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Which of these three characters would you rather have been the one to try to convince Phil Coulson of his dream state?


Andrew Courtney

I would have loved Trip so that’s my choice, but I was fine with it being Mike since we also got badass Deathlock fight scenes too.


Yeah, super disappointed we didn't see Ward. Oh well, still a good episode.

John Lewis

Grant because I miss Brett Dalton.


I wanted it to be Raina pre inhuman form but Ward would have worked too


I was fine with it being Mike Peterson but I would've loved it to have been Nick Fury since I really love his character and Samuel L Jackson. Great reaction by the way.


I think having Mike do it made sense because you could pass him off as a background character while the others are more prominent agents: Trip is a legacy, Fury is the Director, and Ward is one of the top specialists of S.H.I.E.L.D. Also, I would rather have them go back and use Ward and Trip as fears for the team, especially the Bus kids.


I liked the fact that it was Peterson. I feel like if the show keeps bringing back Ward without actually bringing him back permanently it will get annoying. Best episode of tv ever by the way.


I think if it was Ward, Coulson would have just shot him on sight. Having Mike do it was smarter


Mike made sense because he was Phil's first mission after T.A.H.I.T.I.. Having him pretend to be an EMT and convince Phil he was still on the operating table would cause the most doubt.


Not to try and hijack the discussion, but the last wedding on a superhero show we've seen got interrupted so happy that didn't happen 😂😂😂


Any excuse for more trip


Yeah I woulda liked to see Raina but she died a good guy so the dimension wouldn't bring her back.

Ryan Witalison

I was fine with Peterson, he was the first person Coulson saved post The Avengers plus the speech he gave Coulson kind of mirriored the speech Coulson gives to him in the Pilot

Marvelous JJ

I loved that it was Mike! He was the first person Coulson & team were trying to save and he came back as a hero to save them. "It matters who you are." Also, FYI, the music when Deathlok arrives in a quinjet is Bear McCreary's "Crossing Into Darkness" - featured in 3.10 "Maveth" when Coulson and Fitz (plus Daisy and Mack) reunite with the team. One of my favorites from the show.


I think you overlooked Steve Rogers. That would have been the perfect choice in a perfect world.

Jamie Smith

Nick fury as we haven’t seen him in the show since the finale of the first season. It would’ve been a great call back to their relationship and could’ve been him to help fight them instead of mike peterson


I say keep it Mike. It works well for the story. Its easy on the budget. And we get the awesomeness of Mike killing Mike to save Coulson.


As cool as it wouldve been to see Fury, Peterson was perfect. He even wore his clothes from the pilot and repeated some of the lines Coulson said to him. Loads of other great callbacks and easter eggs, Fantastic episode. #SHIELD100

Blackest Hippy

Deathlok was cool but Fury would've been cooler


could that dimension be connected with dr. strange and it the dream dimension that why it bring out the fear out of the team and does that mean we'll get to see nightmare some where down the line?


I think Rosalind Price would have been great. Just because it was Coulson's last love and might be more convincing as 'death angel'


Fury would make the most impact to tell Caulson of his Dream State.


I would have preferred Fury, but I would have not bought Colson questioning him like he did Mike.


Ward would have been a good choice, although they maybe are aware of always finding a way to bring the character back, sometimes it’s always just best to leave a character dead as it seems every season they try to find a way to fit him

Christophe Kanaa

Mike was perfect. The perfect call back t the pilot with a lot of dialogues, his clothes. Coulson Killed Ward i don't think he would listen to anything Ward say.


I would have liked Ward, but it wouldn't make much sense, because I feel like if it was Ward, Coulson would have just shot him immediately. At least we got SquidWard back.


Nick Would be so fucking cool. now that scene is lesser for me because of how cool it would be if it was Nick Fury . And then you have Nick Fury show up at the end to save the day and have deathlok show up later and in an even cooler way.

Ian Vega

The deal was he burned through what had brought him back. He could have merged with Coulson without taking it away, but in exchange, he took it away.

Jens B

Fury ofcourse


Having it be Mike helps tie it back to episode 1 and keep it centered on the show instead of Nick Fury taking away from that. Having Ward may have been a bit too jarring for Coulson to try to trick him in that moment.


I chose Nick Fury because that would have been epic, but it wouldn’t have made sense. The fear vagina brought manifestations of the team’s fear. Who on the team is afraid of Nick Fury? Mike Peterson manifested, not Deathlock. Mike Peterson could represent a fear of failure on Coulson’s part because that original Mike Peterson doesn’t exist anymore. Coulson couldn’t stop Mike Peterson from becoming a (awesome) cyborg.


I’d say Nick! It would bring the whole series full circle if he was the one who told Phil “It’s all been a dream.”


yeah nick would have been nice.. but money talks!


I think you hit the nail on the head with Ward. He’s played too much of an antagonistic role and Coulson would have known right away it was a trick. Otherwise, I said Fury, but I wouldn’t of minded any of the 3.


I think Mike Peterson gives a nice nod to the pilot and earlier seasons. While it would've been cool to see Ward he has come back a bunch of times so it was nice see Peterson/Deathlok in episode 100


I think if it was Nick Fury it would've been great but like Eric said that might've overshadowed the rest of the cast, so for me its definitely Ward while I loved the episode he would've took it to another level !


In my head-canon: whoever it is telling him it "is all a dream" ends up revealing himself to be Loki with the Stabby Septor. Right as he goes to stab Coulson, Loki is stabbed from behind by Coulson's robo-hand which was being remotely controlled. Loki turns to smoke and fades out

Dylan Carpenter

I actually would have hoped for Loki, but since that would be too much to hope for I would go with Ward. Coulson’s greatest enemy trying to “bring him back to life” would have been a great motif.


I thought that choosing Mike was the right move because of what he symbolized. He was the first person that brought this team together. He was the first person they saved, the first person the fist person to be used against them by their enemies ,and the first person they helped find themselves when they were lost. so it made complete sense that he would be the one to save him.


I think Nick Fury would have been the best...but this episode got me thinking...what if it IS true and he is still on the operating table?


Nick because mentor


Like you said about Fury I think Ward would have been too much of an overshadowing character but I think Trip is the opposite. Too few episodes so long ago. Peterson has only had a couple more episodes than Trip but it's been spread out enough over each season that he's the best of the four by far imo. Plus he worked in the medical field that it made sense!

Jude Miller

Ward would've been overdone, Fury would've been overshadowing, and although Trip would've been cool, having Deathlok kill his fake self left no room for Coulson to doubt that this was really happening, and not just a near-death experience.