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It's time for the June movie stream and since this is Landon's Birthday Month we're going to celebrate with a ton of HIS favorite movies! Something he's lovingly putting under the theme: "Oops, All Asians!" And turns out I haven't seen a bunch of these so I'm so excited!

As always the stream will be on https://www.twitch.tv/filmcrithulk and it will start TODAY starting at 11am pacific time.

To the line-up! All the following descriptions were written by Landon!

"1100am - Pre-Roll!

1110am - First Cow (2019) - First up is First Cow! I think this got released right before the panini hit so I don’t think a lot of people had a chance to see it. As far as its inclusion here goes, one of the leads is Asian and also the movie slaps so that’s good enough for me. You’ve seen Pig, now get ready for the OTHER great barn animal film!

115pm - Better Luck Tomorrow (2002) - I’ve never seen this but Hulk likes it so we’re putting it here! It’s got John Cho and Sung Kang and if that’s not a surefire recipe for a poggers time idk what is. (Hulk note: this is Justin Lin's first movie and has also been officially canonized as the FAST AND FURIOUS prequel by both Lin and Kang, whose character is literally named Han)

300pm - Her Love Boils Bathwater (2016) - So this is the movie I’m most excited/nervous to show. I don’t think this ever got a proper western release (not even on streaming) which would explain why I and probably most of you had never even heard of this film. I watched it on my trip back from Japan on a whim and it may have been the most I’ve ever cried on a plane? I don’t often get a chance to introduce films I feel like I “discovered” so this one’s kinda big for me. You might not get another opportunity to check this one out, so try not to miss it. Warning: this film deals heavily with cancer stuff.

510pm - Bad Genius (2017) - Imagine an Ocean’s film but everyone’s a fuckin nerd and the heist is cheating on the SATs! This was the breakout film from Thailand in 2017 and for good reason. This movie’s a blast and I can’t wait to show it (and as Hulk keeps reminding me, apparently has the exact same premise as the 2004 film The Perfect Score. I promise this one is better.)

725pm - Shoplifters (2018)- And in the prime time slot I’m programming one of my absolute favorite films of all time. It’s about found families! It kinda broke me! Masterpiece! LETS CRY TOGETHER

930pm - Shadow (2018)  - Can’t have an Oops-All-Asians stream without a kickass martial arts film! Take a break from all the emotional gut punches with maybe the coolest umbrella movie ever made!

1130pm - Secret Screening #1 - A movie that will weirdly get you to question the meaning of existence!

1250am - Secret Screening #2 - A radical departure from the previous movie!

* * *

There we have it! I can't wait to watch and see you then :)




There's a pretty neat profile in GQ about Better Luck Tomorrow https://www.gq.com/story/better-luck-tomorrow-oral-history


Ebert's epic review of Secret Screening #1: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/pokemon-the-first-movie-1999


FYI Secret Screenings were Pokemon: The First Movie and then... Hosoda's 40 minute Digimon.