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Do you think Ayra will Succeed in her Mission?



I bet Arya is gonna wear Jaime's face and kill cersi just sayin


I say no, I believe Arya will die in King's Landing, I don't know how yet


The scene with the good lannister men was there for a reason. I think Arya will start to show hesitation going forward resulting in her downfall.


This is my first time writing in a poll. I'm officially a Poll Rider now FeelsGoodMan. Now, as for what I want Arya to do: I would love Arya to go to Winterfell, team up with Sansa and kill Littlefinger.


I think she will end up going back to winterfell for some reason.


Honestly I just want to see the Starks all back together again but i feel like some shit is gonna go down. You know DAMN WELL the starks have never had a break or a long streak of good things happening to them and we need that asap bruh for the sake of our sanity lmao


No, because I see no way that Cersei's killer is anyone but Jaime. With the death of her children, Cersei is clearly going into a descent into madness, and she's going to issue an order which will remind Jaime of the Mad King, and he will add Kinslayer and Queenslayer to his titles. There's also the valonqar prophecy (Jaime is slightly younger than Cersei, making him a little brother to Cersei, technically), though at the moment I can't remember if they ever specifically mentioned the valonqar in the show

John S

She might succeed or at least get close if she actually makes it to Kings Landing but I dont think she will.


I fear her mission will consume her and she dies trying to get her revenge, I hope not but I can't see her abandoning her mission and i cant see her being the one to kill Cersei so that leaves me with the eerie feeling that she might die.


I'm guessing she'll encounter Melisandre who will convince her to go North and help Jon and let Arya kill her as her mission is done and she knows she has to pay for her sins and she's really old and alive through magic and ready to finally be done with life. Or she'll find Nymeria who will give her a sign to go north.


i really want her to return home and connect with her family - then kill cersei later


I made this comment before actually finishing the episode, but I'm still leaving it after seeing you talking about Jaime killing Cersei


Please just let all the remaining Starks have a happy reunion. Also I honestly would prefer it if Jamie kills Circe in the end. Great reaction loved it and I can't wait for the next one. :-) <3


I think she'll succeed and then she'll take Widow's Wail from King's Landing, rename it Icicle, and then go North to kill some White Walkers.


Im betting she will succeed, but I bet it will be after Cersei somehow escapes Kings Landing from Danearys. There is just no conceivable way Cersei can beat 3 dragons and 4 times the troops(unless Euron has the object Eric hinted at). Given that, I bet she will flee Kings Landing after setting off the Wild Fire(Danny house of undying vision) and get taken out somewhere else by Arya when she thinks she is safe.


Think she will learn about what's going on in the North from the Lannister soldiers, and head up to Winterfell.

Mimi M

I think she will kill Jamie first to get to the queen but we won't know that Jamie died.

Saania Jamal

I personally want Jaime to be the one to kill Cersei, "The Mad Queen." Plus, Arya's succeeded in swiftly killing everyone on her list so far, so I doubt she'll be able to fulfill it entirely. Also YES PLS JUST GO TO WINTERFELL ALREADY


I think Arya will end up killing Cersei. I can't remember who else is on her list though.

Jude Miller

I think Arya will get sidetracked when she bumps into the Red Woman and shenanigans follow

Lalisa Truong

I just want a reunion of all the Starks!!


Cersei prophecy was always to be killed by her younger brother right?

Red Claw

Arya is going to kill Cersei, while wearing Jamies face. So that the rest of the prophecy to her can come true.

Red Claw

The prophecy is she is going to be killed by her brother. It doesn't state which one. And Arya wearing Jamies face I think would still count as making the prophecy come true.


Don't think she'll succeed in killing Cersei, but she is too skilled and smart to get killed. She can do whatever she wants now!

Robert Quill

I want Arya to run into Gimly.


I hope that she goes to King's Landing, and runs into Gendry. Would rather a Stark reunion but that doesn't look to be happening. She still has to kill the Mountain, who is also on her list, so she could at least do that. But I want the real Jaime to kill Cersei, and not Arya disguised as Jaime


