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Do you think DaVoe created the Meta-Humans on the bus for potential use to transfer his consciousness to?


Weston Johnson

It's the most logical reasoning. The thing is, how is he gonna have the powers? He transferred his mind to Dominic and kept his intelligence which makes sense. But what about physical abilities? What if he transferred into Ralph and then to Kilgore? Would Devoe have elasticity powers while in Kilgore's body? I guess he could just trap all the people and cycle between bodies as he sees fit.


Not all of them. I think each of them has a specific purpose. His current body was meant to house his consciousness at least for now.


Kind of just a thought on devoe's plan I think devoe will transfer his mind to each meta maintaining each meta's power until he reaches the last one then his end goal will be to try and transfer his mind into Barry's body making him the ultimate meta and he wouldn't have to worry about his body degenerating like the rest since Barry has super fast healing and obviously super speed

I Am Groot

I think by the time the finale rolls around DeVoe will have a bunch of powers from those metahumans


When he took over Brainstorm's mind, he specifically said that it was Brainstorm's unique power that made it possible.


I said yes! I did it for the pudding. I am unashamed. Pudding is life.


I think he created those bus metas to set things in motion for his master plan. Like dominoes.


So did Devoe give Cecil her powers? It's mind reading and it feels very shady that she suddenly got them.


I must be remembering things wrong cause didnt the Metahumans get created when Sisco tried to get Barry out of Flashpoint Jail but there was delay and Barry came out and the Funnel caused all on the bus to change. I think Devoe knew this was going to happen but i think Barry coming out of vortex Caused it not Davoe.


I feel like he created them for a bigger purpose than that. I think his endgame will involve them using their individual powers... but together

Tucker Lobner

I think Devoe's plan will involve all the bus meta's, but I don't think he plans to keep transfering his conciousness between them


You guys aren’t the only ones I’ve seen with this theory. But that’s not how it works. His thought powers came from the fact that they’re part of his mind, though they shouldn’t have transferred because that was an alteration to his brain. The mind reading is an alteration to Dominic’s brain. Anyone in his body would get that ability. But unless they abandoned all semblance of logic, the powers other than his own shouldn’t leave the host body.


His plans definitely have something to do with them all, but I don’t believe it is for transferring his consciousness to each one.

Darth Skhorrn

I think there's something he wants in Iron Heights that requires most of them to be there and Ralph to be at STAR Labs. Like Harry said, there are no coincidences when it comes to DaVoe. Because now Barry is a power-dampening cell, which he wouldn't be in if he didn't free an innocent man, whose framer happened to be a bus meta that the team took out. It's all a little too coincidental to be coincidence. This is part of the plan.


I said yes, because Devoe can use all those metas every single one of them to Barry and use all those powers.


Why did they stop putting metas in the pipeline? I guess it would be harder for Devoe to access them.

Anthia Grant

I'm just happy Aaron was happy about Cisco's love for Bulbasaur. His reaction to that put a smile on my face :)

Ian Vega

I knew we wouldn't hear the end of it as soon as they said Cisco was thinking about Bulbasaur. Charmander forever.


If devoe is doijg what erik says i will walk into traffic


He could only transfer to Dominic because of his telepathy. His super intelligence is not compatible with other consciousnesses. Also, I’d hope his grand plan would be a little more hard to predict than that.


I did the math on Barry's speed this episode (very quick maths, so don't take any of this as a definite answer). My calculations came out to about 5,760,000 mph (9,269,821 km per hour). If you would like me to elaborate on that just let me know. :)


One thing that really bugs me about this episode is that Barry is able to run to China before a camera turns back, yet a camera is able to pick up the lighting! Why didn’t Barry just phase outside the wall and into Big Sir’s cell to grab him so that he would not get caught. It just seems inconsistent to me. How fast must Barry be running and how many FPS is that camera running on?


I think he created them as a distraction so that his plan wouldn't be interfered with.


The only reason Davoe could transfer into Dominic was because of Dom’s powers so he couldn’t transfer into any of the other meta’s. I hate disagreeing with Eric 😭


He said that he could only transfer into Dominic mind because he was a telepath, so I doubt he can transfer into anyone else


I Dont think so because he is in a body that uses a brain power so I think that will make it where he can stay in that body


Am i missing something...i can't see any postings for flash reaction videos since the trial episode. I thought they were just not making them.


i think all the meta-humans will serve a better purpose than to just be DaVoe's body.


i can see it going either way? i feel he would probably be able to go out of the way to make sure those particular people would be on that bus at that exact time. he'd have to calculate the likelihood of them getting a particular set of powers. it seems a bit extreme. i'm going to say no. ps: are all of them going to be metas? since not all people hit with that energy turn into metas.

Doby Greg

I'm sure Devoe mention he can only do it with Dominic let him do that because of his superpowers. He said so when he was doing the transfer in the mid-season


Where is my damn deathnote?

Callie Stephen

I think their is a larger purpose to his creating metas.


I doubt they'll ever specify the creation of each Meta in DeVoe's plan. Hunter x Hunter!


First comment as a Patron. Glad to be riding this wave, guys. My initial thought was that DaVoe created the bus metas just to give Dominic mind reading powers so DaVoe would be able to steal his body. But then why would he and his wife keep Kilgore and Hazard under surveillance? I could definitely see him going the Sylar from Heroes route where he steals all the powers from the metas on the bus, but I guess we just have to wait and see. Also, I'm with Aaron and Cisco when it comes to Bulbasaur, and when Cisco brought it up, I shouted, "I love this show!" in the middle of a library. Lol.


I think that was only possible because of Dominic’s abilities, there must be a larger plan for the metas! BULBASAUR RULES


yes they can :D


Maybe he'll learn how to manipulate Dominics powers to mind control the metas instead of "wearing" them. Also bulbasaur looks like a demented cabbage that got possessed by Lucifer


She could have easily kept shooting until she hit Black Lightning, but stopped after one shot. I want to know what Tobias Whale thought about her missing.