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Are the Agents in the Flashback from the Future or experiencing these events for the first time?


Andrew Courtney

I think there’s a lot of timey wimey shenanigans happening. But I am living the story this season so I’m ok with being slightly confused.


I think its the current agents i think the earth is stuck in a time loop. Thats why they knew about the lighthouse on the jet. They knew they had to go there to survive.


Damn it with these paradoxes!

Andrew Courtney

Also am I the only one hoping some guy named Barry helped with the time travel device so they can say Damnit Barry!!


Fitz said himself that it's a loop, a record that keeps on skipping. Plus May at the end knew where Robin would give her the information, why else would she tell Robin to wait to give her the information? You'd think she would want that information as soon as possible.


This episode was so damn confusing, I think they've lived this future and gone back already


A bit off topic from the poll but I think the whole bringing Daisy to the future to kill her and stop her from destroying the world plan only supports Eric’s idea that Daisy was not the cause. She was pulled out of time so she couldn’t have destroyed the world, it would have to be someone else. I’m assuming whoever or whatever it is will be our main villain for the second arc of the season as that’s what AoS likes to do.


The agents in the flashback are the same agents that went to the future. They made it back and things still played out ... Fitz said "She saw the aftermath, and she still destroyed the world." Plus Robin's mommay knew Robin would tell her how to get back, and when. And so forth. Although ... I suppose they could be basing that knowledge on Robinpics rather than having lived it. Whatever, I'm going to go churn the butter...


I thought the flash backs were from a time line when they didn't time travel. But now Eric has me questioning everything. I don't know what's going on! Definitely looking forward to getting some answers. This is also part of what makes this show so awesome. Like Eric said, "My brain's kinda fucked, but I like it."


I say future, because time travel is mentioned several times and Fitz says that they’ve tried to change it but the world is destroyed anyways. But idk this fucked my mind up.


i think this is the timeline where the earth got „quaked“ apart


I think the order is: The events that occur that cause the destruction of the Earth happen, the stuff we saw in the flashbacks occur after that destruction. They devise the plan to pull everyone to the future to prevent the destruction, and eventually Deke's Dad fulfills it. This creates a new timeline where the diner scene and what we've seen this season occur. Only because everyone went to the future, creating the issues with the Kree and the early culling, causes Flint to be created, and because of that, Robyn sees Flint as the way to allow everyone to go back to the past, as Daisy rips the Earth apart, Flint holds it together. This will create a third and final timeline where the destruction is averted. -Also, I think Robyn's "he can bring all the pieces together" refers to Flint, either bringing together all of the pieces of the monolith to help them get back, or bringing all of the pieces of the Earth back together / holding them together during the destruction.

Ryan Witalison

The way I saw it is they are in a time loop, they always get sent to the future and go back to the past to stop it and they don't have memories of each loop they always know what they know when they first arrived in the future and everything they knew about the plan came from Robin, so the flashback's are also kind of a Flashforward for the team.

n p

The flashbacks are the oldest version of the agents after they returned from the future.... It's also ALL one timeline, the diner scene happens, they live a bit in the future, they get sent back to the exact time they left, and continue living their life on the same timeline they left, trying to fix the future... Because time plays itself out linearly, regardless of if they left it for a bit for a visit in the future, they're able to see causes and affects in the future of stuff their older/future selves will only do after returning to the past... and yes for a while there's two Fitz living through the same time period that's not a paradox they're just different Fitzes, the older one dies living/aging through his natural lifetime and the younger one gets unfrozen in the future... It's a causal loop, just accept it.


If Flint does go back in time with them, that other flash back would have to be a timeline where they never time traveled. Because Flint would be there, assuming he doesn't die between now and then.


I think the other timeline is how it wouldve happened if Enoch didn't interfere

Doby Greg

It's 1 timeline because if not Fitz cannot get there by just being frozen. And time can be changed since the world will be saved. And it's the first and only time travel or else Fitz wouldn't think the machine is stupid. So rules of Legend of tomorrow(basically the end of season 2 where they are aberrations).