OK the Maggy the Frog Prophecy. I'm just going to throw this out here. - The show hasn't yet brought up the Valonqar part of the Maggy the Frog prophecy. It was noticeably absent. It was then book readers that told everyone. The reasons may be. That the show will go in a different direction. Or they didn't want to muddy the waters of a prophecy that has so far come true. Not fully, but enough for us to sit up and pay attention. Or they didn't want to explain the nuances of 'Valonqar' to the casual viewer. Let's break it down. GRRM uses the 'prophecy' differently. You never truly know if something is a true and open foretelling or not. In the case of Cersei. Much of the Maggy the Frog Prophecy has been self fulfilling. So the way Cersei believes it will happen. Is quite possibly exactly how it will happen. Because she is the driver of what's happened so far. But... The Maggy the Frog prophecy was given in the common tongue. Except for the one word. Valonqar. Which is High Valyrian. Cersei is told later that it means "little brother". And that's what she and us all, go on believing. But why disguise that one word? Also Maggy did not say, "Your" Valonqar but "The" Valonqar. Since Cersei sees Jaime and herself, as one. As her "male reflection". And not as a younger brother. She immediately assigns the meaning of Valonqar to Tyrion. And that is that. She hates him and fears him. and therefore creating motivation for Tyrion because of the way she has always treated him = self fulling. However in the books it's often mentioned that High Valyrian is the Dragon language. It's mentioned that Dragons have no fixed gender, that it is changeable. This is reflected in the language. As there is no true specific word to identify male or female. It can be one or the other or referring to both. In translating High Valyrian to the Common Tongue. Which is a language spoken in a patriarchal society. It's not a huge leap that 'Val' would be assigned in the male context. But that is a simplification of how that word is used with in the context of the High Valyrian conversation. So it is a misundestanding. Not completely wrong but not altogether right. So who do we know that is the younger* of living members of a house made up of only siblings. Who is changeable. Who has been both disguised and killing as female or male? *"Little" doesn't have to mean youngest. Just to add another theory. Going off the one I just posted. It could be Euron He is the younger brother that killed his older brother the king. In a house of Siblings. He is going after Cersei. He is a pirate. And has no sense of loyalty outside his own needs. It could fit the younger sibling, the willingness to kill and take all she holds dear. (which.. What's left.. Her power?) Plus we have seen Cersei deliberately create situations that caused her harm and sadness. The Sparrows for example. Or what happened to her children. Or well doing her brother in Winterfell and getting sprung. It wouldn't be hard to see her giving Euron the ability to fulfill the rest of the prophecy. Self Fulfilling. Or it could be Jaime or Tyrion or the Hound.. Or anybody because that's how some of the prophecies work in this world.


I think perhaps she'll get a reminder of her family being at Westeros. Perhaps she meets Nymeria in the woods or maybe she'll get to the cross roads and go to travel south and decide to take the northern road instead.

Red Claw

Your statement made me think she could be killed by Viserys or Rogal, because they are smaller than Drogon.


She can't go home, she's a different person now. Dude Jorah should just go to KL and start annointing Lanister soldiers, now that Danys here they'd take any religion right now.


I think that Qyburn is well informed about the Faceless Men and I believe that he somehow "enhanced" the Mountain so that he might be able to see trough such illusions which will cause her to fail. There has to be a way to prevent Faceless Men offing monarchs, otherwise it would become an uncontrollable plot device. There has to be something to balance them out. This will cause Arya to fail in assassinating the Queen, and instead heads back up to Winterfell.


I kinda hope that when she makes it to King's Landing she runs into westeros' premier rowing champion.

Stephanie Idoumghar

Since the prophecy is that Cercei ll be killed by her little brother I dont think that Arya ll do it. I think and hope that on her way to Kingslanding she ll meet Gendry and then go to the North.


if my girl dies before she see's Jon i will Fudging burn the wall down myself and let theknight's King do his business {:-[


I think she might....the prophecy is that Cersi is to be killed by her little brother. I think Arya will end up killing Jamie, stealing his face, and killing Cersi.


I think aria is gonna kill jaime and then put his face on and kill cercei! This way the profecy would still be true and aria would kill her anyways xp this would be amazing * . *

Alex Hernandez

As much as I want her to go home I don't think it would be the best thing for the story. I like the idea of her heading South better then going home. I just feel that while it's something that most viewers want I don't think she'd have much to do if she did. I like to see these characters doing things instead of standing around. The story has to come before giving us what we desire. To many shows I like have ruined good stories by giving fans what they want all the time. All that said i don't think she will kill Cersei.


While I do wish she would, GoT has a long track record of not going the way we want it to. So I'm sure something will interfere :( But then again, Arya's List has been quite effective so far, so we gonna have two major plot powers clashing with each other.

Shawn Lester

There is nothing at Winterfell for her anymore. Everyone she cared about is either dead or away. As for Sansa, even though I'd like them to reunite, it won't be ahappy reunion. Sansa's grown too cold-hearted, and is rapidly becoming like everyone else that Arya fights against. I would MUCH rather see a reunion between her and Jon. And also Bran: They haven't even spoken to each other onscreen in the whole series!


I think determination has a lot to say, she wants all to see what happens when you hert, or kill or even spite her loved ones, her dad's head was taken in front of her, her brother & his wife were killed before she could meet up with them. She wants revenge!

Doug C

While Cersi may seem protected by the prophecy that she is killed by her younger brother, most prophecies are twisted some how. I think the twist will be that she's killed by Arya DISGUISED AS JAMIE!.


