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Who will have the next victory in the War of Queens?



I'm voting with my heart, not with my mind :/

Eric Keatts

I'm saying Daenerys cause I think shes bout to let loose the Dragon(s)


I think Daenerys will have a victory, and then another bigger loss.


Daenerys. I think her loosing so many allies is finally going to make her go and 'Be a Dragon' like lady Olena suggested 🔥

Randy Neal

I think Daenerys will win. I think she and Jon will make an alliance and Jon will lead her to victory in the next battle.


Dani will DEFINITELY unleash the beasts. Jamie and his army are an open field....the one thing Robert said was "only a fool would meet the Dothraki on an open field".


Daenerys needs to follow the inspiration of her ancestors. Visenya burned the Arryn fleet at Gulltown. She needs to fly over Euron's fleet and burn it likewise. Then she needs to demand Cersei surrender or burn the Red Keep down like Aegon did Harrenhal. Jamie was right, no one will care how she wins the throne after the peace she established.

Erich Bomke

The only way Dany wins is when she doesnt listen to Tyrion. He completely miscalculated his opponents.


Because she has already suffered 2 losses I think Daenerys's going to have a victory next and even though it might go back and forth for a while she will have the final victory over Cersei. Also great reaction guys. :-) <3

John S

If the past 2 episodes have shown me anything its that Daenerys and her advisers are woefully inexperienced in matters of war. No one there actually has fought or commanded in a war before. Tyrion is very smart, but against Randyll Tarly who is likely the greatest general in the world he is extremely outmatched. Dany has a bigger army but Cersei has quality over quantity. That being said no way she takes 3 Ls in a row. She will likely win the next battle, and eventually the war, but she will lose more before its over.


I have a feeling next episode we'll be seeing some Lanister army vs Dothraki army action. That open field battle from the trailer makes me think the Dothraki have the advantage if that is in fact *the* battle.


Dany has to win the next big battle, they wouldn't have hyped up her return and to have her build up a formidable force over 6 seasons to her to consistently lose at the hands of Cersei. That being said, Cersei so far has had an answer for every problem Dany has presented her.


Cersei will win by taking down one of the dragons


The Unsullied have to march across by land. That is their strength. I would love to see a full battle of Lannisters getting crapped on by the Unsullied.

Joel S

Daenerys will light a fire on some bitches.


Dany needs to win the next one or it'll become too unbalanced. She has already lost three allies.


Dany can't really lose much else at this point, I think her big comeback will be the Field of Fire fight that we've seen in the trailers


If cercei wins again the war is basically over and we would still have 3 more episodes this season. So Dani has to win or it's shitty story telling.


I wonder if Dany will be forced to change her stance with Jon Snow, in regards to being king of the north, in order for her to gain a much needed ally. (What With her other allies now gone). She needs a battle commander, her advisers are inexperienced at war.

Red Claw

Robb won every Battle he fought, but lost the War. So Denny not winning might work fine for her.

Marcelo Eloy Pierre Jorge

You don't need to take lots of pawns if you get the king right away... or queen, in this case. But I want Cersei to join the white walkers somehow, it would be really crazy but in a good kinda way.


Cersei will not lose in this war to Daenerys. She will die some other way in the last season.


Y'all already know when a character in this show starts getting too many wins he/she's gonna get that fat L real quick

Erich Bomke

Cersei will take down 2 of the 3 dragons with her ballistas, and you better believe Jamie and Tarly have something for the Dothraki. It is going to be 100% dependent on the North.

Irfan Malik

Daenerys still has the dragons and the dothraki army to use, what has Cersei got left?

Jude Miller

Cersei. I'm not sure if this counts, but we never saw what happened to the Unsullied. I assume Euron wrecks those on land as well as at sea. We didn't see him kill those in the Rock, but I'm sure they will, and that's a victory for Cersei.

