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Do you think Rip Hunter needs Wally West to travel through time without a ship or is it something else?



While I'm almost 100% positive hes capable, have we ever seen Wally time travel like Barry? Correct me if im wrong, its been a while.


It's possible he recruiting a new team to fight Mallus as he's seem to have had a falling out with the Legends

Dylan Carpenter

I think Rip might just be looking for help from powered individuals who don’t yet have a reason to distrust him.

James Fiarito

No, but Barry Time Traveled in season 1, and Wally was Faster than Barry was in season 3 (Until he spent 6 months in the Speed Force), so I'm 100% Positive Wally can time travel


Wally knows the dangers from time travel because of Barry so he wouldn’t do that in my opinion, I think he is just looking to even the playing field with mallus by getting help from a speedster.


Kind of both to a degree. The speedster method of time travel once you do it enough, throws away a lot of the rules as Savitar said. True he had a falling out with the legends but despite their rough edges he knows they are the only ones who will be able to conceivably deal with Mallus. Thus he is trying to get them some more backup imo.


GUYS. It was a wolverine mask

Fantasiy Alcala

Maybe both, but I'm putting my money on something else.


I say both. Time travel is the bonus but he is a good fighter and rip honestly is not!


If Rip was able to meet up with Wally then he already has a way to time travel. Plus he invented the time sphere that Thawn used to travel in time so he could always just be using one of those.

Stoned Volus

Remember that small time capsule ship Eobard used to help Dahrk travel through time with him last season? Eobard said Rip built the first of them, and since all the uses we've seen required a speedster, I assume this is what he needs help with.


I think travel though time, no something else, no both, no all praise bebo.


Nope, definitely Hawkgirl. Just another instance of the show poking fun at the Hawks and Vandal storyline.

Fajen Thygia

The creepiest thing about the episode is that Zari didn't have time to sleep.


Both, everything, all. Rip needs to get to the Legends and Rip and the Legends need a powered person, a speedster.


I think if they have wally time travel just like that it would be silly but if we see a scene where barry teaches him to time travel that woul be a lot better


Speedsters are OP. Maybe Rip just wants a power-up.

Doby Greg

Rip can't exactly borrow a ship. Wally is the next best thing.


He is creating the Legends of Yesterday which consists of the forgotten heros and villains from cw shows over the last 2 years.


Im guessing the Big Bad has a secret to defeat him but a Speedster is needed to open up Flashpoint but the issue is Wally as fast as Barry Allen.


Rip probably knows that he cannot remove Barry from the current timeline, but he needs a speedster for something. Though Wally has never travelled through time yet and is yet is still not as fast as Barry currently is. It would be exciting to see Wally travel through time with the Legends though and we can see what the big differences are between Wave Rider Time Travel and Speedster Time Travel.


Its probably half of one, half a dozen of the other. I think he's perfect for the legends because he can not only be their new powerhouse but since he's also a mechanic, he can fill in for Jax now that he's gone


i feel like stealing a timeship is within rip's capabilities


Since we haven’t seen him do that, I believe it’s something else like stealing a ship!


Someone forgot to hit the button


I don't think that Rip needs Wally for time travel as the Time Bureau have technology of their own to time travel, so I think Rip would have stolen some of that tech to help him time travel. He probably knows exactly where it was being held as he created the bureau. If not, then it wouldn't take the Time Bureau long to find him as he would have just been in the same time and wouldn't have gotten to far on his own. As a previous commenter said, Wally probably won't use time travel as he knows the dangers of doing so. Rip will probably get Wally to speed them away from the bureau if they ever find them again. We will probably end up seeing a Legion Of Doom scenario where Wally, like Eobard, will help the Legends when they come across each other again by using his speed which would come in handy against Mallus and the Darhks.


I think it's to travel through time but also just because he knows how powerful speedsters are


I feel like there should have been an option for both.


I hope it’s for something else. It would be easier to keep Wally on Legends if he was needed for something besides time travel.


It's possible to use Wally for time travel. I believe if he uses any of the tech from time bureau it would give out his location of where and what time he went to. He can't exactly use the ship so he found an alternative.


Maybe it has something to do with how the Wally got his powers

Kyle Snyder

If he did use Wally to go through time, Wally would most likely be chased by a time wraith or black flash and if they got him, Hunter would be stuck in that time