I hope she goes to kill Cersei and gets found out or caught and as she's about to die she says "Not Today" and pulls off something incredible.


Go home Arya, someone needs to keep Sansa from betraying Jon.


During the break I guessed she would meet up with some old faces on route, either Gendry, the Hound or Mel. And they would connect her with the old Arya, remind her there is more to life then killing. I still think this will happen, the Hound seems to far north and going the wrong way but Mel could still be on the kingsroad and it is anyone guess where Gendry is. Hopefully they will get her compass pointing true north again.


So afraid that Arya is gonna underestemate cercie's guard, particulary zombie mountain and gets killed


I think Arya has been in vengeance mode for awhile and hasn't let anything else sway her. I think the scene with the soldiers was created to awaken the other parts of Arya not consumed with vengeance. She had a moment of levity and she is reminded that not all soldiers are evil and it may have sparked the sentimental part of her which I think will get kicked into overdrive when she hears about her family in winterfell which will cause her to abandon her mission, for now, and reunite with them.


Do you think that the dragon skulls in the kings landing dungeon will come into play in any way?


i think both aria killing cerci and the propachy are both going to happen, aria will kill her using jamies face, and no u dont need to kill them to have their face as her teacher when he died and she kept taking his faces off the last one was her


I Put No Because I think she will meet Nymeria and She will want to Go Home When hears Jon is there. She could still Kille Cersei but in Season 8.


Yeah I think she will be heading to winterfell and on the way meet nymeria

Jen A. Blue

What I want to see happen: Euron's "gift" for Cersei is Tyrion, kidnapped in a raid on Daenarys' forces. Arya meets him in a dungeon while she's skulking around King's Landing trying to get to Cersei, he persuades her to help him escape. How sweet would it be to have Arya and Tyrion traveling across Westeros together?


I think she succeeds but not in the way we all are thinking she will. My personal favorite is that she kills Jaimie and Arya/Jaimie kills Cersei. This would also fulfill the other prophecy from Maggie the Frog that was not shown.


I love Arya but I agree that she has become a little bit over powered. Overall I think she will succeed in her mission but will have a slight step back when she arrives to kings landing. Since the mountain is also on her list I think this may come first, to kill Cersi she must first take out the mountain which will be difficult.


I think Arya will kill Illyn Payne first steal his face, find Joffery's sword Widows Wail and then kill Ceresi the same way they killed Ned Stark.


Love Arya so much but would love to see her turn north and meet with Hound and hopefully Jon+Sansa. Those reunions would be powerfuls, to really show the changes in her compared to her what she was like on season 1.

Erich Bomke

Im sure Jaime will end up killing his sister, but it would be glorious if Arya killed Jaime, stole his face, and then used it to kill the Queen!


I just hope she finds Gendry

Marcelo Eloy Pierre Jorge

I'm with Melanie, she might get sidetracked... Melisandre did say they would meet again.


I think she will run into Gendry at the inn where hot pie is and he will encourage her to go home because she will learn that her sister and Jon are in Winterfell. I would love to see Arya Gendry and Hot Pie re united along with her Wolf


Melisandre is next on her kill list and is heading south too, they're bound to run into each other.


She needs to run into hot pie and his ball kicking abilities

Katie Stubbs

I really want to have a full Stark reunion at some point this season. Looks like Bran maybe going back to Winterfell after he finds out whats happend with Jon.


My guess she'll fail, cos she'll be late.


Can arya just go kill the sand snakes. I know it wouldn't make sense story line wise, but it would make me happy. Plus their story line never makes sense anyways too so it would be poetic justice.

Jasmine King

I'm really under the impression that Jaime will be deeply involved with Cercei's death if it comes down to it. I feel like he had a redemption arc that changed him, and though he loves her he won't allow his sister to become another mad monarch (Although she's already done too much)

Doby Greg

Jaimie or Danny make the most sense in who gets to kill Cersei. She already killed several people for her goal and has plenty other direction for her character. I am sure that such an important death will be save for someone else. And she really needs to go meet the king of the North.


I think she will but not yet.. she goes to winterfell first


do you feel adding Ed Sheeran effected the illusion of the world they've built ??


I think people getting mad over Ed Sheeran is dumb. It's a season premiere cameo, lighten up.


I believe her running into Nymeria (may happen book reasons Nym has been in the riverlands since season 1), will give her a check and realizing she's a Stark and she must go home and not go South or she was lying to the soldiers about heading south either ones possible


{7X2 Question} Do you guys think that the sand snakes poisoned Euron Greyjoy when the cut him on the ship? Because they have a reputation for poisoning their blades in battle, such as what Oberyn did to the Mountain.


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