It's absolutely versions of them that had gone to the future. Whether or not it's the same version as our current SHIELD team or not is uncertain

Doby Greg

I was thinking Dragon ball rules with alternate timelines but it cannot be because both Fitz that saw everyone disappear and Robin that was raised by May met. So either it's Legends or a loop. Or they made a mistake. I hope it's a mistake.


I think the past agents are experiencing the events for the first time. Like thise are the events that takes place before Enok comes and gets them. If you go by LOT rules. Then the world would have ended. Emil comes back in time. Takes them to the future but time hasnt cemented yet so the earth is still destroyed so they have to fix it. Scientists please leave time travel alone.


You remember I said Eric was always right, well i screwed up, Aaron was sooooo right this time it hurt!!!


The agents in the flashbacks are so clearly experiencing things for the first time and there must be only one timeline. Because in reality Fitz is always right!!!

Keyboard Junkie

I think the flashbacks are of the original timeline, where events transpired as they should have. Robin, being a seer, is able to see these events from her past and create a new path or timeline for all of them. Because the path has changed, the flashback events no longer happened, except for in Robin’s mind as visions.


For me, I never thought it was anything other than showing the timeline that lead to the destruction of the world. I thought it was very clear that the flashback was the first (and only) time that everyone was going through those events. I was baffled to learn that people thought it was a time-loop. Y'all be tripping.


I think the flashbacks are what Robin sees in her crazy visions.

Doug C

I'm confident it's working like this: Robin is playing the game T.I.M.E. Stories. She is in the loop, and knows what happens along her entire timeline throughout ALL the passes of the loop, but that's confusing and overwhelming. So she doesn't know what information to give the Shield team. She sends them all to the future. They die. So young Robin figures out she can't have them all go. So she changes what she tells Enoch and they send all but Fitz. They still fail somehow, but learn more about life at the lighthouse. So in here muddled state, she figures out different pictures to show Fitz. So now on this pass he puts that stash of gear for them. Now the bugs didn't kill Flint. Imagine that happening thousands of different times, each with different pictures for Enoch, Fitz, etc. The loops make more and more sense for her as she works out an order of things to happen and clues to leave herself to solve the problem. But just as life gets clear, it's because she's at the end of the series of loops. What happens with Fitz short circuiting the loop this time makes life interesting. :-)


Robin sees both "timelines" but she can't tell which is which. Them in the flashbacks aren't the same them from the future. I agree with Aaron. Fitz saying they've tried it a bunch doesn't imply they've lived it a bunch, I took as they've tried it in the flashbacks a bunch of times and they couldn't figure it out. The Earth how it is in the future in the Earth from the flashbacks. I don't think they have gone back in time yet. We're going to see them go back in time and then try to change thinks. Probably in another arc. This arc is them in the future to see it. Another arc maybe them back in the past trying to change things.

Kevin Echeverria

I mean yo-yo clearly knew what the kree were going to do to humanity and they kept referencing the future events.


Sorry Eric but I think Aaron might be right on with this one. I felt like when Fitz was going on in the flashbacks about a loop or whatever that, that was him using his scientist brain of his trying to wrap his head around the fact that if he did build a time machine then everything would've been fixed by then. To him he wouldn't be living in the post-apocalyptic world anymore if he had succeeded. So i think Fitz is just assuming that they failed. To me he just seemed upset and annoyed by the fact that he had already lost so many loved ones and here he his trying to build a time machine to undo this disaster and here is this little girl telling him how his remaining loved ones will die. I think that is enough stress and trauma for even the smartest and most well trained scientist to kind loose their temper and get frustrated.

n p

They have been to the future... and they returned using the time machine that they will later create after returning... because they're in the future so it was already built in the past... It's called a causality loop or bootstrap paradox, sci fi writers often use this in time travel stories because they assume there's a greater understanding to time that we can't perceive as 3-dimensional beings... There is no Before or After, First or Last there just exists a static path through time that always happens... They're already using the character Robin to drive this home, to her there's no before or after, she predicts any event at any point in time regardless of if it happened.


in the 'flashbacks" when robin was saying "flint" over and over yoyo said something about this person not being born for another 50 years. so they DO know flint in the flashbacks. so it must be the future


completely unrelated


How about the idea that this are just Robin's thoughts/visions? Voss did mention this episode that things are scrambled and I somehow remembered Enoch did say that same thing to Fitz in the past. So what if this are just the scrambled thoughts/visions of Robin and are no part of any timeline at all

Dylan Carpenter

I actually agree with Aaron’s reasoning here. The flashbacks are what happens from Robins perspective without time travel, then in the future she puts all the time travel stuff in motion and pulls the team from the diner to try and change the outcome.


