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It's just I've been up all night after the shooting of Halyna Hutchins. Its not just that I somewhat know a few people who worked with her. Its not just that Maga scumbags already using it as ammo for their dark horrors. It's that I can't explain how unspeakable this is. How many protocols are in place to prevent something like this from ever ever ever EVER be a possibility from happening. Especially after Brandon Lee. I'm so angry and sad and have so many thoughts racing through my head and we all just need to wait for more information. But I don't know. I just wanted to post for those here now and may add an edit. I'm just still shaking after nine hours. IATSE should have been on strike before this happened. Im just. I don't know. Sometimes I dont have words. Sometimes I post just hear others. Even if we're all at a loss.

UPDATE from LA times: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-10-22/alec-baldwin-rust-camera-crew-walked-off-set 



IATSE Local 44 confirmed the props master wasn't part of their props union. Just some New Mexico guy they brought on. I'm also hearing - and this needs to be confirmed - that this props master was out hunting with the prop gun the night before. That seems so insanely reckless and incompetent to be true, but we'll see. I think the producers are also responsible here for cutting corners by hiring a completely unqualified and dangerous person on set. This kind of cost-cutting behavior on productions puts people's lives at risk, and it's exactly part of the systemic failure of the industry that IATSE was threatening to strike against. If you don't have the budget to make a film safely, then you shouldn't be making that film. Or even worse, if you're an above-the-line person and you're cutting production costs in order to line your own pockets, you're a plague on our industry.


Again, waiting to see what info is true but if even half of this checks out... boiling rage.


https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-10-22/alec-baldwin-rust-camera-crew-walked-off-set There were three misfires with the prop-gun last week. This is criminally negligent.


Listening. Still beyond flabbergasted. Stay strong everyone.