Jacob Lowe

First episodes have shown Dany doesn't have the advisors to keep up with Jaime and Randyll but she does have a honored guest who has experience in strategy and is looking to gain her favor. I think Jon will play a role in Dany's first victory but only Jon strategically not with the North armies


I actually don't think neither of the two Will stand victorious in the end. However, If we're talking about the next win, I have a feeling the scales Will start tippning in Danaerys' favor. It all depends on how long it takes for the Kingslayer to become the Queenslayer aswell. I think it's a matter of when, not if :)


I feel Dany's armies still have the advantage on land, its just on sea where they get their butts kicked. I think if the Unsullied march from Casterley Rock and the Dothraki/Dragons from Dragonstone inland they'll soon turn the tide. Eurons strength is his ships, not his army.


I think the majority of the unsullied will be okay, I don't think Eurons men can take them on land. They'll just have to march across Westeros to meet up with Dany, which could work to their advantage in the end.


Dany is due for a W


I think Dany and the horde will attack Jamie on his way back from High Garden, besides burning his army, she will take the gold. As for the Unsullied, they are safe from Euron, the Ironborn don't fight on land. The Unullied will probably march down to meet Dany and the rest of her forces at the Reach.


Jon snooow will be the one true queen

Ryan Gordy

I want them to have to catch a Wight "alive" as proof lol


Dany will win because she is pissed and when dany is pissed fire and blood come . tyrion will be shaken and fear her mad king side. If dany destroys the lannister tarly army.


Dang needs a fucking victory. She is getting destroyed at the minute.

Connor Arbuthnot

This has nothing to do with the poll, but if they do manage to kill a dragon, could the Night King make it into a white dragon? and instead of fire, it breaths ice.


More creativity in polls please. this is pretty bad


Do you think Bran will warg into a dragon since the three eyed raven said 'you will fly'?


I don't know how Cersei will have another victory, but I think she will and it will result in them fleeing to the north.


Daenerys will overestimate her dragons capabilities and fuck it up somehow.


I think the next victory has to go to Dani as she's gunna bust out some dragons and woop some Cersei ass!


I think Denny will have next victory. Because she lost whole her army and allies. She will have to win next one to have chance for victory!

Dylan Carpenter

I think Cersei will have the next victory, but it will not be against Dany. Cersei has defeated her enemies to the west and the south, and she has weakened the enemy to the east. Cersei is well informed, so it's only a matter of time before she learns Jon and Dany are talking, making Jon and the North her next targets.


I think Dany is going to attack the gold shipment from highgarden to Kingslanding because gold wins wars.


Up to this point, wildfire has been shown as an incredible destructive force. Imagine a scenario where Cersei would lay a trap for Daenerys, luring her into an area loaded with wildfire. And then then BOOM. But then we have Daenerys walking out of green flames, unburnt. Although where things are right now, Daenerys is rarely alone. So in this scenario, she would most likely be in the company of other characters and we would be losing some beloved cast members. Also wildfire has an explosive nature, and while fire cannot kill a dragon, flying debris can. So perhaps the scene could require a dragon protecting and dying for its mother. The result could give Daenerys the absolute motivation to flat out murder Cersei.


So we've all seen the trailers hopefully and the clip with the battlefield and the dragons i believe this is dany burning the lannister/ tarly army with jamie riding with the spear and he will injure a dragon :D !

Cadmus Lochlan

Danny, Jon, and Bran will ride/worg the three dragons and lay waste to Jamie, killing him and allowing Arya to steal his face and kill cersei. The End. P.s. White Walkers win.


Dany keeps losing since she's not really playing to all her strengths by using fleets and sieges. She needs to catch the Lannister army in an open field and she can take them with her dothraki horde

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 17:53:52 大きなおっぱいとムッチムチの下半身最高すぎる!😍😍😍
2017-08-01 16:46:39 i hope the end is dark, if the White Walkers win and they had to leave westeros but saved a lot of people would be a cool end...hope the end is not happy and predictble.

i hope the end is dark, if the White Walkers win and they had to leave westeros but saved a lot of people would be a cool end...hope the end is not happy and predictble.


