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Do you think Kasius's seer is someone we will recognize or a new character?


Andrew Courtney

Holding out All hope for Rayna!!! Somehow like Kree blood revival or something.


Its yo yo.


I dont know who the seer is, but i don't think they're a psychic like they are implying, i think it was one of the team who knows what will happen because they lived through it.


Maybe Tess is an LMD and he sees through her (saw it on Reddit)


The only, character I can think of that we would recognize is Rayna. Also loving the reactions.

Tucker Lobner

I think the seer is going to be a member of shield, most likely yoyo because it felt hinted at the past couple episodes

Ryan Witalison

Thinking The Seer will just be a member of the team who has been brought back and is telling him what happened


I’m thinking it will probably be YoYo, snatched after she went up the elevator ready to fight in the last episode. It most definitely will be a current member of our squad.


But we can only hope for another incarnation of Grant Ward. That would be nice


Daisy's father I think, Why,I don't know fuck you


It’s gotta be a past YoYo, Raina, or hell, could even be Ghost Rider. His deal with Coulson could be to royally screw him over in the future. I actually think Coulson will need to stay in the future as part of that deal, explaining why he wasn’t in any of the flashback scenes.

Blackest Hippy

It has to be somebody we know, it wouldn't end with a tease like that unless they were fucking with us!


I'm assuming his seer is one of our people (probably Coulson) that has been kept alive by Kree blood. I don't think it will be an actual inhuman seer power.

Doug C

I would love the seer to be Aida, just to see some great villains working together. And she "saw" it in a simulation. But I'm feeling it's more likely it's going to be an LMD of one of the main cast, probably Yo-Yo. Thanks for the great reactions and analysis!


I think its an inhuman Kasius bred.

Kevin Echeverria

It’s yo-yo from after they go back. Remember she went to go fight the kree after Mack dies. Kassius resurrected her after realizing that yo yo was one of the shield agents who would come to the future.


On the one side, I don't get the suspense of not at least showing the appearance of the seer, if it's AOS's original character. On the other, I don't have in mind any familiar character from the show that might be the seer. Also, HUNTER X HUNTER!


I hope its a new character, but it will probably be someone we have already seen. I dont know who though.


There's a bloody scientist standing near the door so I think it's someone Casius brought back 2 life. Maybe end-of-the-world Coulson? I found it strange and unnecessary that they spent time showing he got injured on the cheek by a flying debris in the Zephyr. It's probably so we can identify between the 2 versions.

Darth Skhorrn

Given the placement of the reveal at the end of the episode, I have to assume it's someone we know and love. Yo-Yo makes the most sense. He keeps referring to her by her real name and was prepared for her speed with an energy S.H.I.E.L.D. (Lol I couldn't resist)


It's another fucked up Ward! dun dun dun


it definitely has to be someone we know, why else would they build suspense around not seeing who it was with the shut door?


Honestly out of any show i have ever watched, he is the character i would care the least about just showing up out of the blue for no logical reason other than the writers just wanted him back. Love Ward's character, he's what saved A.o.S. for me season 1.


If there are multiple timelines it might even be a Robin, but I don't want to break my brain even further on that one

Jamie Smith

I think that the seer will be yo-yo because not only did he recognise her, for some reason it feels like they are leading her to die because she’s getting so much screen time with Mac. Just an opinon


This is incredibly creepy and weird, man. You literally just copy-pasted my comment from the YouTube video down to the exact punctuation. That’s a weird-ass thing to do.


I was starting to be swayed by the Yo-Yo theories, but that reasoning for the cut on his face makes sense. I’m going to stay on Team Maybe-It’s-Coulson for a little longer now.


It has to be yo-yo. In the previous episode she was going up the elevator with a Kree staff to kill Cassius. It's also how why he knew to have his force field up so yo-yo couldn't nick the bond remote!! Btw he knew her name so he's at least talked to her and knows her ability.


I’m guessing it’s Raina, idk how, idk why, but I’m just throwing it out there.


I got so scared when he camera slowly focused on May flying. I was having flashbacks to Serenity


I hope it's Hive

Dylan Carpenter

With the way that scene played out, I got the feeling that it will be someone we have seen or heard of before.

Doby Greg

Yoyo that Kasisus's father kept so that he could understand how to produce inhumans. She knows stuff because she spent her time listening to Robin.


It has to be one of the team members that he is torturing by killing and bringing them back over and over again.


I know it's not likely but it would be cool if it was Raina... un-deadified


I think that it will be someone we have seen before!