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Do you want Barry Allen to return before the first 5 episodes of Season 4, or do you want longer repurcussions to this finale?



After midseason finale


I want him to have a long break but I doubt that will be the case after what they did with flashpoint.

Jacob Lowe

Come back mid season finale with new powers he's gained from being in the speed force for so long


Maybe he won't be back physically within 5 episodes but I'd like to see him help or teach Wally from the speedforce and manipulate things


He will return before episode 8 at the least as episode 8s are the cross-over episode.


But lets face it. He'll be back by episode 2


I don't want him back for at least the first 5 episodes, with Wally taking the flash mantle like in the comics. Then Barry can return, due to the new villain and the speed force letting him go to help save the city. Could they somehow do a time skip to make it, like he was in there longer?

Jude Miller

I could handle 2 or 3 episodes without Barry, but imo 5 is too long. That is, unless their mini-boss arc for Kid Flash is super compelling.


I'll go eather way. I love the flash but I think Wally filling in for him Should be given a chance as well. But when Supergirl needs him,& he 's still in the speed force who's explaining that one to her?


he'll be back in the first episode,

Chris Royer

I want season 4 to be mostly Wally West Flash, with maybe in the finale or close to it, Barry escapes the speed force in an epic moment, then season 5, because him and Iris are together again, Bart arrives from the future to set up Impulse for Season 5


i want them to try out wally as the protaginist for the season, if its good he can be the flash for few seasons, 2 or 3. If its not being recieved well by the midseason finale then have barry come back, either way i want them to wait so that when he comes back it will be a big deal like the comics.

Agni Kai

He'll make an appearance in probably the last couple minutes of the first episode, there's no way a series regular will not be in 5 episodes


While it would be nice to see Wally be the flash grant is the main character we should definitely see him in the 1st episode in the speedforce


I can see Barry being gone for 5-6 episodes then when the big bad of the season proves themself to be too much for the team to handle, Barry Allen returns.


I suppose they could get around that by having him in flashbacks, E2 doppelganger or in visions/ dreams/ hallucinations.

Kevin Bartelen

It wouldn't be the same show without Barry, but so far these things never seem to last for more than one episode for him so I do hope they take their time with it for this one.


A long leave if the writing is good. But 5 episodes is a long time for the MC to be out of the show. That's like five weeks and two month-long breaks in CW time.


I would love to see Wally shine as Kid Flash. Maybe with a bit of mentoring from Harry and Jay Garrick

Red Claw

He'll return Episode 1 of Season 4 as Flashpoint was resolved in one Episode. I call Bullsh*** on this ending, because there's no way Grant Gustin isn't back for season 4.




Having Ollie out of Arrow for a few episodes was one of the best things that season, maybe this show can do the same to help right itself!


Barry won't be gone anywhere near that long. Andrew Kriesberg has made it a point in the past that this show is and will always be about Barry Allen being the flash. Kriesberg has specifically said that there is a reason the show is called the flash and not the flash and friends. Barry will be gone for the 6 month time skip and be back by the end of the first episode.


I voted for Barry coming back within the first five episodes but, after thinking about it more I wished I voted for the second option lol I actually think it would be interesting to see Barry in the Speed Force and what his new role will be now within it, while also learning about what the rest of Team Flash is up to and how they have moved on or are dealing with the loss of three friends. By this I mean Barry sacrificing himself, HR dying, and Caitlin leaving. In a way they have all left Team Flash in some way that has affected them all.


Also they just did flash point and now they're going to do Rebirth they are really burning through storylines here.


Sorry guys, Grant Gustin is the star of the show. He'll be back quickly and I don't want a show without him personally.


I like to see how the team copes without him for the first half of the season. He will probably come back first episode though.


Is it really Rebirth though? I thought for sure at the beginning it looked like it then when the discussion of Barry going into the speedforce I thought okay no lol. Does he come back out and notice a bunch of people are speedsters? I don't know if they will do that just yet


I want to see the episodes in season 4 to open with Wally saying "My Name Is Wally West and I Am The Fastest Man Alive" since Barry is gone and Wally will start going by the flash, maybe even get a red suit.


