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Hey all,

Just a reminder that we're going to be doing a another twitch stream marathon today starting at 4pm Pacific Time and going into night. And it will once again be right here at this channel: https://www.twitch.tv/filmcrithulk

Given that the holidays this year, the theme is "TROUBLES WITH TRAVELS!" which basically amounts to a vague theme in which we get to slot some fun movies in where people have fun with vehicles and getting from point A to point B.

To the lineup!

4 pm - Fun Pre-show Clips!

420 pm -  The Muppet Movie (1979) - Quite possibly the greatest movie ever made - and CERTAINLY the best road trip movie. I will accept no slander.

6 pm - Speed (1994) - It made Sandy Bullock a star and Keanu an action heart-throb. Bonus points for its portrait of the LA transit nightmare.

8 pm - The Taking of Pelham 123 (1974) - Just a regular day on the New York City subway, amiright?!?! But luckily, the great Walter Matthau is here to talk ya through it.

945 pm - Hooper (1978) - I know it's a lot of 70's films on the list, but everyone needs to learn that Burt Reynolds was actually pretty amazing and nothing shows his chops off like this stunt movie riot. Get ready for mayhem.

1130 pm - Secret Screening #1

130 am - Secret Screening #2 (if people are still up and feeling it!)

* * *

Also, note that I'm sort of picking this date based on my schedule, but feel free to sound off in comments if it's a really bad one to pick with everyone moving about?

Anyway, hurray!



I was thinking about your content warning at the beginning of Pelham. While it's a good thing you did that (it would have sucked for a lot of people to come across that without any warning), unless I missed something the only real racist comment was from Mr. Gray, and it was to indicate that his character was an asshole. So it really wasn't as bad as it could have been. And I will leave you with this: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTVmOTFlOTMtODg2OC00ODM0LWE2M2EtNWRkZjdlYjM1YzFiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjAwODA4Mw@@._V1_.jpg

Jacob F Keller

Goes without saying but HUGE thanks to Film Crit Hulk and Landon for doing this again. I had a great time and got to see 2 films I wasn't familiar with (Muppets and Pelham). Pelham was fantastic! Thanks for introducing me to it.