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Gonna do a vote on the ones that didn't make it so far! Looking for a nice something to keep me busy watching / writing the next 24 hours and hoping the rest of you can find something too. <3



Poll looks like it's gonna be close between Only Yesterday and Promare, which are both great options but I think Promare is more cathartic at this time (how many other big dumb fun explodey action movies are there where the message is quite literally "Abolish ICE"?).


Hulk this poll was supposed to distract me from election anxiety, not cause it with a nailbiter tie.


Hey Hulk, It's late for this round but I would really love to see your take on Koe no Katachi / A Silent Voice


As an Only Yesterday fan and Australian, I wish this had preferential vot--oh whoops


We all know the Penquin block preferences would flow to Only Yesterday.


I think the only way to solve this is maybe do both...


Promare is a wild ride that constantly escalates scale but never forgets interiority and character stakes and it says pro- LGBTQIA and ACAB. Literally the perfect film