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So, what I want to get across is that I want to sort of unify my work flow/end products so they all look kind of cohesive and like, they belong together? So I'm gonna show a few examples of how I plan on doing requests and ccds from now on, aesthetically, so that they all look like they could be nicely grouped into categories. Hopefully the more examples you see below, the more you'll get what I mean!  


Chibis will be in this cutesy style, so no changes there. However I'm going to save them as transparent pngs with slight outlines around them, like this guy below! See the light blue outline there? Chibis will be sent out to clients with & without my watermark from now on as transparent png images.

Busts are the same! Sometimes they'll show shoulders, depends on what looks better! My watermark will always be there, but behind the image usually.

I used to write all the moves, nature, etc. on these but you've probably noticed I've phased that out. I hate writing, if I'm being honest, and aesthetically I think it looks better without. Pokefusions will now only be the illustration of the pokefusion+a pokeball IF SPECIFIED!

The same! No changes. :)



All CCDs will be formatted as the character design with that same outline style as the chibis on a flat color background with a color palette and watermark.

So yeah! That's it! Just wanted to clear that up moving forward! Thank you for reading, I hope that makes sense! :)


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