


I always felt that if Supergirl, or anyone else shared the same earth, outside of Batman it might not be the same earth. Flash said there was "38 Supergirls". I don't agree with that writers thoughts. Earth 1 doesn't have a Supergirl, however we don't know what happened to earth 1's Supergirl or earth 2's or earth 3's but there could be aBlack Lightning's earth somewhere just as there could be a Smallville earth somewhere.

Blackest Hippy

I think earth 1 but probably not

Red Claw

Earth 38 would be the one I choose, because that way it still is connecting directly to the other shows, while mostly being apart with only Supergirl on their Earth. So they have more leeway to play around.


Personally, I hope it's Earth M. In the comics, M is for Milestone where the late comic book creator Dwayne McDuffie created his own line of superheroes completely independent of the main DC line. If you guys remember, Icon and Rocket from Young Justice are two heroes from that imprint.


It wouldn't be a retcon. Not all metahumans came from the particle accelerator explosion.

Doby Greg

The idea was that a Kara existed but she could be living on a healthy Krypton or already dead or be named Leana etc...


I would say Earth-38. Supergirl has been mentioned several times now, there can easily be a Vixen there (just never mentioned in Supergirl) plus I think Supergirl actually mentioned Trump as president which would work with the Obama-mask in this episode, since Earth-1 has a different president