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Endless thanks to everyone who came and watched movies on Friday's Twitch stream. My favorite part was how many of you were first time watchers of some of these! Watching people get to discover the madcap insanity of GREMLINS (the monologue!), The incredible chutzpah of THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT ("Chefs do that."), the nuclear levels of horniness in BATMAN RETURNS (*out of breath* "meow" *BOOM*) and then getting to make you cry with the secret feature of THE MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL was just pure joy.  As was the last second decision to put on the ENTIRETY of the Star Wars Holiday Special where we got to watch Chewie's father Itchy watch porn on a VR headset, which is a real thing that happened (23 of us somehow made it to the end!)

It was so much fun that we're gonna try and do movie streams once a month(ish) but it will probably rotate more around other holidays / themes, etc.  But I'll always keep you posted.

I just wanted to truly thank you all again so much and wanted to let you know I'll have an actual Christmas column for y'all on TOKYO GODFATHERS.

Sincerest, deepest thanks.





I didn't get to see the whole stream but I watched some of Muppets Christmas Carol and went about watching everything on this list on my own time. As someone who had never seen The Long Kiss Goodnight. I became a big fan. Solid list and I can't wait to show up for the next one.


This was so much fun! I'm a little sad i couldn't stay awake for the ultra secret star wars holiday special feature. But I'm glad to have rewatched some old favourites and discovered some new ones. I'd be so down for a viewing of Magic Mike XXL for the next one. Or a Knight's Tale, or Holy Motors, or something anything Ghibli. Whatever we'll do, I'm hyped!