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What time in relation to the current season do you think The Thinker could be from? 



I think the thinker was thinking about thinking while thinking about the thinker.


Since we had two villains from the future in Reverse Flash and Savitar, and then there is Zoom who was from another earth. I think he is from the present day, as I don't think they'd do a third future villain, and I cant see him being from the past.

Andrew Courtney

Like my comment from last week I think he could be in a future Time from now. His lair and tech was the main reason I thought that, but maybe I’m wrong.


I "think" he is from the future because of all the technology but he could just be very very smart. Also, possibly Daniel West?


Why would we bring time travel into a villain whose whole thing is that he thinks real good?

Ism Zam

Definitely present because in the second episode the assistant said "The subject is now locked up in the meta human wing as we speak"


I think the thinker is a nobody villain now that becomes the future self because Barry comes back from the speed force or the Thinker is from another Earth maybe the one Jay Garek was absent from.

Eric Solo

he might be from the future and he probably is, but that will be 3 of the 4 seasons with baddies from the future


I think he is just a meta that can analyse a situation to predict the exact outcome. Or he could be a time remnant 😂


Hold on, I'm thinking


If hes from the future couldnt he just get them right off the bus?


He could be from the future, but I think he's here in the present.


Present, and Eric will be so happy they've cast an actor for Beastboy on Titans.


This episode was f*****g amazing, whoever wrote this deserves all the medals!!

Dylan Carpenter

I went with the present, because so far nothing on the show has given any indication otherwise.


I would say future. DeVoe uses tech that seems more futuristic then anything else we seen in The Flash


I would say future because the tech looks too advanced.. but there are times when they looked at the newspaper and the girl said they guessed it right. So they didn't know if it was going to happen. So maybe it's people from current time that are using future tech or something


Poll should have been, "did you notice Wally was missing?"

Jude Miller

The Thinker's newspaper hologram thing reminds me of the one at S.T.A.R. Labs, also from the future.

Seany McBuckets

That newspaper in Well's lair should switch to "Kid Flash Missing" by Iris West, AKA The Flash

Boyd Outlaw

feel a little rush agian this ep when they change team member. hope late episode got something worth.


I am pretty sure Thinker is sitting somewhere in the future and controlling things.


They shouldnt have overdone the look on the Thinker.. the comic version has hair and is not pale.. this is basically Brainiac LOL


I think he somehow exists outside time - he's from neither past, present or future, but also from all of them. When Barry came back from the speed force he was experiencing his past, present and future. I think that was a hint to the Thinker's situation.


What signs are there to indicate that he's from any time but the present?


I don't see how he could be from the past, I think that would be a little too silly even for the Flash. Him being from the future could work if he has some sort of technology that allows him to see into the past. That could lead to a weird plot where he isn't as smart as everyone thinks he is, he just already knows what will happen because he's from the future. Then again that's a little to confusing and as of now wouldn't fit his actions or motivations which we still don't really know yet. So for me it's gotta be the present.


AM I the only one who thinks the thinker is sitting in the mobius chair???

Boomchicawawa Bay

what could hacking, luck and 10 other powers help with ?


anyone else notice that this house is bitchin was said in this episode, and that barry was saying something about a baby in his rant.


He's been there the whole time we just didn't know (dun dun duhhhhh!)


So long as he doesn't get up from that chair and starts running, I don't really care from which timeline he came from. For the sake of the poll, though, I picked present. P.S Actually thought he was Metron, at the beginning, and got myself hyped *sigh*


Present because why else would he need to make corrections like when he said correction lived with her boyfriend P.S zari on legends in the comics she is married to black Adam and goes by isis but the call her zari in the sho cuz well you know isis


The present because we've already had 2 time traveling big bads and it doesn't fit the character.