I think Barry gets pulled out of the speed force in the last scene of the mid season finale.


Problems in Flash get resolved way too fast so I hope this will take longer then 5 episodes.


Barry now leaves his family more than Goku


Return to show in the very first episode still trapped in the speed force but return to team Flash in the mid season. Speed Force episodes.


they gonna solve this within the first 2, max. 3 episodes and than he will be beack. just like flashpoint this season


If we are going rebirth than I'm thinking we will get a few without him with other group, but maybe some solo scenes of him and how he gets back. Maybe even Barry as Black Flash!!!


I think it'd be good to wait like 6 episodes before Barry comes back


It would be a great change of pace for the show if they gave him a break


After like 5 episodes, whoever is the main villain tries to kill Wally or any other member of Team Flash and Barry returns outta nowhere, punches the villain in the face and saves him/her just like how Goku saves Gohan from Bojack in Dragon Ball Z - Bojack Unbound "MY SON NEEDS MY HELP!"


he can be shown but not return, but let the others have some character building first since it's already a good chance to do it.


Can we vote the writers for this season don't return instead?

Jen A. Blue

He should come back in the first episode, BUT we get Arrow-style flashbacks all season about how Team Flash dealt with him being gone.


Love the Flash! Hate the solution with Savitar. Should've sent him to another Earth 38. #SuperSavitar^^


Im assuming there will be a time jump between now and the next season, so he'll probably return in the first or second episode. But I really want Wally to shine as the main Flash so I hope Barry stays away for a few episodes.


I love barry Allen and although the first flash i saw ever was wally i like what grant gustin has been able to do with this character he is the one and only Flash


i hope that it takes years for barry to get out like maybe a decade, he gets out with new mastery over the speedforce sees everythings gone to shit and he runs to the past, this would essentailly mean barry gets like 10 years of training inside the speed force comes out better than ever, this would also mean that barry would be like barry from the comics where inside the speedforce barry is the fastest/strongest speedster period it will also me we will get to have speedster grod


I want to see Barry return from the speedforce out of no where. But it's gotta be epic, especially with that awesome flash theme of his that blake neely made.


he has to return for the crossover.. duh :D


No, if you have the balls to pull off the disappearance into the speed force story then have the balls to actually have it mean something next season. It's a total cop out if they bring Barry back in the first few episodes. Barry's return from the speed force needs to be epic and a surprise when the situation is dire.


For the story arc no keep him away, but im not thinking the character who plays Wally is a strong enough lead. Who else is gonna carry the show??? I think he has to come back within the 1st 5 episodes...


I have to disagree with you Rollapiece, I think he can & in the berry suit to boot. Look he made a promise to berry, Who tought him well. Thanks to berry he can phase,run with some speed. The only problem that could come up would be Supergirl. She knows berry, & might not trust anyone else.


Flashpoint lasted 1 episode, I doubt Barry will be gone longer than a couple of episodes? Even though I'd like him to be.

Michael Yust

I want him to be gone but that would require story progression beyond what CW is capable of. The status quo is God not Savitar. Also the ending was just a dumb way for them to add on a cliffhanger.

Kevin Echeverria

I don't care I just want the show to be good again.

Michael Yust

This entire show is just cop outs to avoid having to progress. It would be par for the course. Also a deus ex machina cliffhanger does not take balls.


His goodbye scene at the very end did remind me a bit of what Goku ultimately did in the Cell Games to save the world.


I've said since Wally West showed up that I want him to become "The Flash" for at least one whole season, then in the season finale Barry returns and Wally heads off to Legends to help as "Kid Flash" again


The first half of season 4 should just be a buddy-cop type show with Cisco and Wally lol. I just want a little bit of levity after all the depressing crap.


Since he's not actually dead he's obviously coming back. I really want to see Wally grow and be the flash for a while. A lot of people hate on him but I think he could be great not being in the shadow of Barry. I honestly wouldn't mind Barry to be gone till near the back half of season 4. This episode needs to mean something and not copy the same trend as flash point


He is the Flash but he should not return in episode one. They should make time had past a year and things are bad. In Episode 2 you can have the Best Wells and Sisco rescue plan for Berry with maybe Supergirls help but it should be a Secret mission.

k c

Is no one going to talk about how sad it is that HR won't get his threesome?