Dany will win when Cersei hears the NORTH IS ON DANYS SIDE!


I think she will lead her dragons to save the Unsullied from the siege. Afterwards, I have a feeling the Unsullied may go a bit north to take either Riverrun or the Twins from the small amount of Lannisters camped there. Strategic, well provisioned, close to her Northern allies.

Jen A. Blue

Danaerys has to have the next victory, because one more loss and there's no way she can believably win at all--and even if that's the way the show's going to go, it's way too soon in the season for that.


I also think that Danaerys will lose a dragon at the cost of taking down Euron, but the trauma that she feels after losing one of her babies and the knowledge that she and her children are not invincible will cripple her to the point that Circe will take advantage of her and win the next battle afterwards


Cercei became a lot stronger with the aid of Randyll Tarly especially now that the Tyrell's are gone the remaining houses of the reach will likely join him and thus Cercei.

Dalton Vance

I think Dany will destroy the gold shipment that Cersei scavenged from Tyrell. That will put pressure on Cersei with the Iron Banks of Braavos.


somethings gonna happen with that gold shipment. It would be awesome of Sir Jorah Mormont somehow helped in the capture of it on the way back from Oldtown. but I think that if this is how it happens, Jorah will get injured in the fighting and will die just before or after he gets to stormhaven


Hi, new to this, how do I watch the full reaction video, what do I need to sync, just became $10 per month Patrwon, thanks


Considering the time skips this season, I assume the gold is already in Braavos, so I'm unsure exactly how, but Dany will have the next win. Maybe by securing an alliance with the North. A marriage would solve their current impasse. Just saying. (The North returns to the Iron Throne and Jon remains King). Maybe there's a reason I'm not writing this show.


Hi Brittney, you will need to check for the posted link on this Patreon page to the Blind Wave Full Length Google Drive which changes every month (just the link does, the content doesn't expire) and you will need either your own copy of what you are watching, or find a source to watch it from, as Full Length is their reactions only ,plus the background sound from the show) and sync that as best you can to the time stamp on the bottom of the screen. Hope that helps!


if there's only 7 episodes in this season, it's about time for things to start swinging back into Daenerys's favor I think. But there could be a lesson in there that motivates her to focus on the North....


Olenna told Dany to be a dragon. After basically losing three times, being a dragon is starting to look a good option.


It was implied that Joffrey sent the assassin because he was pissed after Tyrion slapped him and told him to go humble himself before Lady Stark and an unconscious Bran. Littlefinger lied about the dagger and had probably never even seen it before. He was just taking advantage of the whole situation in order to continue edging the Starks and Lannisters towards war.


Dany will get her victory next time. Cersei has had all the victories this season and Dany is yet to unleash her dragons


Not that I like Cersei or wan't or her to win (I absolutely hate her), but I can't discredit how intelligent she is.


I think Dany will get the next win, but it mightn't be as big as Cerseis two.


I think Daenerys will learn from her defeats & next victory will be hers it may not be a big one but a victory nonetheless


Team Fire and Ice will win this next battle!


For Fuck's sake, let her have ONE win in Westeros, or she might go back to Meereen, and who the hell wants that?


as much as i dislike it... i think daeny will take the next battle


I believe she's going to TAKE TO THE SKIES with her dragons and BURN THEM ALL!!! MWWWAHAHAHAHAH


Cersei, they'll build her ego more and let her feel invincible before her inevitable death at the hands of Jamie. But I will hate every second of that build up.

Tina L

I voted Dany because of the rule of three in storytelling. Dany has lost three allies and appears due for a win. Besides if she doesn't win a battle soon there is a chance people are going to grow tired of wanting for Danny to prove she is capable of being the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms (six at best.)


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