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Time for a big deep dive on the incredible writing and rich symbolism of a "simple chase movie." PLEASE WATCH HERE:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K2YdftsywM So so happy with this one. Also like and subscribe and all that noise! It really actually super helps because we are slaves to the algorithm! Huzzuh!

And as always thank you to editor @LandonSDu who does all the actual hard work and is a complete champ. He is the entire reason these are funny and good and he's so ridiculously talented.



PS - trying to finish up the rebuilds column but I had 3000 words of NOTES alone, so I'm still mostly through the first draft. Will have for y'all soon!




Still learned something new!


Good stuff Hulk, thanks - jokes about unpronounceable Welsh names aside... I have a cousin Angharad dammit! ;-) All the chat about names got me thinking about Joe, and how he probably picked it to sound like just a regular guy who achieved Immortan status through hard work and commitment, just like all those regular wastelanders could "if they just put their minds to it".