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Do you think the city-wide VOTE will be in favor of Vigilantes or against them?



I have a feeling there's going to be some kind of trickery from either the fbi or whatever big bad guy their up against.


I think the city will vote against because something will happen, also maybe oliver will come back as The Green Arrow and immidiatly get busted by the FBI chick.


Vigilantes are a double edge arrow. Some are good, like the Arrow-team, and bad ones like Vigilante, who kill...like the OG Arrow.

I Am Groot

I think they've done the vigilante-criminal storyline too many times now. It'd be nice for them to get recognized as heroes for good.


By mid-season break, Watson's investigation will turn up something that will shift the city's favor and the referendum will pass. But by the end of the season public opinion will shift again and there will be another vote,where it's repealed


Most Likely against cause its good drama to have issues like that. I think if the city had bad villains like Gotham the citizens and DA wouldnt care if had Vigilantis


I really hope they vote in favor of the vigilantes because I'd like for Oliver to have an Iron Man moment and announce he is Green Arrow like they did in Smallville. I think it'd be an interesting way to take the show.


I think the city will vote against vigilantism because most people are terrified by any kind of violence or anything that could get themselves killed. Also it would be more dramatic to see the city against our heroes rather than for them.


I think it's going to be a close call but Vigilantes will win. I just don't understand why the FBI is only investigating Vigilantes in Star City. It's not like it's the only city in the Arrowverse with Vigilantes.


This city has been saved by vigilantes 5 times now. They rallied around GA against Darhk. They'll vote in his favor.

Randy Neal

I think the city will vote in favor of Vigilantes. They did this same story line in Smallville so I expect the same result. We'll know for sure someone says the line, "They aren't Vigilantes, they're heroes."

Eric Solo

If it was realistic it would be for vigilantes but I'm guessing for story reasons and drama they will go against after something the villain does


I think that it will be for vigilantes but something happens that's controversial and the vote goes against them


I think it will go for them because of the fact vigilanties have saved the city multiple times


I don’t know if you guys noticed but Curtis actually didn’t have cornrows this episode his hair was just pulled back.


The end-game of the Damien Darhk fight relied on the citizens rallying behind Green Arrow to give him the strength to win (and fighting along side of him). The fact that we're back to vigilantes being bad for the city is questionable.


Hope that in favor so we could move on from the subject, instead of rehashing a plot-line of condemnation and absolution.


Smart reasonable people should always vote against vigilantism. But smart reasonable people are in the minority most of the time.

Dylan Carpenter

The inclusion of the FBI storyline has me convinced Oliver will publicly embrace being Green Arrow this season (otherwise it feels pointless), and for that to work there needs to be support for vigilantes.


Did anyone else get flashbacks to the Smallville Green Arrow with the sunglasses this episode?

Seany McBuckets

I wouldn't be surprised if Vigilante's antics turn the city against vigilantism


Because team Arrow saved hundreds of people from that explosion, we will see not only a citywide rally in favor of the vigilantes, but also a citywide rally against the vigilantes.. you know what that means.. RIIOOOTTTSSS!!!


Just realized that it's actually the 6th time they've done Oliver giving up the arrow story. they did it after the first time Merlin kicked his ass in 1X09


They have saved a lot of people, meaning they should be in favour. I will be surprised if they are against


No am agaisnt it - Grodd oh wait this isnt the flash - Solomon Grundy


I have a feeling some incident is going to happen where a member of team Arrow accidentally kills someone or makes things worse and it sways the vote.


Because this is not Flash where the citizens celebrate the Flash, I feel like they will be against Vigilantes since its Arrow and it's the darker verse.


I want to know why the FBI is investigating green arrow, when the President at the end of the crossover said they were heroes and pretty much gave him a free pass