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Given the choice, which name would you rather be known by?


Andrew Courtney

Unless he’s directing a musical later he can take that LaLa back to Broadway where it belongs!!


Latavius is also a pretty dumb name, but he could've done better then la la


Where do these gang find these shit names?

Blackest Hippy

How is latavius a dumb name? Its a name. Thats like saying alex is a pretty dumb name


Isn't lala a Teletubby?


lala like the motherfuckin teletubby


One thing about me, if you don't know now is I lovmy name I am and always will be Steven Brown"Steven Markell Brown", any thing else would be insalteing. Not to me but to my mother & I love my mother dead or not. so since his real name is Latavius, that's the only name I for one would use. However it might not be that way with him, maybe he's trying to get away from his past you never know. cool show & cool reaction on your parts. Ihad to agree with all that was said I would add though that Black LIGHTNING must have been holding back, he could have easily killed them.


I know a Latavius who goes by Tavi, Tavi's a cool nickname. Don't be hatin'. :D


Neither One Im Skeletor which makes me already cooler but in context to this its Latavious because LaLa sounds like Smurfs name.


Latavius is a cool name and all but there's something even cooler about an intimidating leader having such an unassuming nickname.


I choose LaLa but I won't listen when people say my name, I will only listen when they sing my name. People can choose to sing the lalala parts of their favorite cheesy pop song to get my attention. It will be wonderful.


Lala sounds like a strippers name...


You might have missed it but when the cops tazed Jefferson one of them said “You Get your black ass on the ground.” It looks like u missed it


being from the uk i have to choose latavius cause i wouldn't want to be called after a teletubbie lol

Just Jackie!

I'd insist on Lala, and would DARE for anyone to smirk while saying it.


Latavius, it just sounds cooler.


Would have to be La La. You know you're getting shot when you here that name.


Isn't La La one of the telly tubbies?


LaLa sounds like you are chick dating an NBA player (specifically Carmelo Anthony) But I guarantee Aaron would have mispronounced Latavius in print.


Latavius, purely because it sounds like a Greek mythological hero, like Heracles or Perseus or something.

Jackie Green

It also resembles the Roman leader Octavius's name.

Jasmine King

I went to school with a Latavius....but people called him Tay

I Am Groot

It internally hurts me that the guy named LATAVIUS wants to be called LALA -____-


latavius is an awesome name,but it was probably to hard for people to say when he was younger so he told people to call him la la. It probably stuck and became his street name when he started out. So it probably became a sign of disrespect when people use his full name.


Latavius sounds awesome while La La sounds like a teletubbie.... oh wait. I don’t think he would be so proud of his name if he knew. Lol


When Jeff said "Lala", I thought : "Well... Latavius will be pissed...", but NO, it was his actual codename 😂


anyone who picks lala is probrably 12 and under


Rather be called Lala than "sugar" from luke cage. He was one of cottonmouths enforcers.


La La sounds like a woman's codename... I'm with Eric... Latavious sounds badass


Latavius. But he probably doesn't want to use his real name, might be a childhood nickname that you just had to live with. Plus getting your ass kicked by a La la Ruins All cred


"Lactavious Like A Fucking Darth!" Eric is right once again!


Had to