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Do you think Mick Rory will permanently use the Fire Totem from now on?



If he doesn't I'll be very dissappointed.


Wanted to let know that the little girl and the guy sara killed was a callback to arrow 2x05 when she told Oliver about how she killed a man in front of his daughter and how that's why she left the league


I think for at least this season he will...since he did have his fire gun break


It would be an awesome upgrade for his character but I'm sure they'll just return it to its rightful owner, Mari's boyfriend.


As long as he wears his goggles again for either, I don't care. We haven't seen him wear those in so long


I think the totem may be lost of depowered after dealing with Mallus; otherwise there would be way too many totems on the show. On the other hand if he does keep it, I can also see Amaya leaving the Waverider with Nate. To make space for the new cast next season, and to reduce the number of totem bearers in the crew.


I think at least until the end of the season. After that I think the only totem barers will be Amaya and Zari


I think he'll use it until they defeat Mollus, then go back to his gun

I Am Groot

Nobody is taking that damn totem away from Mick

Kyle Simpson

Mick like fire too much


I feel like the use of this totem is exclusive to the Mallus story arc alone




I think it makes the most since but I can see jax coming back and using it if mick dies because I know their is going to be a season 6 of prison break


But given the nature of time travel, and being able to return it to that exact time whenever it's convenient, no hurry ;)


Absolutely. Bring Heatwave back into the thick of the action with a magical totem of fire. What's the worst that could happen?


They can't even get Nate to steel up when he's supposed to, so I doubt they'll have Mick perform great feats of magic.

Red Claw

They don't want to know such stuff. I would delete that comment, if I were you.

Blackest Hippy

Reminds me of when Heatwave became a metahuman in the comics


FIRE bitches.


As cool as it would be I don't want the team to consist of a group of highly powerful totem users any more than i want to see a group of unpowered heroes, they've been able to strike a fine balance so far but when you have too many powerhouses it becomes too unrealistic when they lose a fight or don't use powers because of the shows budget.


I think it's possible because I feel like Amaya, and the wind totem user ( I forgot her name) might either die or leave the show, At least Amaya is more likely to leave because she has to go back to her timeline at some point. I also don't see Wally staying for a whole another season. So it depends on who stays next season and who goes if Mick stays and Amaya leaves then I could see him keep the totem. Who do you think you guys will stay next season, and who will leave?


The shit they will have to do to get that totem away from him. LOL

Darth Skhorrn

"Constantine" is on CW Seed, not just the animated show but the ill-fated NBC season.


It feels permanent. And giving him proper abilities feels like a better justification for him on the team than just "this guy has a flamethrower"


I reckon he will just be using it the rest of this season, then next season back to his awesome gun.


Also did they kinda hint that Ava is Constantine’s sister maybe?

Ian Vega

Just wanna say, at the point where he's dealing with the illusion of his grandfather, he'd mentally be too lost and distraught to actually even think about stealing up. People do tend to freeze at certain events, it's just how the mind works sometimes.

Ian Vega

Also, Mollus is a very powerful being, I doubt being able to pinpoint where Wally will be with his magic would be too difficult.

Fajen Thygia

The question should be, Will Sara bring the death totem back for the finale.

Ian Vega

I think Mick was the way he was, at least for this episode, because he's kind of still dealing with Axel. That was another thing that's changed on the ship, and he's lost another friend, so he's just dealing with it how Mick deals with it.


I would’ve loved to see Mick with his fire totem do a test fight with Firestorm if Firestorm was still around. 🔥🔥🔥


I think from Rorys gun in season 1 till now has always been a lead up to the fact. Rory is a changed person and I can see him ending up as the teams leader at some point because Sara's fate worries me.


I think this season yes but at the end he will use his gun again. I guess they will lock up all the totems somewhere


I think he'll use it for the season but not after.


God i hope he keeps it.

Fantasiy Alcala

Mick was meant for that fire totem.

Neil Prospect

The way they labeled him a totem bearer and built it up and the amount it bonded with him, it seems likely they let him keep it ... praise beebo.


He was born to wield fire.

Stoned Volus

I can picture it being only for this season. If everybody on the crew gets totems, it'll leave them a little too overpowered.

Doby Greg

Yes. he shoots fire anyway. It would just be a new way of doing it.


I dont see him having it forever but i do see him using it for a while. Although i do hope he does have it permanently.


I voted no. The fire toetum did belong to the present Vixen (Amaya’s granddaughter)’s boyfriend and I think Legends were only suppose to keep it temporarily until the threat ended. It feel weird to have Mick keep it. It would be like if they had to steal Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern ring to protect it, ended up giving it to another member to use in coming battles, then letting said member keep it and never give it back to Hal.


I voted yes because HELL YEA, THAT WAS AWESOME! I need to see a scene with Mick unleashing fire with the totem while Guns N’ Roses is playing, in honor of Axl.


I said yes because I hope so, but I think a pyromaniac with that ability will just be OP. Too much responsibility too for a character that tends to be the comedic relief.

Doby Greg

He'll shoot fire and maaaaaybe fly I don't it is that crazy different than what he usually does and it wouldn't change his personality.