Concept art - Moba fighter Hera (Patreon)
2015-02-15 10:57:20
Another character for the Moba fighter project. All characters in the story were called by their nicknames and their real names were avoided one way or another. In this case Hera is a nickname from childhood, not an online nickname, as Hera doesn't like videogames or geeks in general.
She was the main character (Kara) best and only friend, she had a very adult and serious attitude and tried to take Kara out of gaming. She was going to be the character used to represent the "outside" mentality from the gaming world, usually mocking or criticizing gamers and geeks, but not incoherently, her critics were gona be real critics of real problems or attitudes inside the geek world, and she also were gonna have her biases challenged and her ideas modified by what she will see.
Essentially, she would be what an "Anita sarkeesian" character would be if she was well writen. The initial idea was for her not to be disliked since even in opposition to the main charaters she would not say any lies, or if she did she would be corrected and she would learn the lesson, but i supose that today the resemblance with Anita would make her to be disliked. Or maybe not, there's people who like Lilian woods in my comics even if she's in total opposition of gamergate.
Btw she was originally gona be a smoker, but i was told it looked bad on her so i changed it.
Otro personaje del proyecto Moba fighters, Hera. Todos los personajes en la historia eran llamados por motes y sus nombres reales eran evitados en toda la obra. En este caso Hera es un mote de la infancia y no un nick online, dado que a Hera no le gustan los videojuegos ni los frikis en general.
Era la mejor y una amiga de la protagonista (Kara) siempre intentando sacarla de los videojuegos. Iba a ser el principal personaje usado como oposición a la mentalidad gamer, siendo la mentalidad "de fuera", muchas veces burlandose o criticando, pero no serían criticas falsas, sino problemas reales del mundillo. Tiene una actitud adulta y seria así que cuando sus prejuicios fuesen desafiados modificaría sus ideas en lugar de seguir burlandose.
En esencia iba a ser lo que podría haber sido el personaje de Anita sarkeesian si estuviera bien escrito. La idea inicial era que no disgustase a los lectores, ya que diría cosas ciertas, y cuando no lo fueran sería corregida y aprendería la lección, pero supongo que a día de hoy la comparación con sarkeesian haría que disgustase. O quizá no, Lilian woods en mi comic esta cayendo bien a mucha gente a pesar de estar en oposición a gamergate
Por cierto que al principio iba a ser fumadora pero me dijeron que no la quedaba bien y lo cambie.