If u listen to their dialogue (about Flint, Daisy, Robin), they're clearly from the future


My theory is that the flashbacks are what happens to the team prior to Enoch taking them from the Diner. The version of the team that all died, leading Enoch to take this version of the team from the Diner. Time Travel hurts my brain, but I’m sticking with this theory. Also Robin said the team hadn’t been seen together since the Diner, meaning someone most likely stays back in 2091. I’m guessing Mack or Coulson simply because they weren’t in any flashbacks.


Im conflicted about this because in one of the flashbacks Coulson mentions Voss, and the only way he could have known him is by being from the future. But on the other hand, when young Robin mentions certain things to May, May doesnt seem to know what shes talking about. It could be that May is just so busy that she cant recognize when Robin has said something like that when she met her as her old self. Ugh, im not sure... not enough information to go on right now.

Anthony Wickizer

It's their first time. That's why Yo-Yo has no faith of what Robin says. The only thing that muddies it is Fitz' line. I think his line is meant to say that if it they had fixed the timeline it would have been changed already because time is constant. So when he says a "thousand times" he just meant that he has heard Robin talk about it and they have failed to make the machine a bunch of times. At this exact moment I feel there is only one time line. The prime line where Earth is destroyed and the agents lived through it. It is Prime Robin that pulls the Agents from the past into the future. And until the Agents die or go back in time to change things, there is no second time line. The other wrench in things though is Fitz in Cryo. What happens to him when they go back in time. And will Flint disappear "Back to the Future" style when they fix the Earht?!?!?!


anyone else think fitzsimmons are deek's parents/ grandparents?


I think it is what Aaron said there is two timelines in the present day where the dinner scene happened the flash backs in this episode are the timeline where if everyone didnt get abducted and sent to the future and there is another time line where Fitz was left alone and imprisoned.


I think it is an alternate timeline where the dinner scene never happened and that is where Robin got the idea of using timetravel in our timeline.


I think that... Maybe... It's like... Ok, I'm broken.


Maybe ,I don't know


New theory: Coulson was no where to be seen during the past flashbacks. I think Coulson had to stay behind in 2091 with Deke, due to his deal with Ghost Rider. How it will unfold is yet to be told but I think it’s highly possible.

Darth Skhorrn

I believe it's like Aaron said: the future continues as if they never left. The flashbacks exist in a version where the team hasn't gone to the future, the original timeline. Then the future is a version where they have, a second timeline.


It's pretty clear based on dialog of the characters themselves that the Agents of SHIELD in Robin's past are our characters in the future. They experienced being plucked from the past, taken to the future, returned to the past, and then failed to prevent the destruction of earth and lived through it. Whether that's a first time loop or, as Fitz pessimistically believes, some countless iteration later, is the main question I think they're facing.

Teddy S

This poll is slightly skewed, there should be a third option! Experiencing these events for the first time, multiple times. I believe this is how it works: Robin is the common denominator in all of this. Her mind being scattered all over time is what keeps changing it. In the first iteration she saw the world destroyed and from that point on kept changing it little by little. The agents keep living through it and when it reaches the end, little Robin sees that end and tells of it leading to them trying something new. That, I think, is what Fitz keep talking about when he says they've tried it a thousand times in that Robin tells them of the new future being created every time and every time it keeps being destroyed. That is until she finally sees what May told her to tell her in the future: A way to save the world. She said in the flashback she hadn't seen it yet and that I believe is what they were waiting for, the time travel machine is just a new way to try a new possible solution (which worked, yay!). And the way to save the world? That seems to be Flint and his powers. So you could say its many different timelines or one and the same, depending on how you view it. For Robin it was all real, all the death and pain. But for the Agents it's the one timeline they keep trying to fix from ever happening, because lets face it, time travel is confusing and to be a character living through it even more so.