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I don't have much to add to the glowing adoration that so many seem to had. I feel like she's been a perfect comedy fixture of my entire life. But there's just this little anecdote I remember Seth Meyers saying on a podcast about the time she hosted SNL in her 80's. When asked what made her so good, he sort of hemmed against the mystery of it and put it so simply: "the thing is she's just really good at telling jokes." Yup. It's all that simple yet critical stuff. Timing. Commitment. Awareness. Imbuing the reality of a character while saying it. She could land almost any kind of joke. Which means she could walk into any project and make it better just by being there. 

RIP to the great one and <3 to y'all for a shit end to the year.



Mike St Louis

Thanks for that. I was really counting on her getting to 100. What an amazing career! Hope for a better 2022 to you and all our community.


This post was a refreshingly gentle way to find out she passed. I'm still pretty devestated, but this was so much better than most celebrity death news coverage. RIP to a legend.