I think hell be back in episode 3 because i need grant gustin. Also barry and iriswedding needs to happen beforere the mod seson.its called flash not kid flash


He should Return by the Mid Season Finale


He should return later in the season but I doubt they will do that

Mimi M

He should be back after the midseason finally. But i think they will do it by 3rd or 4th episode.


There's absolutely no way they keep Grant Gustin out for that long (I'm certain he'll be back by the end of the second episode at the latest), but I think they should keep him out until the mid-season finale. It would certainly be nice for other character growth (especially for Iris, as I'd seen many complaints of her not being a character, but just a plot device in Season 3). And it could be interesting to see Barry try to fit back into the new dynamic the team will build in his absence. Especially if we get another new Wells (Harry's staying for now, but who knows what will happen) But yeah, there's no way it will actually happen that way


Have him come back in the mid season finale. The tease at the end have Barry come back but the team doesn't find out until the mid season premiere.


I think Barry should be gone for the first six episodes but comes back right at the end of ep. 6, then ep.7 can be all about the gang making up for lost time. This way Barry will be back for the crossover in ep.8 and then he can deal directly with the repercussions of his absence in eps. 9 and 10. I also like the idea of The Thinker being the main villain for next season as I've felt for quite a while that the show needed a seasonal antagonist that isn't a speedster, Wally may be super fast but he's not nearly as bright as Barry, it'd be nice to see The Thinker take advantage of the fact that the new Flash is more brawn than brain... and by the time Barry comes back, Thinker could have found a way to nullify the speed force (via anti-speedster weaponry like in the comics) by studying Wally. This could get exciting!


I think they should bring him back pretty quick, cuz even though I like the idea of s3 having more lasting repercussions, it would just be really off without him for too long. Like, some of the weakest episodes of arrow were right after he left mid-season three. I dont want that kind of thing to happen on Flash


I hope we get to see him return around episode 4-6, but in episodes 1-3 we can see him in the speed force doing whatever he's doing.


This show doesn't like to change up its status quo too much, so I can't see Barry being gone for too long. Flashpoint lasted for all of one episode, so I expect this arc to last about as long. I could be wrong, though - surprise me, Flash writers!

Weiss Schnee

they need to be able to handle themselves without him for a while. then a big crisis happens and he comes out of the speedforce surging with lighting and faster than ever like a badass

Christopher McBride

Not sure if this was questioned, but doesn't Tracy not see HR's real face the way the rest of the team does? Did I miss a scene when HR made it so the woman can see his real face. If not, then she should not have been shocked when she saw Harrison.


I really hope he doesn't return within the first 5 episodes because we would never feel those stakes if it feels like he never left. It also gives them opportunities to explore/do something different but the show would never do something so bold.


I want barry to stay there until a situation comes that the speed force knows only he can handle. And when he returns hes alot more calm and happy like amnesia barry


I dont think Barry is coming back this season. Thats no to say we won't see him, just that he won't be back. He'll still be in the Speed-force, but he may be able to communicate with his friends. He can provide knowledge, advice, and mentor Wally from inside the Speed-force.


I think it will be like Flash Point, it will be resolved within an episode (maybe two) and then they'll move on with the story


In the comics, when Barry was gone Wally was the Flash for a very... long... time... Wally is the superior speedster and they even acknowledge that on the show so I hope they give him some time to be the star like he deserves


i don't see them going past the crossover which is usually around episode 8 so they could bring him back around 5 or 6 but my gut says they will pull a flashpoint and do one episode


I don't want him to return immediately, but five episodes is a bit much. 3 would be my pick.

Rubi Moon

I think there will be a few episodes without Grant but he will be teased multiple times before finally returning him episode 10


No Grant Please. I wanna see the team flash and Iris try to cope without Barry. I wanna see Walley to step up and try to protect Central City and I wanna see HR now please