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At this point in the series, Did you ever truly expect Morales to return to the show?



I was hoping he'd show up on fear the walking dead. Also you should watch that show


They have to make the show feel like it’s a living breathing world and I am sure we will see how he ended up joining the Saviors


At this point it was just a joke, i didn't think he would truly return. I was caught completely of guard by his appearance.


Am I the only one who forgot who he was? It took me solid twelve hour day to remember.


No but it seems like a wasted hook on a character I barely recall...now holding off on Morgan until then, that would have been something else!


The last couple of seasons I didn't expect it or even remember him honestly. But the first 3 or 4 seasons I figured they would have closure for him and bring him back.


So I guess Gendry kept rowing and Morales kept driving...

Jeff Knapp

Was not expecting him to show up. Also the guy they left under the tree was Jim he was traveling with Dale in the RV.


I honestly forgot he existed.


I felt like he was to much of a loose end so I voted yes


No but I remember it was a meme once. Like "When in Morales back? We miss him" But jokingly of course

Katie Stubbs

Morales was probably one of my favorite characters from that small group in Atlanta. He cool, kind and an absolute beast with a baseball bat so hey I know he's working with the Saviors now but hopefully Rick can turn him and he and Negan can have a bat off! :D


Yes, I always keep the possibility of a character returning in my mind because as long as they left alive, there's always a chance of bringing them back to make a story more compelling or just to surprise us. By the way, I think Heath will come back, don't forget him.


Yes, I suspected it, but only because Katie brought it up last season. Otherwise he would have been completely gone from my mind and I wouldn't have recognized him this episode. So thanks, Katie. If it weren't for your crazy theories I would have been really confused when he showed up.

Jack's World

I did because the fandom could not let it go. I am glad they did because it is not just fan service, the group that was pushing for it was not big enough for it to be just fan service. I think it is great to bring back characters because it gives the opportunity for more backstory. I know a lot of people hate backstory episodes, but if done correctly, they are incredible!!!


No because i didnt give a shit about his character lol. Assumed no one else did either

Alisha Brayboy

I always had the thought in the back of my mind. Back when him and his family left in the first season they said it was to find family and I had hoped that they would wander back into the story, maybe with a flashback so we could see these different families' different journeys to the same location, I just thought it would have been so cool. Now, 8 years later, it is finally happening!!! Cool :)

Jon Dub

I remember him from season one and often wondered what had happened, but figured if they were gonna do it, it would have been in season 3 or 4!

Lisa Marie

Off topic, but in regards to what Shane said about the King, I'd like to mention that you guys have heard him speak (somewhat) normally before. He voices Aqualad in Young Justice. :)


By the way guys, King Ezekial is the voice actor for Aqualad in #DickSquad


I completely forgot about him, didn’t even remember him when he turned up again so I had to google him 😂


I expected him to show up only because the official TWD Twitter account randomly tweeted about him early this year

Boomchicawawa Bay

Morgan should have killed that ONE guy, he killed everyone else.


Morales returning made it's own meme for awhile then it really went up when that mystery person with the cord wrapped boots started appearing (which was one of the garbage members eventually) people went nuts saying it could be Morales. I was still surprised that he came back and what better way as a Savior? God damn.