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Who has the best team?

Team Arrow: Green Arrow, Deathstroke, Nyssa AlGhul, Dark Archer

Team Prometheus: Prometheus, Talia AlGhul, Black Siren, Artemis



Team Prometheus because Black Siren 😁


Team Arrow by a multiverse. Malcome and Slade are about to kick some ass.


Deathstroke > EVERYONE


Team Arrow and I can't wait for the fight scenes.


Team Arrow because they have the most badass-to-good writing ratio. Plus as the episode progresses they have more potential members that can join the fight: Black Canary, Spartan, Speedy, Wild Dog, Lance, Mr. Terrific, Bitch with Wifi.


Team Arrow all the way Duh


Seeing Manu Bennett back just makes team arrow better in every way.


Team Arrow. They got three people trained by Ra's and the League (Nyssa, Malcom and Oliver). Plus even without the mirakuru Slade is a formidable opponent. Only thing they really have to worry about is Black Canary


I want to see Slade and Oliver vs Prometheus. Merlin and Nyssa vs Talia and ninjas. Thea gets loose and takes on Artemis. Canary shows up and takes on Black Siren. Rest of team can help kill ninjas.


Maybe Deathstroke will murder Artemis to prove to Manu that he won't lose to little girls any more


I didn't noticed til now, Prometheus has a harem. Gotta make up for losing that waifu I gues. lol


Team Arrow is going to deliver a good old-fashioned beat down on Team Prometheus' collective smug ass.


Fuck Adrian Chase and Fuck Artemis. Team Arrow has Ragman. Ragman is love. Ragman is life.


Team arrow of course


Just realised you meant the temporary teams of the episodes but i dont care. RAGMAN


team arrow, Deathstroke is always a win, I wonder if he will keep his promise to Oliver


I Would say that Nyssa Alghul, Would have a few words with her sister, Talla Alghul, about how her husband should be treated. And how there father wanted this to be after prophecy, Came true for him. Then Deathstroke will tell Black Siren, how Oliver is his to kill, & no one else's. Dark Archer wont banty words, just start shooting Artemis.& Green Arrow will pare off with Prometheus. In the end green arrow team will win. Because its the last episode then Deathstroke & Dark Archer will turn against Arrow & Nyssa & team to give the clef hanger.


Adrian : I have an army. Oliver : We have Deathstroke.


deathstroke by himself is a better than team Prometheus BTW good luck keeping merlin nyssa AND deathsroke from killing people Oliver

Darth Skhorrn

The fight is decidedly stacked in Oliver's favor. Promtheus and Talia are really the only two who are real contenders, but Oliver has a whole team of winners with Nyssa, Merlyn, and most importantly, SLADE. Prometheus has a decent shot against any individual member of Team GA, but Artemis severely hurts his team's odds. If this is a fantasy leauge, she's poinson. And I'm not forgetting about Black Siren, she's just too emotionally unstable.


They should hav a whole episode dedicated to Boomerang's life abandoned by oliver and slade


Now if Prometheus has gotten Grodd, he'll get my vote


I think Team Arrow Is Missing Another Member and My Money says Vigilanti will appear and we will see who he is because we have not seen him. Or Ragman will return when Deathstroke betrays oliver.

Greg Alan

deathstroke makes this a runaway


Deathstroke should be able to solo it, then it cuts away to the rest of the team in a bar somewhere


Death Stroke is hinting at an adoption he wants to be Williams granddaddy


If they replaced Artemis with someone more skilled, Team Prometheus could could give Team Arrow a run for their money.


Team Arrow. Of course. It's a team of ALL-Stars!


Team Arrow? whats that? Team SLADE


You know Prometheus fucked up when he didnt think the producers of the show would get Manu Bennet back as Slade.. Team Arrow ftw!! I do hope they keep Talia, Siren and Chase after this season.. kill off Artemis


Slade better kill someone next episode.


Deathstroke puts Team Arrow over the top. But even if they didn't have him, Evelyn would still bring down Team Prometheus. Also, the fact that Black Siren's loyalty to Adrian is only based on a promise he probably won't keep. Adrian's unstable and so is his team.


Depend's on which side Vigilante takes!


Nyssa Alghul is on team Arrow. That's all the arguments you need.


You have the Green Arrow who never misses and Deathstroke on the same team without even mentioning Malcolm Merlin and Nyssa AlGhul its already a no brainier. Also can't wait to see the inevitable Canary vs Canary battle


How on earth is Oliver going to get Deathstroke to side with him? As cool as this is going to be, I can't logically see how this is going to work.


I Voted for Team Prometheus, because I feel bad for them due to the fact they're about to get their asses kicked by the All Star Arrow Team


Team Arrow of course but I'm obviously expecting Prometheus to play dirty and have lots of tricks in store for Oliver.