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I got to 3.000 followers on Deviantart, and as i promised, i'm doing a Free Drawing Giveaway. To participate just follow me on twitter or facebook (or both for double the chances) and share my post with this image in it. The winner will be announced the day 1 of 2016, and may then ask me for a color drawing of whoever character they want.

To follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/kukuruyo

The post you have to retweet https://twitter.com/kukuruyo/status/678378921235243008

Follow on Facebook: http://facebook.com/kukuruyo

The post you have to share https://www.facebook.com/KuKuruYo/photos/a.884401854938469.1073741825.363837953661531/1068974799814506/?type=3&theater

My deviantart: http://kukuruyoart.deviantart.com

Support me on patreon for Mature exclusive content and rewards: http://patreon.com/kukuruyo



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