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Patreon is cracking down on my site so i'm having to delete a metric ton of drawings. Most of them don't make any sense, but there's nothing i can do about it or my account will get nuked, so i can only say sorry for the inconvenience. 


The Salt Miner

Didn't you have a SubStar? Maybe we can migrate there.


I have it but i stopped updating it because i had no subscribers there


You don't have to apologize. Patreon has some stupid rules.

Andy M

Can you bundle them up in a zip, so we can fetch them before they go? Also, what criteria are they applying?


I think if i dod that they would probably insta ban me XD Their criteria makes no sense at all. They say "sexual content of underage characters", but they consider that ANY underage character in ANY pose, even if it's just saying hello, constitutes ·sexual content". I've also had to delete several adult characters and several polls. Nothing makes sense.

Andy M

I suppose best to avoid anything open to interpretation?